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<h1><a href="/">Autonomic</a></h1>
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Autonomic is a co-operative<br/>that is owned and run by its workers
We build technologies and infrastructure to empower users to make a positive</br>
impact on the world. All of our services reflect our commitment to our core values:
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<h2><a href="/blog/our-founding-principles/" class="link">Our Founding Principles</a></h2>
<p>Autonomic Co-operative And Our Core Values.</p>
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<h2>Services we offer</h2>
We design integrated infrastructure tailored to your needs utilising
technologies from <br/> the best free and open source software projects
available. Your data under your control.<br/> Here are some examples of
the applications we have deployed for our clients.
<ul class="features">
<li class="icon fa-paper-plane-o">
<h3>Encrypted Email</h3>
Secure your email communications with state of the art transport
encryption and <a href="https://0xacab.org/riseuplabs/trees">TREES</a>
encrypted mailbox storage.
<li class="icon fa-rocket2">
<h3>Text and Video Chat</h3>
Mobile friendly multi-channel team chat using <a href="https://rocket.chat/">Rocket.Chat</a>,
with no artificial limits on features. Vital for remote project coordination.
<li class="icon fa-cloud-o">
<h3>Cloud Storage and Collaboration</h3>
<a href="https://sandstorm.io/">Sandstorm</a> is a personal "cloud
in a box" , designed with the upmost security in mind. It allows you to
deploy apps for file-storage, collaborative document editing,
calendars, to-do lists and much more.
<li class="icon fa-headphones">
<h3>Voice Conferencing</h3>
Stable and low latency voice communications using <a href="https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/Main_Page">Mumble</a>.
Perfect for meetings, even with large groups, on mobile, or with low bandwidth.
<li class="icon fa-comments-o">
<h3>Forum and Mailing Lists</h3>
Build your online community with a modern and responsive forum with
<a href="https://www.discourse.org/">Discourse</a>. An accessible
replacement for traditional mailing lists.
<li class="icon fa-map-o">
<h3>Interactive Data and Mapping</h3>
Got some data? We can provide a variety of interactive data
visualisations, including mapping using <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a>,
and charts using <a href="https://d3js.org/">D3.js</a>. Get the most out of your
data by presenting it in a bespoke web app.
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<h3>Bespoke Development</h3>
For some problems, there may not be a pre-existing free software solution. Let
us guide you through the full development cycle to deliver your bespoke solution.
<li class="icon fa-lock">
<h3>Cybersecurity Training</h3>
A grounded and principled understanding of the cybersecurity domain can ensure
your organisation is not liable to any unwanted security threats. We provide
structured training.
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<h2>Get in Touch</h2>
<p>Contact us to discuss your project's needs and arrange a consultation.</p>
<p><a href="mailto:autonomic-coop@posteo.net">autonomic-coop@posteo.net</a></p>
If you use encrypted email, here is our <a href="/assets/pgp/autonomic-key.asc">PGP key</a>.
Our key fingerprint is: <br/><code id="fingerprint">82FC 87C5 1A71 902F DC10 2CF5 4F90 D55B B24B 1147</code>
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<li class="icon fa-creative-commons"> Autonomic Co-operative</li>
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