752 lines
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752 lines
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if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
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* Background helper methods.
* This is abstraction of `ET_Builder_Element->process_advanced_background_options()` method which is
* intended for module that needs to extend module background mechanism with few modification
* (eg. post slider which needs to apply module background on individual slide that has featured
* image).
* @since 4.3.3
* @since 4.6.0 Add sticky style support
* @todo Use `ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Background->get_background_style()` for `ET_Builder_Element->process_advanced_background_options()`
* Class ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Background
class ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Background {
public static function instance() {
static $instance;
return $instance ? $instance : $instance = new self();
* Get prop name alias. Some background settings (eg. button's gradient background enable) might
* use slightly different prop name to store background config;
* @since 4.6.0
* @param array $aliases Aliases.
* @param string $prop_name Prop name.
* @return string
public function get_prop_name_alias( $aliases = array(), $prop_name = '' ) {
// If no aliases given, simply return the prop name because it has no alias.
if ( empty( $aliases ) ) {
return $prop_name;
return et_()->array_get( $aliases, $prop_name, $prop_name );
* Get gradient properties based on given props
* @since 4.3.3
* @param array $props Module's props
* @param string $base_prop_name Background base prop name
* @param string $suffix Background base prop name's suffix
* @return array
function get_gradient_properties( $props, $base_prop_name, $suffix ) {
return array(
'type' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_type{$suffix}", '', true ),
'direction' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_direction{$suffix}", '', true ),
'radial_direction' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_direction_radial{$suffix}", '', true ),
'color_start' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_start{$suffix}", '', true ),
'color_end' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_end{$suffix}", '', true ),
'start_position' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_start_position{$suffix}", '', true ),
'end_position' => et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_end_position{$suffix}", '', true ),
* Get gradient properties for hover mode
* @since 4.3.3
* @since 4.6.0 add capability to look for sticky style's gradient
* @param array $props Module's props
* @param string $base_prop_name Background base prop name
* @param array $gradient_properties_desktop {
* @type string $mode
* @type string $type
* @type string $direction
* @type string $radial_direction
* @type string $color_start
* @type string $color_end
* @type string $start_position
* @type string $end_position
* }
* @return array
public function get_gradient_mode_properties( $mode, $props, $base_prop_name, $gradient_properties_desktop = array() ) {
$helper = et_builder_get_helper( $mode );
if ( ! $mode ) {
return false;
// Desktop value as default.
$gradient_type_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'type', '' );
$gradient_direction_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'direction', '' );
$gradient_radial_direction_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'radial_direction', '' );
$gradient_color_start_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'color_start', '' );
$gradient_color_end_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'color_end', '' );
$gradient_start_position_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'start_position', '' );
$gradient_end_position_desktop = et_()->array_get( $gradient_properties_desktop, 'end_position', '' );
$gradient_overlays_image_desktop = et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_overlays_image", '', true );
// Mode value.
$gradient_type_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_type", $props, $gradient_type_desktop );
$gradient_direction_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_direction", $props, $gradient_direction_desktop );
$gradient_direction_radial_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_direction_radial", $props, $gradient_radial_direction_desktop );
$gradient_start_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_start", $props, $gradient_color_start_desktop );
$gradient_end_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_end", $props, $gradient_color_end_desktop );
$gradient_start_position_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_start_position", $props, $gradient_start_position_desktop );
$gradient_end_position_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_end_position", $props, $gradient_end_position_desktop );
$gradient_overlays_image_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_overlays_image", $props, $gradient_overlays_image_desktop );
return array(
'type' => '' !== $gradient_type_mode ? $gradient_type_mode : $gradient_type_desktop,
'direction' => '' !== $gradient_direction_mode ? $gradient_direction_mode : $gradient_direction_desktop,
'radial_direction' => '' !== $gradient_direction_radial_mode ? $gradient_direction_radial_mode : $gradient_radial_direction_desktop,
'color_start' => '' !== $gradient_start_mode ? $gradient_start_mode : $gradient_color_start_desktop,
'color_end' => '' !== $gradient_end_mode ? $gradient_end_mode : $gradient_color_end_desktop,
'start_position' => '' !== $gradient_start_position_mode ? $gradient_start_position_mode : $gradient_start_position_desktop,
'end_position' => '' !== $gradient_end_position_mode ? $gradient_end_position_mode : $gradient_end_position_desktop,
* Get background gradient style based on properties given
* @since 4.3.3
* @param array $args {
* @type string $type
* @type string $direction
* @type string $radial_direction
* @type string $color_start
* @type string $color_end
* @type string $start_position
* @type string $end_position
* }
* @return string
function get_gradient_style( $args ) {
$default_gradient = array(
'type' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_type' ),
'direction' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_direction' ),
'radial_direction' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_direction_radial' ),
'color_start' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_start' ),
'color_end' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_end' ),
'start_position' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_start_position' ),
'end_position' => ET_Global_Settings::get_value( 'all_background_gradient_end_position' ),
$defaults = apply_filters( 'et_pb_default_gradient', $default_gradient );
$args = wp_parse_args( array_filter( $args ), $defaults );
$direction = 'linear' === $args['type'] ? $args['direction'] : "circle at {$args['radial_direction']}";
$start_position = et_sanitize_input_unit( $args['start_position'], false, '%' );
$end_position = et_sanitize_input_unit( $args['end_position'], false, '%' );
return esc_html(
{$args['color_start']} ${start_position},
{$args['color_end']} ${end_position}
* Get individual background image style
* @since 4.3.3
* @param string $attr Background attribute name
* @param string $base_prop_name Base background prop name
* @param string $suffix Attribute name suffix
* @param array $props Module props
* @param array $fields_definition Module's fields definition
* @param bool $is_prev_image_active Whether previous background image is active or not
* @return string
function get_image_style( $attr, $base_prop_name, $suffix = '', $props = array(), $fields_definition = array(), $is_prev_image_active = true ) {
// Get default style
$default = et_()->array_get( $fields_definition, "{$base_prop_name}_{$attr}.default", '' );
// Get style
$style = et_pb_responsive_options()->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_{$attr}{$suffix}", $default, ! $is_prev_image_active );
return $style;
* Get background UI option's style based on given props and prop name
* @since 4.3.3
* @since 4.6.0 Add sticky style support.
* @todo Further simplify this method; Break it down into more encapsulated methods
* @param array $args {
* @type string $base_prop_name
* @type array $props
* @type string $important
* @type array $fields_Definition
* @type string $selector
* @type string $selector_hover
* @type string $selector_sticky
* @type number $priority
* @type string $function_name
* @type bool $has_background_color_toggle
* @type bool $use_background_color
* @type bool $use_background_color_gradient
* @type bool $use_background_image
* @type bool $use_background_video
* @type bool $use_background_color_reset
* @type bool $use_background_image_parallax
* }
function get_background_style( $args = array() ) {
// Default settings
$defaults = array(
'base_prop_name' => 'background',
'props' => array(),
'important' => '',
'fields_definition' => array(),
'selector' => '',
'selector_hover' => '',
'selector_sticky' => '',
'priority' => '',
'function_name' => '',
'has_background_color_toggle' => false,
'use_background_color' => true,
'use_background_color_gradient' => true,
'use_background_image' => true,
'use_background_video' => true,
'use_background_color_reset' => true,
'use_background_image_parallax' => true,
'prop_name_aliases' => array(),
// Parse arguments
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
// Break argument into variables
$base_prop_name = $args['base_prop_name'];
$props = $args['props'];
$important = $args['important'];
$fields_definition = $args['fields_definition'];
$selector = $args['selector'];
$priority = $args['priority'];
$function_name = $args['function_name'];
// Possible values for use_background_* variables are true, false, or 'fields_only'
$has_color_toggle_options = $args['has_background_color_toggle'];
$use_gradient_options = $args['use_background_color_gradient'];
$use_image_options = $args['use_background_image'];
$use_color_options = $args['use_background_color'];
$use_color_reset_options = $args['use_background_color_reset'];
// Prop name aliases. Some background element uses different prop name (eg. button background).
$prop_name_aliases = $args['prop_name_aliases'];
// Save processed background. These will be compared with the smaller device background
// processed value to avoid rendering the same styles.
$processed_color = '';
$processed_image = '';
$gradient_properties_desktop = array();
$processed_image_blend = '';
$gradient_overlays_image_desktop = 'off';
// Store background images status because the process is extensive.
$image_status = array(
'desktop' => false,
'tablet' => false,
'phone' => false,
// Helper.
$responsive = et_pb_responsive_options();
// Parsed prop name, in case it has aliases.
$base_prop_name_parsed = $this->get_prop_name_alias( $prop_name_aliases, $base_prop_name );
// Background Desktop, Tablet, and Phone.
foreach ( $responsive->get_modes() as $device ) {
$is_desktop = 'desktop' === $device;
$suffix = ! $is_desktop ? "_{$device}" : '';
$style = '';
// Conditionals
$has_gradient = false;
$has_image = false;
$has_gradient_and_image = false;
$is_gradient_disabled = false;
$is_image_disabled = false;
// Ensure responsive settings is enabled on mobile.
if ( ! $is_desktop && ! $responsive->is_responsive_enabled( $props, $base_prop_name_parsed ) ) {
// Styles output
$image_style = '';
$color_style = '';
$images = array();
$gradient_overlays_image = 'off';
// A. Background Gradient.
if ( $use_gradient_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_gradient_options ) {
$use_gradient = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value(
$this->get_prop_name_alias( $prop_name_aliases, "use_{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient" ),
// 1. Ensure gradient color is active.
if ( 'on' === $use_gradient ) {
$gradient_overlays_image = $responsive->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient_overlays_image{$suffix}", '', true );
$gradient_properties = $this->get_gradient_properties( $props, $base_prop_name, $suffix );
// Will be used as default of Gradient hover.
if ( $is_desktop ) {
$gradient_properties_desktop = $gradient_properties;
$gradient_overlays_image_desktop = $gradient_overlays_image;
// Save background gradient into background images list.
$background_gradient = $this->get_gradient_style( $gradient_properties );
$images[] = $background_gradient;
// Flag to inform Background Color if current module has Gradient.
$has_gradient = true;
} elseif ( 'off' === $use_gradient ) {
$is_gradient_disabled = true;
// B. Background Image.
if ( $use_image_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_image_options ) {
$image = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_image", $device, $base_prop_name, $fields_definition );
$parallax = $responsive->get_any_value( $props, "parallax{$suffix}", 'off' );
// Background image and parallax status.
$is_image_active = '' !== $image && 'on' !== $parallax;
$image_status[ $device ] = $is_image_active;
// 1. Ensure image exists and parallax is off.
if ( $is_image_active ) {
// Flag to inform Background Color if current module has Image.
$has_image = true;
// Check previous Background image status. Needed to get the correct value.
$is_prev_image_active = true;
if ( ! $is_desktop ) {
$is_prev_image_active = 'tablet' === $device ?
$image_status['desktop'] :
// Size.
$image_size = $this->get_image_style( 'size', $base_prop_name, $suffix, $props, $fields_definition, $is_prev_image_active );
if ( '' !== $image_size ) {
$style .= sprintf( 'background-size: %1$s; ', esc_html( $image_size ) );
// Position.
$image_position = $this->get_image_style( 'position', $base_prop_name, $suffix, $props, $fields_definition, $is_prev_image_active );
if ( '' !== $image_position ) {
$style .= sprintf(
'background-position: %1$s; ',
esc_html( str_replace( '_', ' ', $image_position ) )
// Repeat.
$image_repeat = $this->get_image_style( 'repeat', $base_prop_name, $suffix, $props, $fields_definition, $is_prev_image_active );
if ( '' !== $image_repeat ) {
$style .= sprintf( 'background-repeat: %1$s; ', esc_html( $image_repeat ) );
// Blend.
$image_blend = $this->get_image_style( 'blend', $base_prop_name, $suffix, $props, $fields_definition, $is_prev_image_active );
$image_blend_inherit = $responsive->get_any_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_blend{$suffix}", '', true );
$image_blend_default = et_()->array_get( $fields_definition, "{$base_prop_name}_blend.default", '' );
if ( '' !== $image_blend_inherit ) {
// Don't print the same image blend style.
if ( '' !== $image_blend ) {
$style .= sprintf( 'background-blend-mode: %1$s; ', esc_html( $image_blend ) );
// Reset - If background has image and gradient, force background-color: initial.
if ( $has_gradient && $has_image && $use_color_reset_options !== 'fields_only' && $image_blend_inherit !== $image_blend_default ) {
$has_gradient_and_image = true;
$color_style = 'initial';
$style .= sprintf( 'background-color: initial%1$s; ', esc_html( $important ) );
$processed_image_blend = $image_blend;
// Only append background image when the image is exist.
$images[] = sprintf( 'url(%1$s)', esc_html( $image ) );
} elseif ( '' === $image ) {
// Reset - If background image is disabled, ensure we reset prev background blend mode.
if ( '' !== $processed_image_blend ) {
$style .= 'background-blend-mode: normal; ';
$processed_image_blend = '';
$is_image_disabled = true;
if ( ! empty( $images ) ) {
// The browsers stack the images in the opposite order to what you'd expect.
if ( 'on' !== $gradient_overlays_image ) {
$images = array_reverse( $images );
// Set background image styles only it's different compared to the larger device.
$image_style = join( ', ', $images );
if ( $processed_image !== $image_style ) {
$style .= sprintf(
'background-image: %1$s%2$s;',
esc_html( $image_style ),
} elseif ( ! $is_desktop && $is_gradient_disabled && $is_image_disabled ) {
// Reset - If background image and gradient are disabled, reset current background image.
$image_style = 'initial';
$style .= sprintf(
'background-image: %1$s%2$s;',
esc_html( $image_style ),
// Save processed background images.
$processed_image = $image_style;
// C. Background Color.
if ( $use_color_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_color_options ) {
$use_color_value = $responsive->get_any_value( $props, "use_{$base_prop_name}_color{$suffix}", 'on', true );
if ( ! $has_gradient_and_image && 'off' !== $use_color_value ) {
$color = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_color", $device, $base_prop_name, $fields_definition );
$color = ! $is_desktop && '' === $color ? 'initial' : $color;
$color_style = $color;
if ( '' !== $color && $processed_color !== $color ) {
$style .= sprintf(
'background-color: %1$s%2$s; ',
esc_html( $color ),
esc_html( $important )
} elseif ( $has_color_toggle_options && 'off' === $use_color_value && ! $is_desktop ) {
// Reset - If current module has background color toggle, it's off, and current mode
// it's not desktop, we should reset the background color.
$style .= sprintf(
'background-color: initial %1$s; ',
esc_html( $important )
// Save processed background color.
$processed_color = $color_style;
// Render background styles.
if ( '' !== $style ) {
// Add media query parameter.
$background_args = array();
if ( ! $is_desktop ) {
$current_media_query = 'tablet' === $device ? 'max_width_980' : 'max_width_767';
$background_args['media_query'] = ET_Builder_Element::get_media_query( $current_media_query );
$el_style = array(
'selector' => $selector,
'declaration' => rtrim( $style ),
'priority' => $priority,
ET_Builder_Element::set_style( $function_name, wp_parse_args( $background_args, $el_style ) );
// Background Modes (Hover & Sticky).
$modes = array( 'hover', 'sticky' );
foreach ( $modes as $mode ) {
// Get helper.
$helper = et_builder_get_helper( $mode );
// Bail if no helper.
if ( ! $helper ) {
// Get selector.
$selector_mode = $args[ "selector_{$mode}" ];
// If no fixed selector defined, prepend / append default selector.
if ( '' === $selector_mode ) {
if ( 'hover' === $mode ) {
$selector_mode = $helper->add_hover_to_selectors( $selector );
} elseif ( 'sticky' === $mode ) {
$is_sticky_module = $helper->is_sticky_module( $props );
$selector_mode = $helper->add_sticky_to_order_class( $selector, $is_sticky_module );
// Check if mode is enabled.
if ( $helper->is_enabled( $this->get_prop_name_alias( $prop_name_aliases, $base_prop_name ), $props ) ) {
$images_mode = array();
$style_mode = '';
$has_gradient_mode = false;
$has_image_mode = false;
$has_gradient_and_image_mode = false;
$is_gradient_mode_disabled = false;
$is_image_mode_disabled = false;
$gradient_overlays_image_mode = 'off';
// Background Gradient Mode (Hover / Sticky).
// This part is little bit different compared to responsive implementation. In
// this case, mode is enabled on the background field, not on the each of those
// fields. So, built in function get_value() doesn't work in this case.
// Temporarily, we need to fetch the the value from get_raw_value().
if ( $use_gradient_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_gradient_options ) {
$use_gradient_mode = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value(
$this->get_prop_name_alias( $prop_name_aliases, "use_{$base_prop_name}_color_gradient" ),
// 1. Ensure gradient color is active and values are not null.
if ( 'on' === $use_gradient_mode ) {
// Flag to inform BG Color if current module has Gradient.
$has_gradient_mode = true;
$gradient_values_mode = $this->get_gradient_mode_properties(
$gradient_mode = $this->get_gradient_style( $gradient_values_mode );
$images_mode[] = $gradient_mode;
$gradient_overlays_image_desktop = $responsive->get_any_value(
$gradient_overlays_image_mode = $helper->get_raw_value(
} elseif ( 'off' === $use_gradient_mode ) {
$is_gradient_mode_disabled = true;
// Background Image Mode (Hover / Sticky).
// This part is little bit different compared to responsive implementation. In
// this case, mode is enabled on the background field, not on the each of those
// fields. So, built in function get_value() doesn't work in this case.
// Temporarily, we need to fetch the the value from get_raw_value().
if ( $use_image_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_image_options ) {
$image_mode = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value(
$parallax_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( 'parallax', $props );
if ( '' !== $image_mode && null !== $image_mode && 'on' !== $parallax_mode ) {
// Flag to inform BG Color if current module has Image.
$has_image_mode = true;
// Size.
$image_size_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_size", $props );
$image_size_desktop = et_()->array_get( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_size", '' );
$is_same_image_size = $image_size_mode === $image_size_desktop;
if ( empty( $image_size_mode ) && ! empty( $image_size_desktop ) ) {
$image_size_mode = $image_size_desktop;
if ( ! empty( $image_size_mode ) && ! $is_same_image_size ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-size: %1$s; ',
esc_html( $image_size_mode )
// Position.
$image_position_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_position", $props );
$image_position_desktop = et_()->array_get( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_position", '' );
$is_same_image_position = $image_position_mode === $image_position_desktop;
if ( empty( $image_position_mode ) && ! empty( $image_position_desktop ) ) {
$image_position_mode = $image_position_desktop;
if ( ! empty( $image_position_mode ) && ! $is_same_image_position ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-position: %1$s; ',
esc_html( str_replace( '_', ' ', $image_position_mode ) )
// Repeat.
$image_repeat_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_repeat", $props );
$image_repeat_desktop = et_()->array_get( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_repeat", '' );
$is_same_image_repeat = $image_repeat_mode === $image_repeat_desktop;
if ( empty( $image_repeat_mode ) && ! empty( $image_repeat_desktop ) ) {
$image_repeat_mode = $image_repeat_desktop;
if ( ! empty( $image_repeat_mode ) && ! $is_same_image_repeat ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-repeat: %1$s; ',
esc_html( $image_repeat_mode )
// Blend.
$image_blend_mode = $helper->get_raw_value( "{$base_prop_name}_blend", $props );
$image_blend_default = et_()->array_get( $fields_definition, "{$base_prop_name}_blend.default", '' );
$image_blend_desktop = et_()->array_get( $props, "{$base_prop_name}_blend", '' );
$is_same_image_blend = $image_blend_mode === $image_blend_desktop;
if ( empty( $image_blend_mode ) && ! empty( $image_blend_desktop ) ) {
$image_blend_mode = $image_blend_desktop;
if ( ! empty( $image_blend_mode ) ) {
// Don't print the same background blend.
if ( ! $is_same_image_blend ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-blend-mode: %1$s; ',
esc_html( $image_blend_mode )
// Force background-color: initial.
if ( $has_gradient_mode && $has_image_mode && $image_blend_mode !== $image_blend_default ) {
$has_gradient_and_image_mode = true;
$style_mode .= sprintf( 'background-color: initial%1$s; ', esc_html( $important ) );
// Only append background image when the image is exist.
$images_mode[] = sprintf( 'url(%1$s)', esc_html( $image_mode ) );
} elseif ( '' === $image_mode ) {
$is_image_mode_disabled = true;
if ( ! empty( $images_mode ) ) {
// The browsers stack the images in the opposite order to what you'd expect.
if ( 'on' !== $gradient_overlays_image_mode ) {
$images_mode = array_reverse( $images_mode );
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-image: %1$s%2$s;',
esc_html( join( ', ', $images_mode ) ),
} elseif ( $is_gradient_mode_disabled && $is_image_mode_disabled ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-image: initial %1$s;',
// Background Color Mode (Hover / Sticky).
if ( $use_color_options && 'fields_only' !== $use_color_options ) {
$use_color_mode_value = $helper->get_raw_value( "use_{$base_prop_name}_color", $props );
$use_color_mode_value = ! empty( $use_color_mode_value ) ?
$use_color_mode_value :
et_()->array_get( $props, "use_{$base_prop_name}_color", 'on' );
if ( ! $has_gradient_and_image_mode && 'off' !== $use_color_mode_value ) {
$color_mode = $responsive->get_inheritance_background_value(
$color_mode = '' !== $color_mode ? $color_mode : 'transparent';
if ( '' !== $color_mode ) {
$style_mode .= sprintf(
'background-color: %1$s%2$s; ',
esc_html( $color_mode ),
esc_html( $important )
} elseif ( $has_color_toggle_options && 'off' === $use_color_mode_value ) {
// Reset - If current module has background color toggle, it's off, and current mode
// it's not desktop, we should reset the background color.
$style .= sprintf(
'background-color: initial %1$s; ',
esc_html( $important )
// Render background mode styles.
if ( '' !== $style_mode ) {
$el_style = array(
'selector' => $selector_mode,
'declaration' => rtrim( $style_mode ),
'priority' => $priority,
ET_Builder_Element::set_style( $function_name, $el_style );