Consultancy, implementation, training and support services aroundthe open source CRM system, CiviCRM. We also helpour clients with their use of Civi’s two main host content management systems, Drupal and WordPress. Alongside this we provide wider advice and serviceson business process improvement, digital comms and marketing.
CiviCRM is a web-based constituent relationship management system geared to the needs of third sector organisations. Integrated with your Drupal or WordPress website, it provides an effective suite of services designed to provide you with a 360 degree view of your contacts, improveyour communications, reduce your admin overhead and streamline online revenue flows.
And of course we help with hosting, domain names, SSLencryption, mail hosting and all of that sort of thing that is oftenpart and parcel of the projects we get involved in.
Our ethos is to provide our clients with the tools, skills and expertise they need to achieve their goals without being forever dependent on people like us. We like using open source software for the same basic reasons.