2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
< ? php
* Import and Export data .
* @ package Core\Portability
* Handles the portability workflow .
* @ package ET\Core\Portability
class ET_Core_Portability {
* Current instance .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ type object
public $instance ;
* @ var ET_Core_Data_Utils
protected static $_ ;
* Whether or not an import is in progress .
* @ since 3.0 . 99
* @ var bool
protected static $_doing_import = false ;
* Constructor .
* @ param string $context Portability context previously registered .
public function __construct ( $context ) {
$this -> instance = et_core_cache_get ( $context , 'et_core_portability' );
self :: $_ = ET_Core_Data_Utils :: instance ();
if ( $this -> instance && $this -> instance -> view ) {
if ( et_core_is_fb_enabled () ) {
$this -> assets ();
} else {
add_action ( 'admin_footer' , array ( $this , 'modal' ) );
add_action ( 'customize_controls_print_footer_scripts' , array ( $this , 'modal' ) );
add_action ( 'admin_enqueue_scripts' , array ( $this , 'assets' ), 5 );
public static function doing_import () {
return self :: $_doing_import ;
* Import a previously exported layout .
* @ since 3.10 Return the result of the import instead of dieing .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param string $file_context Accepts 'upload' , 'sideload' . Default 'upload' .
* @ return bool | array
public function import ( $file_context = 'upload' ) {
global $shortname ;
$this -> prevent_failure ();
self :: $_doing_import = true ;
$timestamp = $this -> get_timestamp ();
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
$temp_file_id = sanitize_file_name ( $timestamp );
$temp_file = $this -> has_temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_import' );
$include_global_presets = isset ( $_POST [ 'include_global_presets' ] ) ? wp_validate_boolean ( $_POST [ 'include_global_presets' ] ) : false ;
$global_presets = '' ;
if ( $temp_file ) {
$import = json_decode ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ), true );
} else {
if ( ! isset ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ] ) || ! et_ () -> ends_with ( sanitize_file_name ( $_FILES [ 'file' ][ 'name' ] ), '.json' ) ) {
return array ( 'message' => 'invalideFile' );
if ( ! in_array ( $file_context , array ( 'upload' , 'sideload' ) ) ) {
$file_context = 'upload' ;
$handle_file = " wp_handle_ { $file_context } " ;
$upload = $handle_file ( $_FILES [ 'file' ], array (
'test_size' => false ,
'test_type' => false ,
'test_form' => false ,
) );
* Fires before an uploaded Portability JSON file is processed .
* @ since 3.0 . 99
* @ param string $file The absolute path to the uploaded JSON file ' s temporary location .
do_action ( 'et_core_portability_import_file' , $upload [ 'file' ] );
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_import' , $upload [ 'file' ] );
$import = json_decode ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ), true );
$import = $this -> validate ( $import );
// Check if Import contains Google Api Settings.
if ( isset ( $import [ 'data' ][ 'et_google_api_settings' ] ) && 'epanel' === $this -> instance -> context ) {
$et_google_api_settings = $import [ 'data' ][ 'et_google_api_settings' ];
$import [ 'data' ] = $this -> apply_query ( $import [ 'data' ], 'set' );
if ( ! isset ( $import [ 'context' ] ) || ( isset ( $import [ 'context' ] ) && $import [ 'context' ] !== $this -> instance -> context ) ) {
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_import' );
return array ( 'message' => 'importContextFail' );
$filesystem -> put_contents ( $upload [ 'file' ], wp_json_encode ( ( array ) $import ) );
// Upload images and replace current urls.
if ( isset ( $import [ 'images' ] ) ) {
$images = $this -> maybe_paginate_images ( ( array ) $import [ 'images' ], 'upload_images' , $timestamp );
$import [ 'data' ] = $this -> replace_images_urls ( $images , $import [ 'data' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $import [ 'global_colors' ] ) ) {
$import [ 'data' ] = $this -> _maybe_inject_gcid ( $import [ 'data' ] );
$data = $import [ 'data' ];
$success = array ( 'timestamp' => $timestamp );
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_import' );
if ( 'options' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
// Reset all data besides excluded data.
$current_data = $this -> apply_query ( get_option ( $this -> instance -> target , array () ), 'unset' );
if ( isset ( $data [ 'wp_custom_css' ] ) && function_exists ( 'wp_update_custom_css_post' ) ) {
wp_update_custom_css_post ( $data [ 'wp_custom_css' ] );
if ( 'yes' === get_theme_mod ( 'et_pb_css_synced' , 'no' ) ) {
// If synced, clear the legacy custom css value to avoid unwanted merging of old and new css.
$data [ " { $shortname } _custom_css " ] = '' ;
// Import Google API settings.
if ( isset ( $et_google_api_settings ) ) {
// Get exising Google API key, sine it is not added to export.
$et_previous_google_api_settings = get_option ( 'et_google_api_settings' );
$et_previous_google_api_key = isset ( $et_previous_google_api_settings [ 'api_key' ] ) ? $et_previous_google_api_settings [ 'api_key' ] : '' ;
$et_google_api_settings [ 'api_key' ] = $et_previous_google_api_key ;
update_option ( 'et_google_api_settings' , $et_google_api_settings );
// Merge remaining current data with new data and update options.
update_option ( $this -> instance -> target , array_merge ( $current_data , $data ) );
set_theme_mod ( 'et_pb_css_synced' , 'no' );
// Pass the post content and let js save the post.
if ( 'post' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$success [ 'postContent' ] = reset ( $data );
do_shortcode ( $success [ 'postContent' ] );
$success [ 'migrations' ] = ET_Builder_Module_Settings_Migration :: $migrated ;
$success [ 'presets' ] = isset ( $import [ 'presets' ] ) && is_array ( $import [ 'presets' ] ) ? $import [ 'presets' ] : ( object ) array ();
if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$preset_rewrite_map = array ();
if ( ! empty ( $import [ 'presets' ] ) && $include_global_presets ) {
$preset_rewrite_map = $this -> prepare_to_import_layout_presets ( $import [ 'presets' ] );
$global_presets = $import [ 'presets' ];
foreach ( $data as & $post ) {
$shortcode_object = et_fb_process_shortcode ( $post [ 'post_content' ] );
if ( ! empty ( $import [ 'presets' ] ) ) {
if ( $include_global_presets ) {
$this -> rewrite_module_preset_ids ( $shortcode_object , $import [ 'presets' ], $preset_rewrite_map );
} else {
$this -> apply_global_presets ( $shortcode_object , $import [ 'presets' ] );
$post_content = et_fb_process_to_shortcode ( $shortcode_object , array (), '' , false );
// Add slashes for post content to avoid unwanted unslashing (by wp_unslash) while post is inserting.
$post [ 'post_content' ] = wp_slash ( $post_content );
// Upload thumbnail image if exist.
if ( ! empty ( $post [ 'post_meta' ] ) && ! empty ( $post [ 'post_meta' ][ '_thumbnail_id' ] ) ) {
$post_thumbnail_origin_id = ( int ) $post [ 'post_meta' ][ '_thumbnail_id' ][ 0 ];
if ( ! empty ( $import [ 'thumbnails' ] ) && ! empty ( $import [ 'thumbnails' ][ $post_thumbnail_origin_id ] ) ) {
$post_thumbnail_new = $this -> upload_images ( $import [ 'thumbnails' ][ $post_thumbnail_origin_id ] );
$new_thumbnail_data = reset ( $post_thumbnail_new );
// New thumbnail image was uploaded and it should be updated.
if ( isset ( $new_thumbnail_data [ 'replacement_id' ] ) ) {
$new_thumbnail_id = $new_thumbnail_data [ 'replacement_id' ];
$post [ 'thumbnail' ] = $new_thumbnail_id ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'wp_crop_image' ) ) {
include ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php' ;
$thumbnail_path = get_attached_file ( $new_thumbnail_id );
// Generate all the image sizes and update thumbnail metadata.
$new_metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata ( $new_thumbnail_id , $thumbnail_path );
wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $new_thumbnail_id , $new_metadata );
if ( ! $this -> import_posts ( $data ) ) {
* Filters the error message when { @ see ET_Core_Portability :: import ()} fails .
* @ since 3.0 . 99
* @ param mixed $error_message Default is `null` .
if ( $error_message = apply_filters ( 'et_core_portability_import_error_message' , false ) ) {
$error_message = array ( 'message' => $error_message );
return $error_message ;
if ( ! empty ( $global_presets ) ) {
if ( ! $this -> import_global_presets ( $global_presets ) ) {
if ( $error_message = apply_filters ( 'et_core_portability_import_error_message' , false ) ) {
$error_message = array ( 'message' => $error_message );
return $error_message ;
if ( ! empty ( $import [ 'global_colors' ] ) ) {
$this -> import_global_colors ( $import [ 'global_colors' ] );
$success [ 'globalColors' ] = et_builder_get_all_global_colors ();
return $success ;
* Initiate Export .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param bool $return
* @ return null | array
public function export ( $return = false ) {
$this -> prevent_failure ();
et_core_nonce_verified_previously ();
$timestamp = $this -> get_timestamp ();
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
$temp_file_id = sanitize_file_name ( $timestamp );
$temp_file = $this -> has_temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
$apply_global_presets = isset ( $_POST [ 'apply_global_presets' ] ) ? wp_validate_boolean ( $_POST [ 'apply_global_presets' ] ) : false ;
$global_presets = '' ;
$global_colors = '' ;
$thumbnails = '' ;
if ( $temp_file ) {
$file_data = json_decode ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ) );
$data = ( array ) $file_data -> data ;
$global_presets = $file_data -> presets ;
$global_colors = $file_data -> global_colors ;
} else {
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
if ( 'options' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$data = get_option ( $this -> instance -> target , array () );
// Export the Customizer "Additional CSS" value as well.
if ( function_exists ( 'wp_get_custom_css' ) ) {
$data [ 'wp_custom_css' ] = wp_get_custom_css ();
if ( 'post' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
if ( ! ( isset ( $_POST [ 'post' ] ) || isset ( $_POST [ 'content' ] ) ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
$fields_validatation = array (
'ID' => 'intval' ,
// no post_content as the default case for no fields_validation will run it through perms based wp_kses_post, which is exactly what we want.
$post_data = array (
'post_content' => stripcslashes ( $_POST [ 'content' ] ), // need to run this through stripcslashes() as thats what wp_kses_post() expects.
'ID' => $_POST [ 'post' ],
$post_data = $this -> validate ( $post_data , $fields_validatation );
$data = array ( $post_data [ 'ID' ] => $post_data [ 'post_content' ] );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'global_presets' ] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore ET.Sniffs.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- filter_post_data() function does sanitation.
$post_global_presets = $this -> _filter_post_data ( $_POST [ 'global_presets' ] );
$global_presets = json_decode ( stripslashes ( $post_global_presets ) );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'global_colors' ] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore ET.Sniffs.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- filter_post_data() function does sanitation.
$post_global_colors = $this -> _filter_post_data ( $_POST [ 'global_colors' ] );
$global_colors = json_decode ( stripslashes ( $post_global_colors ) );
if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$data = $this -> export_posts_query ();
$data = $this -> apply_query ( $data , 'set' );
// Export Google API settings.
if ( 'epanel' === $this -> instance -> context ) {
$et_google_api_settings = get_option ( 'et_google_api_settings' , array () );
// Unset google api_key settings to prevent exporting it.
if ( isset ( $et_google_api_settings [ 'api_key' ] ) ) {
unset ( $et_google_api_settings [ 'api_key' ] );
$data [ 'et_google_api_settings' ] = $et_google_api_settings ;
if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$used_global_presets = array ();
$used_global_colors = array ();
$options = array (
'apply_global_presets' => true ,
foreach ( $data as $post ) {
$shortcode_object = et_fb_process_shortcode ( $post -> post_content );
if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) {
$used_global_colors = $this -> _get_used_global_colors ( $shortcode_object , $used_global_colors );
if ( $apply_global_presets ) {
$post -> post_content = et_fb_process_to_shortcode ( $shortcode_object , $options , '' , false );
} else {
$used_global_presets = array_merge (
$this -> get_used_global_presets ( $shortcode_object , $used_global_presets ),
if ( ! empty ( $used_global_presets ) ) {
$global_presets = ( object ) $used_global_presets ;
if ( ! empty ( $used_global_colors ) ) {
$global_colors = $this -> _get_global_colors_data ( $used_global_colors );
// put contents into file, this is temporary,
// if images get paginated, this content will be brought back out
// of a temp file in paginated request
$file_data = array (
'data' => $data ,
'presets' => $global_presets ,
'global_colors' => $global_colors ,
$filesystem -> put_contents ( $temp_file , wp_json_encode ( $file_data ) );
$thumbnails = $this -> _get_thumbnail_images ( $data );
$images = $this -> get_data_images ( $data );
$data = array (
'context' => $this -> instance -> context ,
'data' => $data ,
'presets' => $global_presets ,
'global_colors' => $global_colors ,
'images' => $this -> maybe_paginate_images ( $images , 'encode_images' , $timestamp ),
'thumbnails' => $thumbnails ,
// Return exported content instead of printing it
if ( $return ) {
return $data ;
$filesystem -> put_contents ( $temp_file , wp_json_encode ( ( array ) $data ) );
wp_send_json_success ( array ( 'timestamp' => $timestamp ) );
* Serialize a single layout post in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param integer $id Unique ID to represent this layout serialization .
* @ param integer $post_id
* @ param string $content
* @ param array $theme_builder_meta
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array
public function serialize_layout ( $id , $post_id , $content , $theme_builder_meta = array (), $chunk = 0 ) {
$this -> prevent_failure ();
$fields_validatation = array (
// No post_content as the default case for no fields_validation will run it through perms based wp_kses_post, which is exactly what we want.
'ID' => 'intval' ,
$post_data = array (
// Need to run this through stripcslashes() as thats what wp_kses_post() expects.
'post_content' => stripcslashes ( $content ),
'ID' => $post_id ,
$post_data = $this -> validate ( $post_data , $fields_validatation );
$data = array ( $post_data [ 'ID' ] => $post_data [ 'post_content' ] );
$data = $this -> apply_query ( $data , 'set' );
$images = $this -> get_data_images ( $data );
$images = $this -> chunk_images ( $images , 'encode_images' , $id , $chunk );
$data = array (
'context' => 'et_builder' ,
'data' => $data ,
'images' => $images [ 'images' ],
'post_title' => get_post_field ( 'post_title' , $post_id ),
'post_type' => get_post_type ( $post_id ),
'theme_builder' => $theme_builder_meta ,
$chunks = $images [ 'chunks' ];
$ready = $images [ 'ready' ];
return array (
'ready' => $ready ,
'chunks' => $chunks ,
'data' => $data ,
* Serialize Theme Builder templates in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param integer $id Unique ID to represent this theme builder serialization process .
* @ param array $step
* @ param integer $steps
* @ param integer $step_index
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array | false
public function serialize_theme_builder ( $id , $step , $steps , $step_index = 0 , $chunk = 0 ) {
if ( $step_index >= $steps ) {
return false ;
$this -> prevent_failure ();
$temp_file_id = sanitize_file_name ( 'et_theme_builder_' . $id );
$temp_file = $this -> has_temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
if ( $temp_file ) {
$data = json_decode ( $this -> get_filesystem () -> get_contents ( $temp_file ), true );
} else {
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
$data = array (
'context' => 'et_theme_builder' ,
'templates' => array (),
'layouts' => array (),
'presets' => array (),
'has_default_template' => false ,
'has_global_layouts' => false ,
$chunks = 1 ;
switch ( $step [ 'type' ] ) {
case 'template' :
$header_id = $step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'header' ][ 'id' ];
$body_id = $step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'body' ][ 'id' ];
$footer_id = $step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'footer' ][ 'id' ];
$is_default = $step [ 'data' ][ 'default' ];
if ( 0 !== $header_id && ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $header_id ) ) {
$step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'header' ][ 'id' ] = 0 ;
if ( 0 !== $body_id && ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $body_id ) ) {
$step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'body' ][ 'id' ] = 0 ;
if ( 0 !== $footer_id && ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $footer_id ) ) {
$step [ 'data' ][ 'layouts' ][ 'footer' ][ 'id' ] = 0 ;
if ( $is_default ) {
$data [ 'has_default_template' ] = true ;
$data [ 'templates' ][] = $step [ 'data' ];
break ;
case 'layout' :
$post_id = $step [ 'data' ][ 'post_id' ];
$is_global = $step [ 'data' ][ 'is_global' ];
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) ) {
break ;
if ( 0 === $chunk && isset ( $data [ 'layouts' ][ $post_id ] ) ) {
// The layout is already exported.
break ;
if ( $is_global ) {
$data [ 'has_global_layouts' ] = true ;
$step_data = $this -> serialize_layout (
$id ,
$post_id ,
get_post_field ( 'post_content' , $post_id ),
array (
'is_global' => $is_global ,
$step_data [ 'data' ][ 'post_meta' ] = array_merge (
et_ () -> array_get ( $step_data , 'data.post_meta' , array () ),
et_core_get_post_builder_meta ( $post_id )
$data [ 'layouts' ][ $post_id ] = $step_data [ 'data' ];
$chunks = $step_data [ 'chunks' ];
break ;
case 'presets' :
$data [ 'presets' ] = $step [ 'data' ];
break ;
$ready = ( $step_index + 1 >= $steps ) && ( $chunk + 1 >= $chunks );
if ( ! $ready ) {
$this -> get_filesystem () -> put_contents ( $temp_file , wp_json_encode ( $data ) );
} else {
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_export' , array ( $temp_file_id => $temp_file ) );
return array (
'ready' => $ready ,
'chunks' => $chunks ,
'data' => $data ,
* Export Theme Builder templates in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param integer $id Unique ID to represent this theme builder export process .
* @ param array $step
* @ param integer $steps
* @ param integer $step_index
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array | false
public function export_theme_builder ( $id , $step , $steps , $step_index = 0 , $chunk = 0 ) {
$result = $this -> serialize_theme_builder ( $id , $step , $steps , $step_index , $chunk );
if ( false === $result ) {
return false ;
$temp_file_id = sanitize_file_name ( 'et_theme_builder_export_' . $id );
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
if ( $result [ 'ready' ] ) {
$this -> get_filesystem () -> put_contents ( $temp_file , wp_json_encode ( $result [ 'data' ] ) );
return array_merge ( $result , array (
'temp_file' => $temp_file ,
'temp_file_id' => $temp_file_id ,
) );
* Get whether an array represents a valid Theme Builder export .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param array $export
* @ return boolean
public function is_valid_theme_builder_export ( $export ) {
$valid_context = isset ( $export [ 'context' ] ) && $export [ 'context' ] === $this -> instance -> context ;
$has_templates = isset ( $export [ 'templates' ] ) && is_array ( $export [ 'templates' ] );
$has_layouts = isset ( $export [ 'layouts' ] ) && is_array ( $export [ 'layouts' ] );
return $valid_context && $has_templates && $has_layouts ;
* Import a single layout in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param string $id Unique ID to represent this layout serialization .
* @ param array $layout
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array | false
public function import_layout ( $id , $layout , $chunk = 0 ) {
$post_id = 0 ;
$import = $this -> validate ( $layout );
if ( false === $import ) {
return false ;
$import [ 'data' ] = $this -> apply_query ( $import [ 'data' ], 'set' );
if ( ! isset ( $import [ 'context' ] ) || ( isset ( $import [ 'context' ] ) && 'et_builder' !== $import [ 'context' ] ) ) {
return false ;
$result = $this -> chunk_images ( self :: $_ -> array_get ( $import , 'images' , array () ), 'upload_images' , $id , $chunk );
if ( $result [ 'ready' ] ) {
$import [ 'data' ] = $this -> replace_images_urls ( $result [ 'images' ], $import [ 'data' ] );
$post_type = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $import , 'post_type' , 'post' );
$post_title = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $import , 'post_title' , '' );
$post_meta = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $import , 'post_meta' , array () );
$post_type_object = get_post_type_object ( $post_type );
if ( ! $post_type_object || ! current_user_can ( $post_type_object -> cap -> create_posts ) ) {
return false ;
$content = array_values ( $import [ 'data' ] );
$content = $content [ 0 ];
$args = array (
'post_type' => $post_type ,
'post_content' => current_user_can ( 'unfiltered_html' ) ? $content : wp_kses_post ( $content ),
if ( ! empty ( $post_title ) ) {
$args [ 'post_title' ] = current_user_can ( 'unfiltered_html' ) ? $post_title : wp_kses ( $post_title );
$post_id = et_theme_builder_insert_layout ( $args );
if ( is_wp_error ( $post_id ) ) {
return false ;
foreach ( $post_meta as $entry ) {
update_post_meta ( $post_id , $entry [ 'key' ], $entry [ 'value' ] );
return array (
'ready' => $result [ 'ready' ],
'chunks' => $result [ 'chunks' ],
'id' => $post_id ,
* Import Theme Builder templates in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param integer $id Unique ID to represent this theme builder import process .
* @ param array $step
* @ param integer $steps
* @ param integer $step_index
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array | false
public function import_theme_builder ( $id , $step , $steps , $step_index = 0 , $chunk = 0 ) {
if ( $step_index >= $steps ) {
return false ;
$layout_id_map = array ();
$chunks = 1 ;
switch ( $step [ 'type' ] ) {
case 'layout' :
$presets = et_ () -> array_get ( $step , 'presets' , array () );
$presets_rewrite_map = et_ () -> array_get ( $step , 'presets_rewrite_map' , array () );
$import_presets = et_ () -> array_get ( $step , 'import_presets' , false );
$layouts = et_ () -> array_get ( $step [ 'data' ], 'data' , array () );
// Apply any presets to the layouts' shortcodes prior to importing them.
if ( ! empty ( $presets ) && ! empty ( $layouts ) ) {
foreach ( $layouts as $key => $layout ) {
$shortcode_object = et_fb_process_shortcode ( $layout );
if ( $import_presets ) {
$this -> rewrite_module_preset_ids ( $shortcode_object , $presets , $presets_rewrite_map );
} else {
$this -> apply_global_presets ( $shortcode_object , $presets );
$layouts [ $key ] = et_fb_process_to_shortcode ( $shortcode_object , array (), '' , false );
$step [ 'data' ][ 'data' ] = $layouts ;
$result = $this -> import_layout ( $id , $step [ 'data' ], $chunk );
if ( false === $result ) {
break ;
if ( $result [ 'ready' ] ) {
if ( ! isset ( $layout_id_map [ $step [ 'id' ] ] ) ) {
$layout_id_map [ $step [ 'id' ] ] = array ();
// Since a single layout can be duplicated multiple times if
// it's global we have to keep an array of duplicated ids.
$layout_id_map [ $step [ 'id' ] ][ $step [ 'template_id' ] ] = $result [ 'id' ];
$chunks = $result [ 'chunks' ];
break ;
$ready = ( $step_index + 1 >= $steps ) && ( $chunk + 1 >= $chunks );
return array (
'ready' => $ready ,
'chunks' => $chunks ,
'layout_id_map' => $layout_id_map ,
* Download temporary file .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param string $filename
* @ param string $temp_file_id
* @ param string $temp_file
* @ return void
public function download_file ( $filename , $temp_file_id , $temp_file ) {
$this -> prevent_failure ();
$filename = sanitize_file_name ( $filename );
header ( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' );
header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= \" { $filename } .json \" " );
header ( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
if ( file_exists ( $temp_file ) ) {
echo et_core_esc_previously ( $this -> get_filesystem () -> get_contents ( $temp_file ) );
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_export' , array ( $temp_file_id => $temp_file ) );
wp_die ();
* Download Export Data .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
public function download_export () {
$this -> prevent_failure ();
et_core_nonce_verified_previously ();
// Retrieve data.
$timestamp = isset ( $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field ( $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) : null ;
$name = isset ( $_GET [ 'name' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field ( rawurldecode ( $_GET [ 'name' ] ) ) : $this -> instance -> name ;
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( sanitize_file_name ( $timestamp ), 'et_core_export' );
header ( 'Content-Description: File Transfer' );
header ( " Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= \" { $name } .json \" " );
header ( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
header ( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
if ( file_exists ( $temp_file ) ) {
echo et_core_esc_previously ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ) );
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_export' );
exit ;
protected function to_megabytes ( $value ) {
$unit = strtoupper ( substr ( $value , - 1 ) );
$amount = intval ( substr ( $value , 0 , - 1 ) );
// Known units
switch ( $unit ) {
case 'G' : return $amount << 10 ;
case 'M' : return $amount ;
if ( is_numeric ( $unit ) ) {
// Numeric unit is present, assume bytes
return intval ( $value ) >> 20 ;
// Unknown unit ...
return intval ( $value );
} // end to_megabytes()
* Get selected posts data .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
protected function export_posts_query () {
et_core_nonce_verified_previously ();
$args = array (
'post_type' => $this -> instance -> target ,
'posts_per_page' => - 1 ,
'no_found_rows' => true ,
// Only include selected posts if set and not empty.
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'selection' ] ) ) {
$include = json_decode ( stripslashes ( $_POST [ 'selection' ] ), true );
if ( ! empty ( $include ) ) {
$include = array_map ( 'intval' , array_values ( $include ) );
$args [ 'post__in' ] = $include ;
$get_posts = get_posts ( apply_filters ( " et_core_portability_export_wp_query_ { $this -> instance -> context } " , $args ) );
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies ( $this -> instance -> target );
$posts = array ();
foreach ( $get_posts as $key => $post ) {
unset (
$post -> post_author ,
$post -> guid
$posts [ $post -> ID ] = $post ;
// Include post meta.
$post_meta = ( array ) get_post_meta ( $post -> ID );
if ( isset ( $post_meta [ '_edit_lock' ] ) ) {
unset (
$post_meta [ '_edit_lock' ],
$post_meta [ '_edit_last' ]
$posts [ $post -> ID ] -> post_meta = $post_meta ;
// Include terms.
$get_terms = ( array ) wp_get_object_terms ( $post -> ID , $taxonomies );
$terms = array ();
// Order terms to make sure children are after the parents.
while ( $term = array_shift ( $get_terms ) ) {
if ( 0 === $term -> parent || isset ( $terms [ $term -> parent ] ) ) {
$terms [ $term -> term_id ] = $term ;
} else {
// if parent category is also exporting then add the term to the end of the list and process it later
// otherwise add a term as usual
if ( $this -> is_parent_term_included ( $get_terms , $term -> parent ) ) {
$get_terms [] = $term ;
} else {
$terms [ $term -> term_id ] = $term ;
$posts [ $post -> ID ] -> terms = array ();
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$parents_data = array ();
if ( $term -> parent ) {
$parent_slug = isset ( $terms [ $term -> parent ] ) ? $terms [ $term -> parent ] -> slug : $this -> get_parent_slug ( $term -> parent , $term -> taxonomy );
$parents_data = $this -> get_all_parents ( $term -> parent , $term -> taxonomy );
} else {
$parent_slug = 0 ;
$posts [ $post -> ID ] -> terms [ $term -> term_id ] = array (
'name' => $term -> name ,
'slug' => $term -> slug ,
'taxonomy' => $term -> taxonomy ,
'parent' => $parent_slug ,
'all_parents' => $parents_data ,
'description' => $term -> description
return $posts ;
* Check whether the $parent_id included into the $terms_list .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $terms_list Array of term objects .
* @ param int $parent_id .
* @ return bool
protected function is_parent_term_included ( $terms_list , $parent_id ) {
$is_parent_found = false ;
foreach ( $terms_list as $term => $term_details ) {
if ( $parent_id === $term_details -> term_id ) {
$is_parent_found = true ;
return $is_parent_found ;
* Retrieve the term slug .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param int $parent_id .
* @ param string $taxonomy .
* @ return int | string
protected function get_parent_slug ( $parent_id , $taxonomy ) {
$term_data = get_term ( $parent_id , $taxonomy );
$slug = '' === $term_data -> slug ? 0 : $term_data -> slug ;
return $slug ;
* Prepare array of all parents so the correct hierarchy can be restored during the import .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param int $parent_id .
* @ param string $taxonomy .
* @ return array
protected function get_all_parents ( $parent_id , $taxonomy ) {
$parents_data_array = array ();
$parent = $parent_id ;
// retrieve data for all parent categories
if ( 0 !== $parent ) {
while ( 0 !== $parent ) {
$parent_term_data = get_term ( $parent , $taxonomy );
$parents_data_array [ $parent_term_data -> slug ] = array (
'name' => $parent_term_data -> name ,
'description' => $parent_term_data -> description ,
'parent' => 0 !== $parent_term_data -> parent ? $this -> get_parent_slug ( $parent_term_data -> parent , $taxonomy ) : 0 ,
$parent = $parent_term_data -> parent ;
//reverse order of items, to simplify the restoring process
return array_reverse ( $parents_data_array );
* Check if a layout exists in the database already based on both its title and its slug .
* @ param string $title
* @ param string $slug
* @ return int $post_id The post id if it exists , zero otherwise .
protected static function layout_exists ( $title , $slug ) {
global $wpdb ;
return ( int ) $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare (
" SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = %s AND post_name = %s " ,
array (
wp_unslash ( sanitize_post_field ( 'post_title' , $title , 0 , 'db' ) ),
wp_unslash ( sanitize_post_field ( 'post_name' , $slug , 0 , 'db' ) ),
) );
* Imports Global Presets
* @ since 4.0 . 10 Made public .
* @ param array $presets - The Global Presets to be imported
* @ return boolean
public function import_global_presets ( $presets ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $presets ) ) {
return false ;
$all_modules = ET_Builder_Element :: get_modules ();
$module_presets_manager = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: instance ();
$global_presets = $module_presets_manager -> get_global_presets ();
$presets_to_import = array ();
foreach ( $presets as $module_type => $module_presets ) {
$presets_to_import [ $module_type ] = array (
'presets' => array (),
if ( ! isset ( $global_presets -> $module_type -> presets ) ) {
$initial_preset_structure = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: generate_module_initial_presets_structure ( $module_type , $all_modules );
$global_presets -> $module_type = $initial_preset_structure ;
$local_presets = $global_presets -> $module_type -> presets ;
$local_preset_names = array ();
foreach ( $local_presets as $preset ) {
array_push ( $local_preset_names , $preset -> name );
foreach ( $module_presets [ 'presets' ] as $preset_id => $preset ) {
$imported_name = sanitize_text_field ( $preset [ 'name' ] );
$name = in_array ( $imported_name , $local_preset_names )
? $imported_name . ' ' . esc_html__ ( 'imported' , 'et-core' )
: $imported_name ;
$presets_to_import [ $module_type ][ 'presets' ][ $preset_id ] = array (
'name' => $name ,
'created' => time () * 1000 ,
'updated' => time () * 1000 ,
'version' => $preset [ 'version' ],
'settings' => $preset [ 'settings' ],
// Merge existing Global Presets with imported ones
foreach ( $presets_to_import as $module_type => $module_presets ) {
foreach ( $module_presets [ 'presets' ] as $preset_id => $preset ) {
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id = ( object ) array ();
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> name = sanitize_text_field ( $preset [ 'name' ] );
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> created = $preset [ 'created' ];
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> updated = $preset [ 'updated' ];
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> version = $preset [ 'version' ];
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> settings = ( object ) array ();
foreach ( $preset [ 'settings' ] as $setting_name => $value ) {
$setting_name_sanitized = sanitize_text_field ( $setting_name );
$value_sanitized = sanitize_text_field ( $value );
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> settings -> $setting_name_sanitized = $value_sanitized ;
// Inject Global colors into imported presets.
$preset_settings = ( array ) $global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> settings ;
$global_presets -> $module_type -> presets -> $preset_id -> settings = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: maybe_set_global_colors ( $preset_settings );
et_update_option ( ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: GLOBAL_PRESETS_OPTION , $global_presets );
$global_presets_history = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_History :: instance ();
$global_presets_history -> add_global_history_record ( $global_presets );
return true ;
* Import global colors .
* @ since 4.9 . 0
* @ param array $incoming_global_colors Global Colors Array .
* @ return void
public function import_global_colors ( $incoming_global_colors ) {
$global_colors = array ();
foreach ( $incoming_global_colors as $incoming_gcolor ) {
$key = et_ () -> sanitize_text_fields ( $incoming_gcolor [ 0 ] );
$global_colors [ $key ] = et_ () -> sanitize_text_fields ( $incoming_gcolor [ 1 ] );
$stored_global_colors = et_builder_get_all_global_colors ();
if ( ! empty ( $stored_global_colors ) ) {
$global_colors = array_merge ( $global_colors , $stored_global_colors );
et_update_option ( 'et_global_colors' , $global_colors );
* Import post .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $posts Array of data formatted by the portability exporter .
* @ return bool
protected function import_posts ( $posts ) {
* Filters the array of builder layouts to import . Returning an empty value will
* short - circuit the import process .
* @ since 3.0 . 99
* @ param array $posts
$posts = apply_filters ( 'et_core_portability_import_posts' , $posts );
if ( empty ( $posts ) ) {
return false ;
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
if ( isset ( $post [ 'post_status' ] ) && 'auto-draft' === $post [ 'post_status' ] ) {
continue ;
$fields_validatation = array (
'ID' => 'intval' ,
'post_title' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'post_type' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
if ( ! $post = $this -> validate ( $post , $fields_validatation ) ) {
continue ;
$layout_exists = self :: layout_exists ( $post [ 'post_title' ], $post [ 'post_name' ] );
if ( $layout_exists && get_post_type ( $layout_exists ) === $post [ 'post_type' ] ) {
// Make sure the post is published.
if ( 'publish' !== get_post_status ( $layout_exists ) ) {
wp_update_post ( array (
'ID' => intval ( $layout_exists ),
'post_status' => 'publish' ,
) );
continue ;
$post [ 'import_id' ] = $post [ 'ID' ];
unset ( $post [ 'ID' ] );
$post [ 'post_author' ] = ( int ) get_current_user_id ();
// Insert or update post.
$post_id = wp_insert_post ( $post , true );
if ( ! $post_id || is_wp_error ( $post_id ) ) {
continue ;
// Insert and set terms.
if ( isset ( $post [ 'terms' ] ) && is_array ( $post [ 'terms' ] ) ) {
$processed_terms = array ();
foreach ( $post [ 'terms' ] as $term ) {
$fields_validatation = array (
'name' => 'sanitize_text_field' ,
'slug' => 'sanitize_title' ,
'taxonomy' => 'sanitize_title' ,
'parent' => 'sanitize_title' ,
'description' => 'wp_kses_post' ,
if ( ! $term = $this -> validate ( $term , $fields_validatation ) ) {
continue ;
if ( empty ( $term [ 'parent' ] ) ) {
$parent = 0 ;
} else {
if ( isset ( $term [ 'all_parents' ] ) && ! empty ( $term [ 'all_parents' ] ) ) {
$this -> restore_parent_categories ( $term [ 'all_parents' ], $term [ 'taxonomy' ] );
$parent = term_exists ( $term [ 'parent' ], $term [ 'taxonomy' ] );
if ( is_array ( $parent ) ){
$parent = $parent [ 'term_id' ];
if ( ! $insert = term_exists ( $term [ 'slug' ], $term [ 'taxonomy' ] ) ) {
$insert = wp_insert_term ( $term [ 'name' ], $term [ 'taxonomy' ], array (
'slug' => $term [ 'slug' ],
'description' => $term [ 'description' ],
'parent' => intval ( $parent ),
) );
if ( is_array ( $insert ) && ! is_wp_error ( $insert ) ) {
$processed_terms [ $term [ 'taxonomy' ]][] = $term [ 'slug' ];
// Set post terms.
foreach ( $processed_terms as $taxonomy => $ids ) {
wp_set_object_terms ( $post_id , $ids , $taxonomy );
// Insert or update post meta.
if ( isset ( $post [ 'post_meta' ] ) && is_array ( $post [ 'post_meta' ] ) ) {
foreach ( $post [ 'post_meta' ] as $meta_key => $meta ) {
$meta_key = sanitize_text_field ( $meta_key );
if ( count ( $meta ) < 2 ) {
$meta = wp_kses_post ( $meta [ 0 ] );
} else {
$meta = array_map ( 'wp_kses_post' , $meta );
update_post_meta ( $post_id , $meta_key , $meta );
// Assign new thumbnail if provided.
if ( isset ( $post [ 'thumbnail' ] ) ) {
set_post_thumbnail ( $post_id , $post [ 'thumbnail' ] );
return true ;
* Restore the categories hierarchy in library .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $parents_array Array of parent categories data .
* @ param string $taxonomy
protected function restore_parent_categories ( $parents_array , $taxonomy ) {
foreach ( $parents_array as $slug => $category_data ) {
$current_category = term_exists ( $slug , $taxonomy );
if ( ! is_array ( $current_category ) ) {
$parent_id = 0 !== $category_data [ 'parent' ] ? term_exists ( $category_data [ 'parent' ], $taxonomy ) : 0 ;
wp_insert_term ( $category_data [ 'name' ], $taxonomy , array (
'slug' => $slug ,
'description' => $category_data [ 'description' ],
'parent' => is_array ( $parent_id ) ? $parent_id [ 'term_id' ] : $parent_id ,
) );
} else if ( ( ! isset ( $current_category [ 'parent' ] ) || 0 === $current_category [ 'parent' ] ) && 0 !== $category_data [ 'parent' ] ) {
$parent_id = 0 !== $category_data [ 'parent' ] ? term_exists ( $category_data [ 'parent' ], $taxonomy ) : 0 ;
wp_update_term ( $current_category [ 'term_id' ], $taxonomy , array ( 'parent' => is_array ( $parent_id ) ? $parent_id [ 'term_id' ] : $parent_id ) );
* Generates UUIDs for the presets to avoid collisions .
* @ since 4.5 . 0
* @ param array $global_presets - The Global Presets to be imported
* @ return array - The list of module types for which preset ids have been changed
public function prepare_to_import_layout_presets ( & $global_presets ) {
$preset_rewrite_map = array ();
$initial_preset_id = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: MODULE_INITIAL_PRESET_ID ;
foreach ( $global_presets as $component_type => & $component_presets ) {
$preset_rewrite_map [ $component_type ] = array ();
foreach ( $component_presets [ 'presets' ] as $preset_id => $preset ) {
$new_id = ET_Core_Data_Utils :: uuid_v4 ();
$component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $new_id ] = $preset ;
$preset_rewrite_map [ $component_type ][ $preset_id ] = $new_id ;
unset ( $component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $preset_id ] );
if ( $component_presets [ 'default' ] === $initial_preset_id && ! isset ( $preset_rewrite_map [ $component_type ][ $initial_preset_id ] ) ) {
$new_id = ET_Core_Data_Utils :: uuid_v4 ();
$component_presets [ 'default' ] = $new_id ;
if ( isset ( $component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $initial_preset_id ] ) ) {
$component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $new_id ] = $component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $initial_preset_id ];
unset ( $component_presets [ 'presets' ][ $initial_preset_id ] );
$preset_rewrite_map [ $component_type ][ $initial_preset_id ] = $new_id ;
} else {
$component_presets [ 'default' ] = $preset_rewrite_map [ $component_type ][ $component_presets [ 'default' ] ];
return $preset_rewrite_map ;
* Injects the given Global Presets settings into the imported layout
* @ since 4.5 . 0
* @ param array $shortcode_object - The multidimensional array representing a page / module structure
* @ param array $global_presets - The Global Presets to be imported
* @ param array $preset_rewrite_map - The list of module types for which preset ids have been changed
protected function rewrite_module_preset_ids ( & $shortcode_object , $global_presets , $preset_rewrite_map ) {
$global_presets_manager = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: instance ();
$module_preset_attribute = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: MODULE_PRESET_ATTRIBUTE ;
foreach ( $shortcode_object as & $module ) {
$module_type = $global_presets_manager -> maybe_convert_module_type ( $module [ 'type' ], $module [ 'attrs' ] );
$module_preset_id = et_ () -> array_get ( $module , " attrs. { $module_preset_attribute } " , 'default' );
if ( $module_preset_id === 'default' ) {
$module [ 'attrs' ][ $module_preset_attribute ] = et_ () -> array_get ( $global_presets , " { $module_type } .default " , 'default' );
} else {
if ( isset ( $preset_rewrite_map [ $module_type ][ $module_preset_id ] ) ) {
$module [ 'attrs' ][ $module_preset_attribute ] = $preset_rewrite_map [ $module_type ][ $module_preset_id ];
} else {
$module [ 'attrs' ][ $module_preset_attribute ] = et_ () -> array_get ( $global_presets , " { $module_type } .default " , 'default' );
if ( isset ( $module [ 'content' ] ) && is_array ( $module [ 'content' ] ) ) {
$this -> rewrite_module_preset_ids ( $module [ 'content' ], $global_presets , $preset_rewrite_map );
* Injects global color ids into the imported layout
* @ since 4.10 . 0
* @ param array $data - The multidimensional array representing a import object structure .
protected function _maybe_inject_gcid ( & $data ) {
foreach ( $data as $post_id => & $post_data ) {
if ( is_array ( $post_data ) ) {
$shortcode_object = et_fb_process_shortcode ( $post_data [ 'post_content' ] );
$this -> _inject_gcid ( $shortcode_object );
$data [ $post_id ][ 'post_content' ] = et_fb_process_to_shortcode ( $shortcode_object , array (), '' , false );
} else {
$shortcode_object = et_fb_process_shortcode ( $post_data );
$this -> _inject_gcid ( $shortcode_object );
$data [ $post_id ] = et_fb_process_to_shortcode ( $shortcode_object , array (), '' , false );
unset ( $post_data );
return $data ;
* Process and inject global color ids into the shortcode
* @ since 4.10 . 0
* @ param array $shortcode_object - The multidimensional array representing a page / module structure .
protected function _inject_gcid ( & $shortcode_object ) {
foreach ( $shortcode_object as & $module ) {
// No global colors set for this module.
if ( ! empty ( $module [ 'attrs' ][ 'global_colors_info' ] ) ) {
$colors_array = json_decode ( $module [ 'attrs' ][ 'global_colors_info' ], true );
if ( ! empty ( $colors_array ) ) {
foreach ( $colors_array as $color_id => $attrs_array ) {
if ( ! empty ( $attrs_array ) ) {
foreach ( $attrs_array as $attr_name ) {
if ( isset ( $module [ 'attrs' ][ $attr_name ] ) && '' !== $module [ 'attrs' ][ $attr_name ] ) {
$module [ 'attrs' ][ $attr_name ] = $color_id ;
if ( isset ( $module [ 'content' ] ) && is_array ( $module [ 'content' ] ) ) {
$this -> _inject_gcid ( $module [ 'content' ] );
* Injects the given Global Presets settings into the imported layout
* @ since 3.26
* @ param array $shortcode_object - The multidimensional array representing a page / module structure
* @ param array $global_presets - The Global Presets to be applied
protected function apply_global_presets ( & $shortcode_object , $global_presets ) {
$global_presets_manager = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: instance ();
$module_preset_attribute = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: MODULE_PRESET_ATTRIBUTE ;
foreach ( $shortcode_object as & $module ) {
$module_type = $global_presets_manager -> maybe_convert_module_type ( $module [ 'type' ], $module [ 'attrs' ] );
if ( isset ( $global_presets [ $module_type ] ) ) {
$default_preset_id = et_ () -> array_get ( $global_presets , " { $module_type } .default " , null );
$module_preset_id = et_ () -> array_get ( $module , " attrs. { $module_preset_attribute } " , $default_preset_id );
if ( $module_preset_id === 'default' ) {
$module_preset_id = $default_preset_id ;
if ( isset ( $global_presets [ $module_type ][ 'presets' ][ $module_preset_id ] ) ) {
$module [ 'attrs' ] = array_merge ( $global_presets [ $module_type ][ 'presets' ][ $module_preset_id ][ 'settings' ], $module [ 'attrs' ] );
} else {
if ( isset ( $global_presets [ $module_type ][ 'presets' ][ $default_preset_id ][ 'settings' ] ) ) {
$module [ 'attrs' ] = array_merge ( $global_presets [ $module_type ][ 'presets' ][ $default_preset_id ][ 'settings' ], $module [ 'attrs' ] );
if ( isset ( $module [ 'content' ] ) && is_array ( $module [ 'content' ] ) ) {
$this -> apply_global_presets ( $module [ 'content' ], $global_presets );
* Restrict data according the argument registered .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $data Array of data the query is applied on .
* @ param string $method Whether data should be set or reset . Accepts 'set' or 'unset' which is
* should be used when treating existing data in the db .
* @ return array
protected function apply_query ( $data , $method ) {
$operator = ( $method === 'set' ) ? true : false ;
foreach ( $data as $id => $value ) {
if ( ! empty ( $this -> instance -> exclude ) && isset ( $this -> instance -> exclude [ $id ] ) === $operator ) {
unset ( $data [ $id ] );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> instance -> include ) && isset ( $this -> instance -> include [ $id ] ) === ! $operator ) {
unset ( $data [ $id ] );
return $data ;
* Serialize images in chunks .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param array $images
* @ param string $method Method applied on images .
* @ param string $id Unique ID to use for temporary files .
* @ param integer $chunk
* @ return array
protected function chunk_images ( $images , $method , $id , $chunk = 0 ) {
$images_per_chunk = 5 ;
$chunks = 1 ;
* Filters whether or not images in the file being imported should be paginated .
* @ since 3.0 . 99
* @ param bool $paginate_images Default `true` .
$paginate_images = apply_filters ( 'et_core_portability_paginate_images' , true );
if ( $paginate_images && count ( $images ) > $images_per_chunk ) {
$chunks = ceil ( count ( $images ) / $images_per_chunk );
$slice = $images_per_chunk * $chunk ;
$images = array_slice ( $images , $slice , $images_per_chunk );
$images = $this -> $method ( $images );
$filesystem = $this -> get_filesystem ();
$temp_file_id = sanitize_file_name ( " images_ { $id } " );
$temp_file = $this -> temp_file ( $temp_file_id , 'et_core_export' );
$temp_images = json_decode ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ), true );
if ( is_array ( $temp_images ) ) {
$images = array_merge ( $temp_images , $images );
if ( $chunk + 1 < $chunks ) {
$filesystem -> put_contents ( $temp_file , wp_json_encode ( ( array ) $images ) );
} else {
$this -> delete_temp_files ( 'et_core_export' , array ( $temp_file_id => $temp_file ) );
} else {
$images = $this -> $method ( $images );
return array (
'ready' => $chunk + 1 >= $chunks ,
'chunks' => $chunks ,
'images' => $images ,
* Paginate images processing .
* @ since 1.0 . 0
* @ param $images
* @ param string $method Method applied on images .
* @ param int $timestamp Timestamp used to store data upon pagination .
* @ return array
* @ internal param array $data Array of images .
protected function maybe_paginate_images ( $images , $method , $timestamp ) {
et_core_nonce_verified_previously ();
$page = isset ( $_POST [ 'page' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'page' ] : 1 ;
$result = $this -> chunk_images ( $images , $method , $timestamp , max ( $page - 1 , 0 ) );
if ( ! $result [ 'ready' ] ) {
wp_send_json ( array (
'page' => $page ,
'total_pages' => $result [ 'chunks' ],
'timestamp' => $timestamp ,
) );
return $result [ 'images' ];
* Get all thumbnail images in the data given .
* @ since 4.7 . 4
* @ param array $data Array of data .
* @ return array
protected function _get_thumbnail_images ( $data ) {
$thumbnails = array ();
foreach ( $data as $post_data ) {
// If post has thumbnail.
if ( ! empty ( $post_data -> post_meta ) && ! empty ( $post_data -> post_meta -> _thumbnail_id ) ) {
$post_thumbnail = get_the_post_thumbnail_url ( $post_data -> ID );
// If thumbnail image found in the WP Media library.
if ( $post_thumbnail ) {
$thumbnail_id = ( int ) $post_data -> post_meta -> _thumbnail_id [ 0 ];
$thumbnail_image = $this -> encode_images ( array ( $thumbnail_id ) );
$thumbnails [ $thumbnail_id ] = $thumbnail_image ;
return $thumbnails ;
* Get all images in the data given .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $data Array of data .
* @ param bool $force Set whether the value should be added by force . Usually used for image ids .
* @ return array
protected function get_data_images ( $data , $force = false ) {
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
if ( empty ( $data ) ) {
return array ();
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
$images = array ();
$images_src = array ();
$basenames = array (
'src' ,
'image_url' ,
'background_image' ,
'image' ,
'url' ,
'bg_img_?\d?' ,
$suffixes = array (
'__hover' ,
'_tablet' ,
foreach ( $basenames as $basename ) {
$images_src [] = $basename ;
foreach ( $suffixes as $suffix ) {
$images_src [] = $basename . $suffix ;
foreach ( $data as $value ) {
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
// If the $value is an object, but not a Post object then it's unlikely to contain any image data.
if ( is_object ( $value ) && ! $value instanceof WP_Post ) {
continue ;
if ( is_array ( $value ) ) {
$images = array_merge ( $images , $this -> get_data_images ( $value ) );
$value = implode ( '|' , $value );
} elseif ( $value instanceof WP_Post ) {
// If the $value is a Post object, we need only the post content.
$value = ( array ) $value -> post_content ;
$images = array_merge ( $images , $this -> get_data_images ( $value ) );
$value = implode ( '|' , $value );
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
// Extract images from HTML or shortcodes.
if ( preg_match_all ( '/(' . implode ( '|' , $images_src ) . ')="(?P<src>\w+[^"]*)"/i' , $value , $matches ) ) {
foreach ( array_unique ( $matches [ 'src' ] ) as $key => $src ) {
$images = array_merge ( $images , $this -> get_data_images ( array ( $key => $src ) ) );
// Extract images from shortcodes gallery.
if ( preg_match_all ( '/gallery_ids="(?P<ids>\w+[^"]*)"/i' , $value , $matches ) ) {
foreach ( array_unique ( $matches [ 'ids' ] ) as $galleries ) {
$explode = explode ( ',' , str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $galleries ) );
foreach ( $explode as $image_id ) {
$images = array_merge ( $images , $this -> get_data_images ( array ( ( int ) $image_id ), true ) );
if ( preg_match ( '/^.+?\.(jpg|jpeg|jpe|png|gif|webp)/' , $value , $match ) || $force ) {
$basename = basename ( $value );
// Avoid duplicates.
if ( isset ( $images [ $value ] ) ) {
continue ;
$images [ $value ] = $value ;
return $images ;
* Get the attachment post id for the given url .
* @ since 3.22 . 3
* @ param string $url The url of an attachment file .
* @ return int
protected function _get_attachment_id_by_url ( $url ) {
global $wpdb ;
// Remove any thumbnail size suffix from the filename and use that as a fallback.
$fallback_url = preg_replace ( '/-\d+x\d+(\.[^.]+)$/i' , '$1' , $url );
// Scenario: Trying to find the attachment for a file called x-150x150.jpg.
// 1. Since WordPress adds the -150x150 suffix for thumbnail sizes we cannot be
// sure if this is an attachment or an attachment's generated thumbnail.
// 2. Since both x.jpg and x-150x150.jpg can be uploaded as separate attachments
// we must decide which is a better match.
// 3. The above is why we order by guid length and use the first result.
$attachments_query = $wpdb -> prepare ( "
FROM $wpdb -> posts
WHERE `post_type` = % s
AND `guid` IN ( % s , % s )
" , 'attachment', esc_url_raw( $url ), esc_url_raw( $fallback_url ) );
$attachment_id = ( int ) $wpdb -> get_var ( $attachments_query );
return $attachment_id ;
* Encode image in a base64 format .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $images Array of data for which images need to be encoded if any .
* @ return array
protected function encode_images ( $images ) {
$encoded = array ();
foreach ( $images as $url ) {
$id = 0 ;
$image = '' ;
if ( is_int ( $url ) ) {
$id = $url ;
$url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $id );
} else {
$id = $this -> _get_attachment_id_by_url ( $url );
if ( $id > 0 ) {
$image = $this -> _encode_attachment_image ( $id );
if ( empty ( $image ) ) {
// Case 1: No attachment found.
// Case 2: Attachment found, but file does not exist (may be stored on a CDN, for example).
$image = $this -> _encode_remote_image ( $url );
if ( empty ( $image ) ) {
// All fetching methods have failed - bail on encoding.
continue ;
$encoded [ $url ] = array (
'encoded' => $image ,
'url' => $url ,
// Add image id for replacement purposes.
if ( $id > 0 ) {
$encoded [ $url ][ 'id' ] = $id ;
return $encoded ;
* Encode an image attachment .
* @ since 3.22 . 3
* @ param int $id
* @ return string
protected function _encode_attachment_image ( $id ) {
* @ var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem
global $wp_filesystem ;
if ( ! current_user_can ( 'read_post' , $id ) ) {
return '' ;
$file = get_attached_file ( $id );
if ( ! $wp_filesystem -> exists ( $file ) ) {
return '' ;
$image = $wp_filesystem -> get_contents ( $file );
if ( empty ( $image ) ) {
return '' ;
return base64_encode ( $image );
* Encode a remote image .
* @ since 3.22 . 3
* @ param string $url
* @ return string
protected function _encode_remote_image ( $url ) {
$request = wp_remote_get ( esc_url_raw ( $url ), array (
'timeout' => 2 ,
'redirection' => 2 ,
) );
if ( ! is_array ( $request ) || is_wp_error ( $request ) ) {
return '' ;
if ( ! self :: $_ -> includes ( $request [ 'headers' ][ 'content-type' ], 'image' ) ) {
return '' ;
$image = wp_remote_retrieve_body ( $request );
if ( ! $image ) {
return '' ;
return base64_encode ( $image );
* Decode base64 formatted image and upload it to WP media .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $images Array of encoded images which needs to be uploaded .
* @ return array
protected function upload_images ( $images ) {
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
foreach ( $images as $key => $image ) {
$basename = sanitize_file_name ( wp_basename ( $image [ 'url' ] ) );
$attachments = get_posts ( array (
'posts_per_page' => - 1 ,
'post_type' => 'attachment' ,
'meta_key' => '_wp_attached_file' ,
'meta_value' => pathinfo ( $basename , PATHINFO_FILENAME ),
'meta_compare' => 'LIKE' ,
) );
$id = 0 ;
$url = '' ;
// Avoid duplicates.
if ( ! is_wp_error ( $attachments ) && ! empty ( $attachments ) ) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
$attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $attachment -> ID );
$file = get_attached_file ( $attachment -> ID );
$filename = sanitize_file_name ( wp_basename ( $file ) );
// Use existing image only if the content matches.
if ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $file ) === base64_decode ( $image [ 'encoded' ] ) ) {
$id = isset ( $image [ 'id' ] ) ? $attachment -> ID : 0 ;
$url = $attachment_url ;
break ;
// Create new image.
if ( empty ( $url ) ) {
$temp_file = wp_tempnam ();
$filesystem -> put_contents ( $temp_file , base64_decode ( $image [ 'encoded' ] ) );
$filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext ( $temp_file , $basename );
// Avoid further duplicates if the proper_file name match an existing image.
if ( isset ( $filetype [ 'proper_filename' ] ) && $filetype [ 'proper_filename' ] !== $basename ) {
if ( isset ( $filename ) && $filename === $filetype [ 'proper_filename' ] ) {
// Use existing image only if the basenames and content match.
if ( $filesystem -> get_contents ( $file ) === $filesystem -> get_contents ( $temp_file ) ) {
$filesystem -> delete ( $temp_file );
continue ;
$file = array (
'name' => $basename ,
'tmp_name' => $temp_file ,
$upload = media_handle_sideload ( $file , 0 );
if ( ! is_wp_error ( $upload ) ) {
// Set the replacement as an id if the original image was set as an id (for gallery).
$id = isset ( $image [ 'id' ] ) ? $upload : 0 ;
$url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $upload );
} else {
// Make sure the temporary file is removed if media_handle_sideload didn't take care of it.
$filesystem -> delete ( $temp_file );
// Only declare the replace if a url is set.
if ( $id > 0 ) {
$images [ $key ][ 'replacement_id' ] = $id ;
if ( ! empty ( $url ) ) {
$images [ $key ][ 'replacement_url' ] = $url ;
unset ( $url );
return $images ;
* Replace encoded image url with a real url
* @ param $subject - The string to perform replacing for
* @ param array $image - The image settings
* @ return string | string [] | null
protected function replace_image_url ( $subject , $image ) {
if ( isset ( $image [ 'replacement_id' ] ) && isset ( $image [ 'id' ] ) ) {
$search = $image [ 'id' ];
$replacement = $image [ 'replacement_id' ];
$subject = preg_replace ( " /(gallery_ids=.*) { $search } (.* \" )/ " , " \$ { 1} { $replacement } \$ { 2} " , $subject );
if ( isset ( $image [ 'url' ] ) && isset ( $image [ 'replacement_url' ] ) && $image [ 'url' ] !== $image [ 'replacement_url' ] ) {
$search = $image [ 'url' ];
$replacement = $image [ 'replacement_url' ];
$subject = str_replace ( $search , $replacement , $subject );
return $subject ;
* Replace image urls with newly uploaded images .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $images Array of new images uploaded .
* @ param array $data Array of for which images url needs to be replaced .
* @ return array | mixed | object
protected function replace_images_urls ( $images , $data ) {
foreach ( $data as $post_id => & $post_data ) {
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
if ( is_array ( $post_data ) ) {
foreach ( $post_data as $post_param => & $param_value ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $param_value ) ) {
$data [ $post_id ][ $post_param ] = $this -> replace_image_url ( $param_value , $image );
unset ( $param_value );
} else {
$data [ $post_id ] = $this -> replace_image_url ( $post_data , $image );
unset ( $post_data );
return $data ;
* Validate data and remove any malicious code .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param array $data Array of data which needs to be validated .
* @ param array $fields_validation Array of field and validation callback .
* @ return array | bool
protected function validate ( $data , $fields_validation = array () ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $data ) ) {
return false ;
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
if ( is_array ( $value ) ) {
$data [ $key ] = $this -> validate ( $value , $fields_validation );
} else {
if ( isset ( $fields_validation [ $key ] ) ) {
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
$data [ $key ] = call_user_func ( $fields_validation [ $key ], $value );
} else {
if ( current_user_can ( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) {
$data [ $key ] = $value ;
} else {
$data [ $key ] = wp_kses_post ( $value );
return $data ;
* Filters a variable with string filter
* @ param mixed $data - Value to filter .
* @ return mixed
protected function _filter_post_data ( $data ) {
* Prevent import and export timeout or memory failure .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* It doesn ' t need to be reset as in both case the request exit .
protected function prevent_failure () {
@ set_time_limit ( 0 );
// Increase memory which is safe at this stage of the request.
if ( et_core_get_memory_limit () < 256 ) {
@ ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , '256M' );
* Set WP filesystem to direct . This should only be use to create a temporary file .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* It is safe to do so since the created file is removed immediately after import . The method does ' nt have
* to be reset since the ajax query is exited .
protected function set_filesystem () {
global $wp_filesystem ;
add_filter ( 'filesystem_method' , array ( $this , 'replace_filesystem_method' ) );
WP_Filesystem ();
return $wp_filesystem ;
* Proxy method for set_filesystem () to avoid calling it multiple times .
* @ since 4.0
* @ return WP_Filesystem_Direct
protected function get_filesystem () {
static $filesystem = null ;
if ( null === $filesystem ) {
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
return $filesystem ;
* Check if a temporary file is register . Returns temporary file if it exists .
* @ since 4.0 Made method public .
* @ param string $id Unique id used when the temporary file was created .
* @ param string $group Group name in which files are grouped .
* @ return bool | string
public function has_temp_file ( $id , $group ) {
$temp_files = get_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' , array () );
if ( isset ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) && file_exists ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) ) {
return $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ];
return false ;
* Create a temp file and register it .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ since 4.0 Made method public . Added $content parameter .
* @ param string $id Unique id reference for the temporary file .
* @ param string $group Group name in which files are grouped .
* @ param string | bool $temp_file Path to the temporary file . False create a new temporary file .
* @ return bool | string
public function temp_file ( $id , $group , $temp_file = false , $content = '' ) {
$temp_files = get_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' , array () );
if ( ! isset ( $temp_files [ $group ] ) ) {
$temp_files [ $group ] = array ();
if ( isset ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) && file_exists ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) ) {
return $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ];
$temp_file = $temp_file ? $temp_file : wp_tempnam ();
$temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] = $temp_file ;
update_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' , $temp_files , false );
if ( ! empty ( $content ) ) {
$this -> get_filesystem () -> put_contents ( $temp_file , $content );
return $temp_file ;
* Get temp file contents or an empty string if it does not exist .
* @ since 4.0
* @ param string $id Unique id used when the temporary file was created .
* @ param string $group Group name in which files are grouped .
* @ return string
public function get_temp_file_contents ( $id , $group ) {
$file = $this -> has_temp_file ( $id , $group );
if ( ! $file ) {
return '' ;
$content = $this -> get_filesystem () -> get_contents ( $file );
return $content ? $content : '' ;
* Delete all the temp files .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param bool | string $group Group name in which files are grouped . Set to true to remove all groups and files .
* @ param array $defined_files Array or temoporary files to delete . No argument deletes all temp files .
public function delete_temp_files ( $group = false , $defined_files = false ) {
$filesystem = $this -> set_filesystem ();
$temp_files = get_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' , array () );
// Remove all temp files accross all groups if group is true.
if ( $group === true ) {
foreach ( $temp_files as $group_id => $_group ) {
$this -> delete_temp_files ( $group_id );
if ( ! isset ( $temp_files [ $group ] ) ) {
return ;
$delete_files = ( is_array ( $defined_files ) && ! empty ( $defined_files ) ) ? $defined_files : $temp_files [ $group ];
foreach ( $delete_files as $id => $temp_file ) {
if ( isset ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) && $filesystem -> delete ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] ) ) {
unset ( $temp_files [ $group ][ $id ] );
if ( empty ( $temp_files [ $group ] ) ) {
unset ( $temp_files [ $group ] );
if ( empty ( $temp_files ) ) {
delete_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' );
} else {
update_option ( '_et_core_portability_temp_files' , $temp_files , false );
* Set WP filesystem method to direct .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
public function replace_filesystem_method () {
return 'direct' ;
* Get timestamp or create one if it isn ' t set .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
public function get_timestamp () {
et_core_nonce_verified_previously ();
return isset ( $_POST [ 'timestamp' ] ) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'timestamp' ] ) ? sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'timestamp' ] ) : ( string ) current_time ( 'timestamp' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DateTime.CurrentTimeTimestamp.Requested -- This is used to generate the temporary file ID so we don't need the accuracy.
* Get Global Colors array from provided global_colors_info .
* @ since 4.10 . 8
* @ param array $global_colors_info Array of global colors to process .
* @ return array The list of the Global Colors for export .
protected function _get_global_colors_data ( $global_colors_info = array () ) {
$global_color_ids = array_unique ( array_keys ( $global_colors_info ) );
if ( empty ( $global_color_ids ) ) {
return array ();
$all_global_colors = et_builder_get_all_global_colors ();
$used_colors = array ();
foreach ( $global_color_ids as $color_id ) {
if ( isset ( $all_global_colors [ $color_id ] ) ) {
$color_data = array (
$color_id ,
$all_global_colors [ $color_id ],
$used_colors [] = $color_data ;
return $used_colors ;
* Get List of global colors used in shortcode .
* @ since 4.10 . 8
* @ param array $shortcode_object The multidimensional array representing a page structure .
* @ param array $used_global_colors List of global colors to merge with .
* @ return array - The list of the Global Colors .
protected function _get_used_global_colors ( $shortcode_object , $used_global_colors = array () ) {
foreach ( $shortcode_object as $module ) {
if ( isset ( $module [ 'attrs' ][ 'global_colors_info' ] ) ) {
// Retrive global_colors_info from post meta, which saved as string[][].
$gc_info_prepared = str_replace (
array ( '[' , ']' ),
array ( '[' , ']' ),
$module [ 'attrs' ][ 'global_colors_info' ]
$used_global_colors = array_merge ( $used_global_colors , json_decode ( $gc_info_prepared , true ) );
if ( isset ( $module [ 'content' ] ) && is_array ( $module [ 'content' ] ) ) {
$used_global_colors = array_merge ( $used_global_colors , $this -> _get_used_global_colors ( $module [ 'content' ], $used_global_colors ) );
return $used_global_colors ;
* Returns Global Presets used for a given shortcode only
* @ since 3.26
* @ param array $shortcode_object - The multidimensional array representing a page structure
* @ param array $used_global_presets
* @ return array - The list of the Global Presets
protected function get_used_global_presets ( $shortcode_object , $used_global_presets = array () ) {
$global_presets_manager = ET_Builder_Global_Presets_Settings :: instance ();
foreach ( $shortcode_object as $module ) {
$module_type = $global_presets_manager -> maybe_convert_module_type ( $module [ 'type' ], $module [ 'attrs' ] );
$preset_id = $global_presets_manager -> get_module_preset_id ( $module_type , $module [ 'attrs' ] );
$preset = $global_presets_manager -> get_module_preset ( $module_type , $preset_id );
if ( $preset_id !== 'default' && count ( ( array ) $preset ) !== 0 && count ( ( array ) $preset -> settings ) !== 0 ) {
if ( ! isset ( $used_global_presets [ $module_type ] ) ) {
$used_global_presets [ $module_type ] = ( object ) array (
'presets' => ( object ) array (),
if ( ! isset ( $used_global_presets [ $module_type ] -> presets -> $preset_id ) ) {
$used_global_presets [ $module_type ] -> presets -> $preset_id = ( object ) array (
'name' => $preset -> name ,
'version' => $preset -> version ,
'settings' => $preset -> settings ,
if ( ! isset ( $used_global_presets [ $module_type ] -> default ) ) {
$used_global_presets [ $module_type ] -> default = $global_presets_manager -> get_module_default_preset_id ( $module_type );
if ( isset ( $module [ 'content' ] ) && is_array ( $module [ 'content' ] ) ) {
$used_global_presets = array_merge ( $used_global_presets , $this -> get_used_global_presets ( $module [ 'content' ], $used_global_presets ) );
return $used_global_presets ;
* Enqueue assets .
* @ since ? . ? Script `et-core-portability` now loads in footer along with `et-core-admin` .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
public function assets () {
$time = '<span>1</span>' ;
wp_enqueue_style ( 'et-core-portability' , ET_CORE_URL . 'admin/css/portability.css' , array (
'et-core-admin' ,
wp_enqueue_script (
'et-core-portability' ,
ET_CORE_URL . 'admin/js/portability.js' ,
array (
'jquery' ,
'jquery-ui-tabs' ,
'jquery-form' ,
'et-core-admin' ,
wp_localize_script ( 'et-core-portability' , 'etCorePortability' , array (
'nonces' => array (
'import' => wp_create_nonce ( 'et_core_portability_import' ),
'export' => wp_create_nonce ( 'et_core_portability_export' ),
'cancel' => wp_create_nonce ( 'et_core_portability_cancel' ),
'postMaxSize' => $this -> to_megabytes ( @ ini_get ( 'post_max_size' ) ),
'uploadMaxSize' => $this -> to_megabytes ( @ ini_get ( 'upload_max_filesize' ) ),
'text' => array (
'browserSupport' => esc_html__ ( 'The browser version you are currently using is outdated. Please update to the newest version.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'memoryExhausted' => esc_html__ ( 'You reached your server memory limit. Please try increasing your PHP memory limit.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'maxSizeExceeded' => esc_html__ ( 'This file cannot be imported. It may be caused by file_uploads being disabled in your php.ini. It may also be caused by post_max_size or/and upload_max_filesize being smaller than file selected. Please increase it or transfer more substantial data at the time.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'invalideFile' => esc_html__ ( 'Invalid File format. You should be uploading a JSON file.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'importContextFail' => esc_html__ ( 'This file should not be imported in this context.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'noItemsSelected' => esc_html__ ( 'Please select at least one item to export or disable the "Only export selected items" option' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
'importing' => sprintf ( esc_html__ ( 'Import estimated time remaining: %smin' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), $time ),
'exporting' => sprintf ( esc_html__ ( 'Export estimated time remaining: %smin' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), $time ),
'backuping' => sprintf ( esc_html__ ( 'Backup estimated time remaining: %smin' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), $time ),
) );
* Modal HTML .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
public function modal () {
$export_url = add_query_arg ( array (
'et_core_portability' => true ,
'context' => $this -> instance -> context ,
'name' => $this -> instance -> name ,
'nonce' => wp_create_nonce ( 'et_core_portability_export' ),
), admin_url () );
$is_etdev_plugin_activated = is_plugin_active ( 'etdev/etdev.php' );
< div class = " et-core-modal-overlay et-core-form " data - et - core - portability = " <?php echo esc_attr( $this->instance ->context ); ?> " >
< div class = " et-core-modal " >
< div class = " et-core-modal-header " >
< h3 class = " et-core-modal-title " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Portability' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </h3><a href="#" class="et-core-modal-close" data-et-core-modal="close"></a>
</ div >
< div data - et - core - tabs class = " et-core-modal-tabs-enabled " >
< ul class = " et-core-tabs " >
< li >< a href = " #et-core-portability-export " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Export' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a href = " #et-core-portability-import " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Import' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
< div id = " et-core-portability-export " >
< div class = " et-core-modal-content " >
< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Exporting your %s will create a JSON file that can be imported into a different website.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?>
< h3 >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Export File Name' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </h3>
< form class = " et-core-portability-export-form " >
< input type = " text " name = " " value = " <?php echo esc_attr( $this->instance ->name ); ?> " >
< ? php if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) : ?>
< div class = " et-core-clearfix " ></ div >
< label >< input type = " checkbox " name = " et-core-portability-posts " < ? php echo $is_etdev_plugin_activated ? 'checked' : '' ; ?> /><?php esc_html_e( 'Only export selected items', ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?></label>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( $is_etdev_plugin_activated ) : ?>
< div class = " et-core-clearfix " ></ div >
< label >< input type = " checkbox " name = " et-core-portability-apply-presets " checked />< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Export Presets As Static Styles' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </label>
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ form >
</ div >
< a class = " et-core-modal-action " href = " # " data - et - core - portability - export = " <?php echo esc_url( $export_url ); ?> " >< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Export %s' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?> </a>
< a class = " et-core-modal-action et-core-button-danger " href = " # " data - et - core - portability - cancel >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Cancel Export' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </a>
</ div >
< div id = " et-core-portability-import " >
< div class = " et-core-modal-content " >
< ? php if ( 'post' === $this -> instance -> type ) : ?>
< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Importing a previously-exported %s file will overwrite all content currently on this page.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?>
< ? php elseif ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) : ?>
< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Select a previously-exported Divi Builder Layouts file to begin importing items. Large collections of image-heavy exports may take several minutes to upload.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?>
< ? php else : ?>
< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Importing a previously-exported %s file will overwrite all current data. Please proceed with caution!' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< h3 >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Select File To Import' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </h3>
< form class = " et-core-portability-import-form " >
< span class = " et-core-portability-import-placeholder " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'No File Selected' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </span>
< button class = " et-core-button " >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Choose File' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </button>
< input type = " file " >
< div class = " et-core-clearfix " ></ div >
< ? php if ( 'post_type' !== $this -> instance -> type ) : ?>
< label >< input type = " checkbox " name = " et-core-portability-import-backup " />< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Download backup before importing' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </label>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( 'post_type' === $this -> instance -> type ) : ?>
< label >< input type = " checkbox " name = " et-core-portability-import-include-global-presets " />< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Import Presets' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </label>
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ form >
</ div >
< a class = " et-core-modal-action et-core-portability-import " href = " # " >< ? php printf ( esc_html__ ( 'Import %s' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_html ( $this -> instance -> name ) ); ?> </a>
< a class = " et-core-modal-action et-core-button-danger " href = " # " data - et - core - portability - cancel >< ? php esc_html_e ( 'Cancel Import' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ); ?> </a>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_register' ) ) :
* Register portability .
* This function should be called in an 'admin_init' action callback .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param string $context A unique ID used to register the portability arguments .
* @ param array $args {
* Array of arguments used to register the portability .
* @ type string $name The name used in the various text string .
* @ type bool $view Whether the assets and content should load or not .
* Example : `isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'example'` .
* @ type string $db The option_name from the wp_option table used to export and import data .
* @ type array $include Optional . Array of all the options scritcly included . Options ids must be set
* as the array keys .
* @ type array $exclude Optional . Array of excluded options . Options ids must be set as the array keys .
* }
function et_core_portability_register ( $context , $args ) {
$defaults = array (
'context' => $context ,
'name' => false ,
'view' => false ,
'type' => false ,
'target' => false ,
'include' => array (),
'exclude' => array (),
$data = apply_filters ( " et_core_portability_args_ { $context } " , ( object ) array_merge ( $defaults , ( array ) $args ) );
et_core_cache_set ( $context , $data , 'et_core_portability' );
// Stop here if not allowed.
if ( function_exists ( 'et_pb_is_allowed' ) && ! et_pb_is_allowed ( array ( 'portability' , " { $data -> context } _portability " ) ) ) {
// Set view to false if not allowed.
$data -> view = false ;
et_core_cache_set ( $context , $data , 'et_core_portability' );
return ;
if ( $data -> view ) {
et_core_portability_load ( $context );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_load' ) ) :
* Load Portability class .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param string $context A unique ID used to register the portability arguments .
* @ return ET_Core_Portability
function et_core_portability_load ( $context ) {
return new ET_Core_Portability ( $context );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_link' ) ) :
* HTML link to trigger the portability modal .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
* @ param string $context The context used to register the portability .
* @ param string | array $attributes Optional . Query string or array of attributes . Default empty .
* @ return string
function et_core_portability_link ( $context , $attributes = array () ) {
$instance = et_core_cache_get ( $context , 'et_core_portability' );
if ( ! $capability = et_core_portability_cap ( $context ) ) {
return '' ;
if ( ! current_user_can ( $capability ) || ! ( isset ( $instance -> view ) && $instance -> view ) ) {
return '' ;
$defaults = array (
'title' => esc_attr__ ( 'Import & Export' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ),
$attributes = array_merge ( $defaults , $attributes );
// Forced attributes.
$attributes [ 'href' ] = '#' ;
$context = esc_attr ( $context );
$attributes [ 'data-et-core-modal' ] = " [data-et-core-portability=' { $context } '] " ;
$string = '' ;
foreach ( $attributes as $attribute => $value ) {
if ( null !== $value ){
$string .= esc_attr ( $attribute ) . '="' . esc_attr ( $value ) . '" ' ;
return sprintf (
'<a %1$s><span>%2$s</span></a>' ,
trim ( $string ),
esc_html ( $attributes [ 'title' ] )
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_ajax_import' ) ) :
* Ajax portability Import .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
function et_core_portability_ajax_import () {
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'context' ] ) ) {
et_core_die ();
$context = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'context' ] );
$post_id = isset ( $_POST [ 'post' ] ) ? ( int ) $_POST [ 'post' ] : 0 ;
$replace = isset ( $_POST [ 'replace' ] ) ? '1' === $_POST [ 'replace' ] : false ;
if ( ! $capability = et_core_portability_cap ( $context ) ) {
et_core_die ();
if ( ! et_core_security_check_passed ( $capability , 'et_core_portability_import' , 'nonce' ) ) {
et_core_die ();
$portability = et_core_portability_load ( $context );
if ( ! $result = $portability -> import () ) {
wp_send_json_error ();
} else if ( is_array ( $result ) && isset ( $result [ 'message' ] ) ) {
wp_send_json_error ( $result );
} else if ( $result ) {
if ( $replace && $post_id > 0 && current_user_can ( 'edit_post' , $post_id ) ) {
wp_update_post ( array (
'ID' => $post_id ,
'post_content' => $result [ 'postContent' ],
) );
wp_send_json_success ( $result );
wp_send_json_error ();
add_action ( 'wp_ajax_et_core_portability_import' , 'et_core_portability_ajax_import' );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_ajax_export' ) ) :
* Ajax portability Export .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
function et_core_portability_ajax_export () {
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'context' ] ) ) {
et_core_die ();
$context = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'context' ] );
if ( ! $capability = et_core_portability_cap ( $context ) ) {
et_core_die ();
if ( ! et_core_security_check_passed ( $capability , 'et_core_portability_export' , 'nonce' ) ) {
et_core_die ();
et_core_portability_load ( $context ) -> export ();
wp_send_json_error ();
add_action ( 'wp_ajax_et_core_portability_export' , 'et_core_portability_ajax_export' );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_ajax_cancel' ) ) :
* Cancel portability action .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
function et_core_portability_ajax_cancel () {
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'context' ] ) ) {
et_core_die ();
$context = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'context' ] );
if ( ! $capability = et_core_portability_cap ( $context ) ) {
et_core_die ();
if ( ! et_core_security_check_passed ( $capability , 'et_core_portability_cancel' ) ) {
et_core_die ();
et_core_portability_load ( $context ) -> delete_temp_files ( true );
wp_send_json_error ();
add_action ( 'wp_ajax_et_core_portability_cancel' , 'et_core_portability_ajax_cancel' );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_export' ) ) :
* Portability export .
* @ since 2.7 . 0
function et_core_portability_export () {
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'et_core_portability' ], $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) ) {
return ;
if ( ! et_core_security_check_passed ( 'edit_posts' ) ) {
wp_die ( esc_html__ ( 'The export process failed. Please refresh the page and try again.' , ET_CORE_TEXTDOMAIN ) );
et_core_portability_load ( sanitize_text_field ( $_GET [ 'timestamp' ] ) ) -> download_export ();
add_action ( 'admin_init' , 'et_core_portability_export' , 20 );
endif ;
if ( ! function_exists ( 'et_core_portability_cap' ) ) :
* Returns the required WordPress Capability for a Portability context .
* @ since 3.0 . 91
* @ param string $context The Portability context
* @ return string
function et_core_portability_cap ( $context ) {
$capability = '' ;
$options_contexts = array (
'et_pb_roles' ,
'et_builder_layouts' ,
'epanel' ,
'et_divi_mods' ,
'et_extra_mods' ,
$post_contexts = array (
'et_builder' ,
'et_theme_builder' ,
if ( in_array ( $context , $options_contexts , true ) ) {
$capability = 'edit_theme_options' ;
} else if ( in_array ( $context , $post_contexts , true ) ) {
$capability = 'edit_posts' ;
return $capability ;
endif ;