<p><strong>Co-operative Computer</strong> is an offering by <ahref="https://autonomic.zone">Autonomic Co-operative</a> to help people divest from corporate clouds and the surveillance capitalist ecosystem.</p>
<p>We provide <strong>dGaaS (De-Googling as a Service).</strong> No ads. No data mining. Don’t like it? Change it! Come and participate in the decision making processes instead of having stuff forced on you by a corporation.</p>
<li>One member, one vote, think of it like a <strong>Free Software Users Union</strong>!</li>
<li>Democratic say over how this works: everything can be voted on, including costs</li>
<p>For the moment, this service is operated by Autonomic Co-operative; we eventually plan to make a separate legal entity for Co-operative Computer to give users full control. Join in to have a say!</p>
<li>After that, it’s £3 / month for 5 GB storage (if you’re based in the UK/EU then + 20% VAT) - if you want more than 5GB send us a mail and we’ll get back to you with a quote.</li>