2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
< ? php
class ET_Builder_Module_Contact_Form extends ET_Builder_Module_Type_WithSpamProtection {
function init () {
parent :: init ();
$this -> name = esc_html__ ( 'Contact Form' , 'et_builder' );
$this -> plural = esc_html__ ( 'Contact Forms' , 'et_builder' );
$this -> slug = 'et_pb_contact_form' ;
$this -> vb_support = 'on' ;
$this -> child_slug = 'et_pb_contact_field' ;
$this -> child_item_text = esc_html__ ( 'Field' , 'et_builder' );
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
$this -> _use_unique_id = true ;
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
$this -> main_css_element = '%%order_class%%.et_pb_contact_form_container' ;
$this -> settings_modal_toggles = array (
'general' => array (
'toggles' => array (
'main_content' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Text' ),
'email' => esc_html__ ( 'Email' , 'et_builder' ),
'elements' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Elements' ),
'redirect' => esc_html__ ( 'Redirect' , 'et_builder' ),
'spam' => esc_html__ ( 'Spam Protection' , 'et_builder' ),
$this -> advanced_fields = array (
'borders' => array (
'default' => array (
'css' => array (
'main' => array (
'border_radii' => sprintf ( '%1$s .input, %1$s .input[type="checkbox"] + label i, %1$s .input[type="radio"] + label i' , $this -> main_css_element ),
'border_styles' => sprintf ( '%1$s .input, %1$s .input[type="checkbox"] + label i, %1$s .input[type="radio"] + label i' , $this -> main_css_element ),
'important' => 'plugin_only' ,
'label_prefix' => esc_html__ ( 'Inputs' , 'et_builder' ),
'fonts' => array (
'title' => array (
'label' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Title' ),
'css' => array (
'main' => " { $this -> main_css_element } h1, { $this -> main_css_element } h2.et_pb_contact_main_title, { $this -> main_css_element } h3.et_pb_contact_main_title, { $this -> main_css_element } h4.et_pb_contact_main_title, { $this -> main_css_element } h5.et_pb_contact_main_title, { $this -> main_css_element } h6.et_pb_contact_main_title " ,
'header_level' => array (
'default' => 'h1' ,
'captcha' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Captcha' , 'et_builder' ),
'css' => array (
'main' => " { $this -> main_css_element } .et_pb_contact_right p " ,
'hide_text_align' => true ,
'line_height' => array (
'default' => '1.7em' ,
'box_shadow' => array (
'default' => array (
'css' => array (
'main' => implode (
', ' ,
array (
'%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field input' ,
'%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field select' ,
'%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field textarea' ,
'%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field .et_pb_contact_field_options_list label > i' ,
'%%order_class%% input.et_pb_contact_captcha' ,
'button' => array (
'button' => array (
'label' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Button' ),
'css' => array (
'main' => " { $this -> main_css_element } .et_pb_module .et_pb_button " ,
'limited_main' => " { $this -> main_css_element } .et_pb_module .et_pb_button " ,
'important' => 'plugin_only' ,
'no_rel_attr' => true ,
'box_shadow' => array (
'css' => array (
'main' => '%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_submit' ,
'margin_padding' => array (
'css' => array (
'important' => 'all' ,
'margin_padding' => array (
'css' => array (
'important' => array ( 'custom_margin' ), // needed to overwrite last module margin-bottom styling
'max_width' => array (
'css' => array (
'module_alignment' => '%%order_class%%.et_pb_contact_form_container.et_pb_module' ,
'text' => array (
'css' => array (
'text_orientation' => '%%order_class%% input, %%order_class%% textarea, %%order_class%% label' ,
'text_shadow' => '%%order_class%%, %%order_class%% input, %%order_class%% textarea, %%order_class%% label, %%order_class%% select' ,
'form_field' => array (
'form_field' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Fields' , 'et_builder' ),
'css' => array (
'main' => '%%order_class%% .input' ,
'background_color' => '%%order_class%% .input, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"] + label i, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"] + label i' ,
'background_color_hover' => '%%order_class%% .input:hover, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:hover + label i, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:hover + label i' ,
'focus_background_color' => '%%order_class%% .input:focus, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:active + label i, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:active + label i' ,
'focus_background_color_hover' => '%%order_class%% .input:focus:hover, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:active:hover + label i, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:active:hover + label i' ,
'placeholder_focus' => '%%order_class%% p .input:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder, %%order_class%% p .input:focus::-moz-placeholder, %%order_class%% p .input:focus:-ms-input-placeholder, %%order_class%% p textarea:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder, %%order_class%% p textarea:focus::-moz-placeholder, %%order_class%% p textarea:focus:-ms-input-placeholder' ,
'padding' => '%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field .input' ,
'margin' => '%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field' ,
'form_text_color' => '%%order_class%% .input, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"] + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"] + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label i:before' ,
'form_text_color_hover' => '%%order_class%% .input:hover, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:hover + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:hover + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:checked:hover + label i:before' ,
'focus_text_color' => '%%order_class%% .input:focus, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:active + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:active + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:checked:active + label i:before' ,
'focus_text_color_hover' => '%%order_class%% .input:focus:hover, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:active:hover + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:active:hover + label, %%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]:checked:active:hover + label i:before' ,
'box_shadow' => false ,
'border_styles' => false ,
'font_field' => array (
'css' => array (
'main' => implode (
', ' ,
array (
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input::placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input::-webkit-input-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input::-moz-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:-ms-input-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input[type=checkbox] + label " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input[type=radio] + label " ,
'hover' => array (
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:hover " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:hover::placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:hover::-webkit-input-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:hover::-moz-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input:hover:-ms-input-placeholder " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input[type=checkbox]:hover + label " ,
" { $this -> main_css_element } .input[type=radio]:hover + label " ,
'margin_padding' => array (
'css' => array (
'main' => '%%order_class%% .input' ,
'padding' => '%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field .input' ,
'margin' => '%%order_class%% .et_pb_contact_field' ,
$this -> custom_css_fields = array (
'contact_title' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Contact Title' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => '.et_pb_contact_main_title' ,
'contact_button' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Contact Button' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => '.et_pb_contact_form_container .et_contact_bottom_container .et_pb_contact_submit.et_pb_button' ,
'no_space_before_selector' => true ,
'contact_fields' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Form Fields' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => 'input' ,
'text_field' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Message Field' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => 'textarea.et_pb_contact_message' ,
'captcha_field' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Captcha Field' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => 'input.et_pb_contact_captcha' ,
'captcha_label' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Captcha Text' , 'et_builder' ),
'selector' => '.et_pb_contact_right p' ,
$this -> help_videos = array (
array (
'id' => 'y3NSTE6BSfo' ,
'name' => esc_html__ ( 'An introduction to the Contact Form module' , 'et_builder' ),
* Get form map containing essential info ( form number , field id / type / required ) based on
* et_pb_contact_field ' s shortcode layout
* @ since 3.26 . 5
* @ param string $content_shortcode
* @ param int $contact_form_number
* @ param array $hidden_form_fields
* @ return mixed [] {
* Form Map
* @ type int $form_number Contact form number .
* @ type string [] $fields {
* Form Field
* @ type string $field_type Field type
* @ type string $field_id Field id
* @ type string $required_mark Required field status . Accepts 'on' , 'off' .
* }
* }
function get_form_map ( $content_shortcode = '' , $contact_form_number = 0 , $hidden_form_fields = array () ) {
$pattern = get_shortcode_regex ( array ( 'et_pb_contact_field' ) );
$map = array (
'form_number' => ( int ) $contact_form_number ,
'fields' => array (),
preg_match_all ( " / $pattern / " , $content_shortcode , $contact_fields , PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $contact_fields as $contact_field ) {
$contact_field_attrs = shortcode_parse_atts ( $contact_field [ 3 ] );
$field_id = strtolower ( self :: $_ -> array_get ( $contact_field_attrs , 'field_id' ) );
$conditional_logic = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $contact_field_attrs , 'conditional_logic' , 'off' );
// Only allow to disable fields for which conditional logic has been enabled
if ( 'on' === $conditional_logic && in_array ( $field_id , $hidden_form_fields ) ) {
continue ;
$map [ 'fields' ][] = array (
'field_type' => self :: $_ -> array_get ( $contact_field_attrs , 'field_type' , 'input' ),
'field_id' => $field_id ,
'required_mark' => self :: $_ -> array_get ( $contact_field_attrs , 'required_mark' , 'on' ),
return $map ;
function get_fields () {
return array_merge (
self :: _get_spam_provider_fields (),
array (
'captcha' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Use Basic Captcha' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'yes_no_button' ,
'option_category' => 'configuration' ,
'options' => array (
'on' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Yes' ),
'off' => et_builder_i18n ( 'No' ),
'toggle_slug' => 'spam' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Turn the captcha on or off using this option.' , 'et_builder' ),
'default_on_front' => 'on' ,
'show_if' => array (
'use_spam_service' => 'off' ,
'email' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Email Address' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'text' ,
'option_category' => 'basic_option' ,
'description' => et_get_safe_localization (
sprintf (
__ ( 'Input the email address where messages should be sent.<br /><br /> Note: email delivery and spam prevention are complex processes. We recommend using a delivery service such as <a href="%1$s">Mandrill</a>, <a href="%2$s">SendGrid</a>, or other similar service to ensure the deliverability of messages that are submitted through this form' , 'et_builder' ),
'http://mandrill.com/' ,
'toggle_slug' => 'email' ,
'title' => array (
'label' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Title' ),
'type' => 'text' ,
'option_category' => 'basic_option' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Define a title for your contact form.' , 'et_builder' ),
'toggle_slug' => 'main_content' ,
'dynamic_content' => 'text' ,
'mobile_options' => true ,
'hover' => 'tabs' ,
'custom_message' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Message Pattern' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'textarea' ,
'option_category' => 'configuration' ,
'description' => et_get_safe_localization ( __ ( 'Here you can define the custom pattern for the email Message. Fields should be included in following format - <strong>%%field_id%%</strong>. For example if you want to include the field with id = <strong>phone</strong> and field with id = <strong>message</strong>, then you can use the following pattern: <strong>My message is %%message%% and phone number is %%phone%%</strong>. Leave blank for default.' , 'et_builder' ) ),
'toggle_slug' => 'email' ,
'use_redirect' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Enable Redirect URL' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'yes_no_button' ,
'option_category' => 'configuration' ,
'options' => array (
'off' => et_builder_i18n ( 'No' ),
'on' => et_builder_i18n ( 'Yes' ),
'affects' => array (
'redirect_url' ,
'toggle_slug' => 'redirect' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Redirect users after successful form submission.' , 'et_builder' ),
'default_on_front' => 'off' ,
'redirect_url' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Redirect URL' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'text' ,
'option_category' => 'configuration' ,
'depends_show_if' => 'on' ,
'toggle_slug' => 'redirect' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Type the Redirect URL' , 'et_builder' ),
'success_message' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Success Message' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'text' ,
'option_category' => 'configuration' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Type the message you want to display after successful form submission. Leave blank for default' , 'et_builder' ),
'toggle_slug' => 'main_content' ,
'dynamic_content' => 'text' ,
'submit_button_text' => array (
'label' => esc_html__ ( 'Submit Button' , 'et_builder' ),
'type' => 'text' ,
'option_category' => 'basic_option' ,
'description' => esc_html__ ( 'Define the text of the form submit button.' , 'et_builder' ),
'toggle_slug' => 'main_content' ,
'dynamic_content' => 'text' ,
'mobile_options' => true ,
'hover' => 'tabs' ,
public function get_transition_fields_css_props () {
$fields = parent :: get_transition_fields_css_props ();
$fields [ 'form_field_background_color' ] = array (
'background-color' => implode (
', ' ,
array (
'%%order_class%% .input' ,
'%%order_class%% .input[type="checkbox"]+label i' ,
'%%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]+label i' ,
return $fields ;
function predefined_child_modules () {
$output = sprintf (
'[et_pb_contact_field field_title="%1$s" field_type="input" field_id="Name" required_mark="on" fullwidth_field="off" /][et_pb_contact_field field_title="%2$s" field_type="email" field_id="Email" required_mark="on" fullwidth_field="off" /][et_pb_contact_field field_title="%3$s" field_type="text" field_id="Message" required_mark="on" fullwidth_field="on" /]' ,
esc_attr__ ( 'Name' , 'et_builder' ),
esc_attr__ ( 'Email Address' , 'et_builder' ),
esc_attr__ ( 'Message' , 'et_builder' )
return $output ;
* Renders the module output .
* @ param array $attrs List of attributes .
* @ param string $content Content being processed .
* @ param string $render_slug Slug of module that is used for rendering output .
* @ return string
public function render ( $attrs , $content , $render_slug ) {
parent :: render ( $attrs , $content , $render_slug );
global $et_pb_half_width_counter , $et_pb_contact_form_num ;
$et_pb_half_width_counter = 0 ;
$multi_view = et_pb_multi_view_options ( $this );
$multi_view -> set_default_value ( 'submit_button_text' , __ ( 'Submit' , 'et_builder' ) );
$captcha = $this -> props [ 'captcha' ];
$email = $this -> props [ 'email' ];
$title = $multi_view -> render_element (
array (
'tag' => et_pb_process_header_level ( $this -> props [ 'title_level' ], 'h1' ),
'content' => '{{title}}' ,
'attrs' => array (
'class' => 'et_pb_contact_main_title' ,
$form_field_text_color = $this -> props [ 'form_field_text_color' ];
$button_custom = $this -> props [ 'custom_button' ];
$custom_message = $this -> props [ 'custom_message' ];
$use_redirect = $this -> props [ 'use_redirect' ];
$redirect_url = $this -> props [ 'redirect_url' ];
$success_message = $this -> _esc_attr ( 'success_message' );
$header_level = $this -> props [ 'title_level' ];
$use_spam_service = $this -> prop ( 'use_spam_service' , 'off' );
$field_text_color_hover = $this -> get_hover_value ( 'form_field_text_color' );
$field_text_color_values = et_pb_responsive_options () -> get_property_values ( $this -> props , 'form_field_text_color' );
$field_focus_text_color_hover = $this -> get_hover_value ( 'form_field_focus_text_color' );
$field_focus_text_color_values = et_pb_responsive_options () -> get_property_values ( $this -> props , 'form_field_focus_text_color' );
$custom_icon_values = et_pb_responsive_options () -> get_property_values ( $this -> props , 'button_icon' );
$custom_icon = isset ( $custom_icon_values [ 'desktop' ] ) ? $custom_icon_values [ 'desktop' ] : '' ;
$custom_icon_tablet = isset ( $custom_icon_values [ 'tablet' ] ) ? $custom_icon_values [ 'tablet' ] : '' ;
$custom_icon_phone = isset ( $custom_icon_values [ 'phone' ] ) ? $custom_icon_values [ 'phone' ] : '' ;
$video_background = $this -> video_background ();
$parallax_image_background = $this -> get_parallax_image_background ();
// Form Field Text Color - Radio Checked.
$field_text_color_important = et_builder_has_limitation ( 'force_use_global_important' ) ? ' !important' : '' ;
et_pb_responsive_options () -> generate_responsive_css ( $field_text_color_values , '%%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:checked + label i:before' , 'background-color' , $render_slug , $field_text_color_important , 'color' );
if ( et_builder_is_hover_enabled ( 'form_field_text_color' , $this -> props ) ) {
ET_Builder_Element :: set_style (
$render_slug ,
array (
'selector' => '%%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:checked:hover + label i:before' ,
'declaration' => sprintf (
'background-color: %1$s%2$s;' ,
esc_html ( $field_text_color_hover ),
// Form Field Text Color on Focus - Radio Checked.
et_pb_responsive_options () -> generate_responsive_css ( $field_focus_text_color_values , '%%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:checked:active + label i:before' , 'background-color' , $render_slug , $field_text_color_important , 'color' );
if ( et_builder_is_hover_enabled ( 'form_field_focus_text_color' , $this -> props ) ) {
ET_Builder_Element :: set_style (
$render_slug ,
array (
'selector' => '%%order_class%% .input[type="radio"]:checked:active:hover + label i:before' ,
'declaration' => sprintf (
'background-color: %1$s%2$s;' ,
esc_html ( $field_focus_text_color_hover ),
$success_message = '' !== $success_message ? $success_message : esc_html__ ( 'Thanks for contacting us' , 'et_builder' );
$et_pb_contact_form_num = $this -> render_count ();
$hidden_form_fields_key = " et_pb_contact_email_hidden_fields_ { $et_pb_contact_form_num } " ;
$hidden_form_fields = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $_POST , $hidden_form_fields_key , array () );
$shortcode_content = $content ;
if ( ! empty ( $hidden_form_fields ) ) {
$hidden_form_fields = str_replace ( '\\' , '' , $hidden_form_fields );
$hidden_form_fields = json_decode ( $hidden_form_fields );
$content = $this -> content ;
$et_error_message = '' ;
$et_contact_error = false ;
$current_form_fields = isset ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_email_fields_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) ? $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_email_fields_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] : '' ;
$contact_email = '' ;
$processed_fields_values = array ();
$nonce_result = isset ( $_POST [ '_wpnonce-et-pb-contact-form-submitted-' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) && wp_verify_nonce ( $_POST [ '_wpnonce-et-pb-contact-form-submitted-' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ], 'et-pb-contact-form-submit' ) ? true : false ;
// check that the form was submitted and et_pb_contact_et_number field is empty to protect from spam
if ( $nonce_result && isset ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contactform_submit_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) && empty ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_et_number_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) ) {
if ( '' !== $current_form_fields ) {
$fields_data_json = str_replace ( '\\' , '' , $current_form_fields );
$fields_data_array = json_decode ( $fields_data_json , true );
$fields_data_array = null === $fields_data_array ? [] : $fields_data_array ;
// check whether captcha field is not empty.
if ( 'on' === $captcha && 'off' === $use_spam_service && ( ! isset ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_captcha_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) || empty ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_captcha_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) ) ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Make sure you entered the captcha.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
} elseif ( 'on' === $use_spam_service && $this -> is_spam_submission () ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'You must be a human to submit this form.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
// check all fields on current form and generate error message if needed
// Generate form map of submitted form.
$submitted_form_map = array (
'form_number' => $et_pb_contact_form_num ,
'fields' => array (),
foreach ( $fields_data_array as $index => $value ) {
if ( ! isset ( $value [ 'field_id' ], $value [ 'field_label' ], $value [ 'field_type' ], $value [ 'original_id' ], $value [ 'required_mark' ] ) ) {
continue ;
if ( 'et_pb_contact_et_number_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num === $value [ 'field_id' ] ) {
continue ;
// Populate form map's fields.
$submitted_form_map [ 'fields' ][] = array (
'field_type' => self :: $_ -> array_get ( $value , 'field_type' , 'input' ),
'field_id' => self :: $_ -> array_get ( $value , 'original_id' ),
'required_mark' => 'required' === self :: $_ -> array_get ( $value , 'required_mark' , 'required' ) ? 'on' : 'off' ,
// Check all the required fields, generate error message if required field is empty.
// Use `sanitize_textarea_field` for message field content to preserve newlines.
$sanitize_callback = isset ( $value [ 'original_id' ] ) && 'text' === $value [ 'field_type' ] ? 'sanitize_textarea_field' : 'sanitize_text_field' ;
// phpcs:ignore ET.Sniffs.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized -- The $sanitize_callback will sanitize the field value.
$field_value = isset ( $_POST [ $value [ 'field_id' ] ] ) ? trim ( call_user_func ( $sanitize_callback , $_POST [ $value [ 'field_id' ] ] ) ) : '' ;
if ( 'required' === $value [ 'required_mark' ] && empty ( $field_value ) && ! is_numeric ( $field_value ) ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Make sure you fill in all required fields.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
continue ;
// additional check for email field.
if ( 'email' === $value [ 'field_type' ] && ! empty ( $field_value ) ) {
$contact_email = isset ( $_POST [ $value [ 'field_id' ] ] ) ? sanitize_email ( $_POST [ $value [ 'field_id' ] ] ) : '' ;
if ( 'required' === $value [ 'required_mark' ] && ( empty ( $contact_email ) || ! is_email ( $contact_email ) ) ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Invalid Email.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
// prepare the array of processed field values in convenient format.
if ( false === $et_contact_error ) {
$processed_fields_values [ $value [ 'original_id' ] ][ 'value' ] = $field_value ;
$processed_fields_values [ $value [ 'original_id' ] ][ 'label' ] = $value [ 'field_label' ];
// Check form's integrity by comparing fields structure (used for required fields check, etc)
// stored in the shortcode against submitted value generated using JS on the front end
// to prevent data being altered by modifying form markup.
$form_map = $this -> get_form_map ( $shortcode_content , $et_pb_contact_form_num , $hidden_form_fields );
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.serialize_serialize -- doing equality check between two serialized arrays
if ( serialize ( $submitted_form_map ) !== serialize ( $form_map ) ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Invalid submission. Please refresh the page and try again.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
} else {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Make sure you fill in all required fields.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
} else {
if ( false === $nonce_result && isset ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contactform_submit_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) && empty ( $_POST [ 'et_pb_contact_et_number_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ] ) ) {
$et_error_message .= sprintf ( '<p class="et_pb_contact_error_text">%1$s</p>' , esc_html__ ( 'Please refresh the page and try again.' , 'et_builder' ) );
$et_contact_error = true ;
// generate digits for captcha
$et_pb_first_digit = rand ( 1 , 15 );
$et_pb_second_digit = rand ( 1 , 15 );
if ( ! $et_contact_error && $nonce_result ) {
$et_email_to = '' !== $email
? $email
: get_site_option ( 'admin_email' );
$et_site_name = get_option ( 'blogname' );
$contact_name = isset ( $processed_fields_values [ 'name' ] ) ? stripslashes ( sanitize_text_field ( $processed_fields_values [ 'name' ][ 'value' ] ) ) : '' ;
if ( '' !== $custom_message ) {
// decode html entites to make sure HTML from the message pattern is rendered properly
$message_pattern = et_builder_convert_line_breaks ( html_entity_decode ( $custom_message ), " \r \n " );
// insert the data from contact form into the message pattern
foreach ( $processed_fields_values as $key => $value ) {
// strip all tags from each field. Don't strip tags from the entire message to allow using HTML in the pattern.
$message_pattern = str_ireplace ( " %% { $key } %% " , wp_strip_all_tags ( $value [ 'value' ] ), $message_pattern );
if ( is_array ( $hidden_form_fields ) ) {
foreach ( $hidden_form_fields as $hidden_field_label ) {
$message_pattern = str_ireplace ( " %% { $hidden_field_label } %% " , '' , $message_pattern );
} else {
// use default message pattern if custom pattern is not defined
$message_pattern = isset ( $processed_fields_values [ 'message' ][ 'value' ] ) ? $processed_fields_values [ 'message' ][ 'value' ] : '' ;
// Add all custom fields into the message body by default
foreach ( $processed_fields_values as $key => $value ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $key , array ( 'message' , 'name' , 'email' ) ) ) {
$message_pattern .= " \r \n " ;
$message_pattern .= sprintf (
'%1$s: %2$s' ,
'' !== $value [ 'label' ] ? $value [ 'label' ] : $key ,
$value [ 'value' ]
// strip all tags from the message content
$message_pattern = wp_strip_all_tags ( $message_pattern );
$http_host = str_replace ( 'www.' , '' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] );
$headers [] = " From: \" { $contact_name } \" <mail@ { $http_host } > " ;
// Set `Reply-To` email header based on contact_name and contact_email values
if ( ! empty ( $contact_email ) ) {
$contact_name = ! empty ( $contact_name ) ? $contact_name : $contact_email ;
$headers [] = " Reply-To: \" { $contact_name } \" < { $contact_email } > " ;
add_filter ( 'et_get_safe_localization' , 'et_allow_ampersand' );
// don't strip tags at this point to properly send the HTML from pattern. All the unwanted HTML stripped at this point.
$email_message = trim ( stripslashes ( $message_pattern ) );
wp_mail (
apply_filters ( 'et_contact_page_email_to' , $et_email_to ),
et_get_safe_localization (
sprintf (
__ ( 'New Message From %1$s%2$s' , 'et_builder' ),
sanitize_text_field ( html_entity_decode ( $et_site_name , ENT_QUOTES , 'UTF-8' ) ),
( '' !== $title ? sprintf ( _x ( ' - %s' , 'contact form title separator' , 'et_builder' ), $title ) : '' )
! empty ( $email_message ) ? $email_message : ' ' ,
apply_filters ( 'et_contact_page_headers' , $headers , $contact_name , $contact_email )
remove_filter ( 'et_get_safe_localization' , 'et_allow_ampersand' );
$et_error_message = sprintf ( '<p>%1$s</p>' , et_core_esc_previously ( $success_message ) );
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
// Contact form should always have the ID. Use saved ID or generate automatically.
$module_id = '' !== $this -> module_id ( false ) ? $this -> module_id ( false ) : 'et_pb_contact_form_' . $et_pb_contact_form_num ;
$unique_id = self :: $_ -> array_get ( $this -> props , '_unique_id' );
if ( $nonce_result ) {
// Additional info to be passed on the `et_pb_contact_form_submit` hook.
$contact_form_info = array (
'contact_form_id' => $module_id ,
'contact_form_number' => $et_pb_contact_form_num ,
'contact_form_unique_id' => $unique_id ,
'module_slug' => $render_slug ,
'post_id' => $this -> get_the_ID (),
* Fires after contact form is submitted .
* Use $et_contact_error variable to check whether there is an error on the form
* entry submit process or not .
* @ since 4.13 . 1
* @ param array $processed_fields_values Processed fields values .
* @ param array $et_contact_error Whether there is an error on the form
* entry submit process or not .
* @ param array $contact_form_info Additional contact form info .
do_action ( 'et_pb_contact_form_submit' , $processed_fields_values , $et_contact_error , $contact_form_info );
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
$form = '' ;
$current_url = ( is_ssl () ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
$et_pb_captcha = sprintf (
< div class = " et_pb_contact_right " >
< p class = " clearfix " >
< span class = " et_pb_contact_captcha_question " >% 1 $s </ span > = < input type = " text " size = " 2 " class = " input et_pb_contact_captcha " data - first_digit = " %3 $s " data - second_digit = " %4 $s " value = " " name = " et_pb_contact_captcha_%2 $s " data - required_mark = " required " autocomplete = " off " >
</ p >
</ div > ' ,
sprintf ( '%1$s + %2$s' , esc_html ( $et_pb_first_digit ), esc_html ( $et_pb_second_digit ) ),
esc_attr ( $et_pb_contact_form_num ),
esc_attr ( $et_pb_first_digit ),
esc_attr ( $et_pb_second_digit )
if ( '' === trim ( $content ) ) {
$content = do_shortcode ( $this -> predefined_child_modules () );
if ( $et_contact_error ) {
$multi_view_data_attr = $multi_view -> render_attrs (
array (
'content' => '{{submit_button_text}}' ,
$form = sprintf (
< div class = " et_pb_contact " >
< form class = " et_pb_contact_form clearfix " method = " post " action = " %1 $s " >
% 7 $s
< input type = " hidden " value = " et_contact_proccess " name = " et_pb_contactform_submit_%6 $s " />
< div class = " et_contact_bottom_container " >
% 2 $s
< button type = " submit " name = " et_builder_submit_button " class = " et_pb_contact_submit et_pb_button " % 5 $s % 8 $s % 9 $s % 10 $s >% 3 $s </ button >
</ div >
% 4 $s
</ form >
</ div > ' ,
esc_url ( $current_url ),
( 'on' === $captcha && 'off' === $use_spam_service ? $et_pb_captcha : '' ),
esc_html ( $multi_view -> get_value ( 'submit_button_text' ) ),
wp_nonce_field ( 'et-pb-contact-form-submit' , '_wpnonce-et-pb-contact-form-submitted-' . $et_pb_contact_form_num , true , false ),
'' !== $custom_icon && 'on' === $button_custom ? sprintf (
' data-icon="%1$s"' ,
esc_attr ( et_pb_process_font_icon ( $custom_icon ) )
) : '' , // #5
esc_attr ( $et_pb_contact_form_num ),
$content ,
'' !== $custom_icon_tablet && 'on' === $button_custom ? sprintf ( ' data-icon-tablet="%1$s"' , esc_attr ( et_pb_process_font_icon ( $custom_icon_tablet ) ) ) : '' ,
'' !== $custom_icon_phone && 'on' === $button_custom ? sprintf ( ' data-icon-phone="%1$s"' , esc_attr ( et_pb_process_font_icon ( $custom_icon_phone ) ) ) : '' ,
$multi_view_data_attr // #10
// Module classnames
$this -> add_classname (
array (
'et_pb_contact_form_container' ,
'clearfix' ,
$this -> get_text_orientation_classname (),
// Remove automatically added classname
$this -> remove_classname ( $render_slug );
$output = sprintf (
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
< div id = " %4 $s " class = " %5 $s " data - form_unique_num = " %6 $s " data - form_unique_id = " %10 $s " % 7 $s >
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
% 9 $s
% 8 $s
% 1 $s
< div class = " et-pb-contact-message " >% 2 $s </ div >
% 3 $s
</ div >
' ,
$title ,
$et_error_message ,
$form ,
esc_attr ( $module_id ),
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
$this -> module_classname ( $render_slug ), // #5
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
esc_attr ( $et_pb_contact_form_num ),
'on' === $use_redirect && '' !== $redirect_url ? sprintf ( ' data-redirect_url="%1$s"' , esc_attr ( $redirect_url ) ) : '' ,
$video_background ,
2021-12-20 18:06:11 +00:00
$parallax_image_background ,
esc_attr ( $unique_id ) // #10
2021-12-07 11:08:05 +00:00
return $output ;
* Filter multi view value .
* @ since 3.27 . 1
* @ see ET_Builder_Module_Helper_MultiViewOptions :: filter_value
* @ param mixed $raw_value Props raw value .
* @ param array $args {
* Context data .
* @ type string $context Context param : content , attrs , visibility , classes .
* @ type string $name Module options props name .
* @ type string $mode Current data mode : desktop , hover , tablet , phone .
* @ type string $attr_key Attribute key for attrs context data . Example : src , class , etc .
* @ type string $attr_sub_key Attribute sub key that availabe when passing attrs value as array such as styes . Example : padding - top , margin - botton , etc .
* }
* @ param ET_Builder_Module_Helper_MultiViewOptions $multi_view Multiview object instance .
* @ return mixed
public function multi_view_filter_value ( $raw_value , $args , $multi_view ) {
$name = isset ( $args [ 'name' ] ) ? $args [ 'name' ] : '' ;
$mode = isset ( $args [ 'mode' ] ) ? $args [ 'mode' ] : '' ;
$fields_need_escape = array (
'title' ,
if ( $raw_value && in_array ( $name , $fields_need_escape , true ) ) {
return $this -> _esc_attr ( $multi_view -> get_name_by_mode ( $name , $mode ), 'none' , $raw_value );
} elseif ( 'submit_button_text' === $name ) {
if ( '' === trim ( $raw_value ) ) {
$raw_value = __ ( 'Submit' , 'et_builder' );
return esc_html ( $raw_value );
return $raw_value ;
if ( et_builder_should_load_all_module_data () ) {
new ET_Builder_Module_Contact_Form ();