751 lines
23 KiB
751 lines
23 KiB
( function( $ ) {
"use strict";
// Extend etCorePortability since it is declared by localization.
window.etCore.portability = $.extend( etCorePortability, {
cancelled: false,
boot: function( $instance ) {
var $this = this;
var $customizeHeader = $( '#customize-header-actions' );
var $customizePortability = $( '.et-core-customize-controls-close' );
// Moved portability button into customizer header
if ( $customizeHeader.length && $customizePortability.length ) {
$customizeHeader.append( $customizePortability );
$( '[data-et-core-portability]' ).each( function() {
$this.listen( $( this ) );
} );
// Release unecessary cache.
etCorePortability = null;
listen: function( $el ) {
var $this = this;
$el.find('[data-et-core-portability-export]').on('click', function(e){
if ( ! $this.actionsDisabled() ) {
$el.find( '.et-core-portability-export-form input[type="text"]' ).on( 'keydown', function( e ) {
if ( 13 === e.keyCode ) {
} );
// Portability populate import.
$el.find( '.et-core-portability-import-form input[type="file"]' ).on( 'change', function( e ) {
$this.populateImport( $( this ).get( 0 ).files[0] );
} );
$el.find('.et-core-portability-import').on('click', function(e){
if ( ! $this.actionsDisabled() ) {
// Trigger file window.
$el.find('.et-core-portability-import-form button').on('click', function(e){
$this.instance( 'input[type="file"]' ).trigger( 'click' );
// Cancel request.
$el.find('[data-et-core-portability-cancel]').on('click', function(e){
validateImportFile: function( file, noOutput ) {
if ( undefined !== file && 'undefined' != typeof file.name && 'undefined' != typeof file.type && 'json' == file.name.split( '.' ).slice( -1 )[0] ) {
return true;
if ( ! noOutput ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<p>' + this.text.invalideFile + '</p>', false, 3000, '#et-core-portability-import' );
return false;
populateImport: function( file ) {
if ( ! this.validateImportFile( file ) ) {
$( '.et-core-portability-import-placeholder' ).text( file.name );
import: function(noBackup) {
var $this = this;
var file = $this.instance('input[type="file"]').get(0).files[0];
if (undefined === window.FormData) {
etCore.modalContent('<p>' + this.text.browserSupport + '</p>', false, 3000, '#et-core-portability-import');
if (!$this.validateImportFile(file)) {
$this.addProgressBar( $this.text.importing );
// Export Backup if set.
if ( $this.instance( '[name="et-core-portability-import-backup"]' ).is( ':checked' ) && ! noBackup ) {
$this.export( true );
$( $this ).on( 'exported', function() {
$this.import( true );
} );
var includeGlobalPresets = $this.instance('[name="et-core-portability-import-include-global-presets"]').is(':checked');
$this.ajaxAction( {
action: 'et_core_portability_import',
file: file,
include_global_presets: includeGlobalPresets,
nonce: $this.nonces.import
}, function( response ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-success"></div>', false, 3000, '#et-core-portability-import' );
$( document ).delay( 3000 ).queue( function() {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader"></div>', false, false, '#et-core-portability-import' );
$( this ).dequeue().delay( 2000 ).queue( function() {
// Save post content for individual content.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.postContent ) {
var save = $( '#save-action #save-post' );
if ( save.length === 0 ) {
save = $( '#publishing-action input[type="submit"]' );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tinyMCE && window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ) && ! window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ).isHidden() ) {
var editor = window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' );
editor.setContent(response.data.postContent.trim(), { format: 'html' });
} else {
save.trigger( 'click' );
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
$( 'body' ).fadeOut( 500 );
} else {
$( 'body' ).fadeOut( 500, function() {
// Remove confirmation popup before relocation.
$( window ).off( 'beforeunload' );
window.location = window.location.href.replace(/reset\=true\&|\&reset\=true/,'');
} )
} );
} );
}, true );
export: function( backup ) {
var $this = this,
progressBarMessages = backup ? $this.text.backuping : $this.text.exporting;
$this.save( function() {
var posts = {},
content = false;
// Include selected posts.
if ( $this.instance( '[name="et-core-portability-posts"]' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
$( '#posts-filter [name="post[]"]:checked:enabled' ).each( function() {
posts[this.id] = this.value;
} );
// do not proceed and display error message if no Items selected
if ( $.isEmptyObject( posts ) ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-fail"></div><h3>' + $this.text.noItemsSelected + '</h3>', false, true, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
$this.addProgressBar( progressBarMessages );
// Get post layout.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.tinyMCE && window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ) && ! window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ).isHidden() ) {
content = window.tinyMCE.get( 'content' ).getContent();
} else if ( $( 'textarea#content' ).length > 0 ) {
content = $( 'textarea#content' ).val();
if ( false !== content ) {
content = content.replace( /^([^\[]*){1}/, '' );
content = content.replace( /([^\]]*)$/, '' );
var applyGlobalPresets = $this.instance( '[name="et-core-portability-apply-presets"]' ).is( ':checked' );
$this.ajaxAction( {
action: 'et_core_portability_export',
content: content,
selection: $.isEmptyObject( posts ) ? false : JSON.stringify( posts ),
apply_global_presets: applyGlobalPresets,
nonce: $this.nonces.export
}, function( response ) {
var time = ' ' + new Date().toJSON().replace( 'T', ' ' ).replace( ':', 'h' ).substring( 0, 16 ),
downloadURL = $this.instance( '[data-et-core-portability-export]' ).data( 'et-core-portability-export' ),
query = {
'timestamp': response.data.timestamp,
'name': encodeURIComponent( $this.instance( '.et-core-portability-export-form input' ).val() + ( backup ? time : '' ) ),
$.each( query, function( key, value ) {
if ( value ) {
downloadURL = downloadURL + '&' + key + '=' + value;
} );
// Remove confirmation popup before relocation.
$( window ).off( 'beforeunload' );
window.location.assign( encodeURI( downloadURL ) );
if ( ! backup ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-success"></div>', false, 3000, '#et-core-portability-export' );
$( $this ).trigger( 'exported' );
} );
} );
exportFB: function( exportUrl, postId, content, fileName, importFile, page, timestamp, progress = 0, estimation = 1 ) {
var $this = this;
// Trigger event which updates VB-UI's progress bar
window.et_fb_export_progress = progress;
window.et_fb_export_estimation = estimation;
var exportEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
exportEvent.initEvent('et_fb_layout_export_in_progress', true, true);
page = typeof page === 'undefined' ? 1 : page;
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: etCore.ajaxurl,
dataType: 'json',
data: {
action: 'et_core_portability_export',
content: content.shortcode,
global_presets: content.global_presets,
global_colors: content.global_colors,
timestamp: timestamp !== undefined ? timestamp : 0,
nonce: $this.nonces.export,
post: postId,
context: 'et_builder',
page: page,
success: function( response ) {
var errorEvent = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
errorEvent.initEvent( 'et_fb_layout_export_error', true, true );
// The error is unknown but most of the time it would be cased by the server max size being exceeded.
if ( 'string' === typeof response && '0' === response ) {
window.et_fb_export_layout_message = $this.text.maxSizeExceeded;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
// Memory size set on server is exhausted.
else if ( 'string' === typeof response && response.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'memory size' ) >= 0 ) {
window.et_fb_export_layout_message = $this.text.memoryExhausted;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
// Paginate.
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.page ) {
if ( $this.cancelled ) {
// Update progress bar
var updatedProgress = Math.ceil((response.page * 100) / response.total_pages);
var updatedEstimation = Math.ceil(((response.total_pages - response.page) * 6) / 60);
// If progress param isn't empty, updated progress should continue from it
// because before exportFB(), shortcode should've been prepared via another
// ajax request first
if (0 < progress) {
const remainingProgress = (100 - progress) / 100;
updatedProgress = (updatedProgress * remainingProgress) + progress;
// Update global variables
window.et_fb_export_progress = updatedProgress;
window.et_fb_export_estimation = updatedEstimation;
// Dispatch event to trigger UI update
return $this.exportFB(
(page + 1),
} else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.data && 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.message ) {
window.et_fb_export_layout_message = $this.text[response.data.message];
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
var time = ' ' + new Date().toJSON().replace( 'T', ' ' ).replace( ':', 'h' ).substring( 0, 16 ),
downloadURL = exportUrl,
query = {
'timestamp': response.data.timestamp,
'name': '' !== fileName ? fileName : encodeURIComponent( time ),
$.each( query, function( key, value ) {
if ( value ) {
downloadURL = downloadURL + '&' + key + '=' + value;
} );
// Remove confirmation popup before relocation.
$( window ).off( 'beforeunload' );
// Update progress bar's global variables
window.et_fb_export_progress = 100;
window.et_fb_export_estimation = 0;
// Dispatch event to trigger UI update
window.location.assign( encodeURI( downloadURL ) );
// perform import if needed
if ( typeof importFile !== 'undefined' ) {
$this.importFB( importFile, postId );
} else {
var event = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
event.initEvent( 'et_fb_layout_export_finished', true, true );
// trigger event to communicate with FB
window.dispatchEvent( event );
} );
importFB: function(file, postId, options) {
var $this = this;
var errorEvent = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
window.et_fb_import_progress = 0;
window.et_fb_import_estimation = 1;
errorEvent.initEvent( 'et_fb_layout_import_error', true, true );
if ( undefined === window.FormData ) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = this.text.browserSupport;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
if ( ! $this.validateImportFile( file, true ) ) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = this.text.invalideFile;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
if ('undefined' === typeof options) {
options = {};
options = $.extend({
replace: false
}, options);
var fileSize = Math.ceil( ( file.size / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ).toFixed( 2 ) ),
formData = new FormData(),
requestData = {
action: 'et_core_portability_import',
include_global_presets: options.includeGlobalPresets,
file: file,
content: false,
timestamp: 0,
nonce: $this.nonces.import,
post: postId,
replace: options.replace ? '1' : '0',
context: 'et_builder'
* Max size set on server is exceeded.
* 0 indicating "unlimited" according to php specs
* https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.post-max-size
if (
( 0 > $this.postMaxSize && fileSize >= $this.postMaxSize )
|| ( 0 > $this.uploadMaxSize && fileSize >= $this.uploadMaxSize )
) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = this.text.maxSizeExceeded;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
$.each(requestData, function(name, value) {
if ('file' === name) {
// Explicitly set the file name.
// Otherwise it'll be set to 'Blob' in case of Blob type, but we need actual filename here.
formData.append('file', value, value.name);
} else {
formData.append(name, value);
var importFBAjax = function( importData ) {
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: etCore.ajaxurl,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
data: formData,
success: function( response ) {
var event = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
event.initEvent( 'et_fb_layout_import_in_progress', true, true );
// Handle known error
if ( ! response.success && 'undefined' !== typeof response.data && 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.message && 'undefined' !== typeof $this.text[ response.data.message ] ) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = $this.text[ response.data.message ];
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
// The error is unknown but most of the time it would be cased by the server max size being exceeded.
else if ( 'string' === typeof response && ('0' === response || '' === response) ) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = $this.text.maxSizeExceeded;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
// Memory size set on server is exhausted.
else if ( 'string' === typeof response && response.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'memory size' ) >= 0 ) {
window.et_fb_import_layout_message = $this.text.memoryExhausted;
window.dispatchEvent( errorEvent );
// Pagination
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.page && 'undefined' !== typeof response.total_pages ) {
// Update progress bar
var progress = Math.ceil( ( response.page * 100 ) / response.total_pages );
var estimation = Math.ceil( ( ( response.total_pages - response.page ) * 6 ) / 60 );
window.et_fb_import_progress = progress;
window.et_fb_import_estimation = estimation;
// Import data
var nextImportData = importData;
nextImportData.append( 'page', ( parseInt(response.page) + 1 ) );
nextImportData.append( 'timestamp', response.timestamp );
nextImportData.append( 'file', null );
importFBAjax( nextImportData );
// trigger event to communicate with FB
window.dispatchEvent( event );
} else {
// Update progress bar
window.et_fb_import_progress = 100;
window.et_fb_import_estimation = 0;
// trigger event to communicate with FB
window.dispatchEvent( event );
// Allow some time for animations to animate
setTimeout( function() {
var event = document.createEvent( 'Event' );
event.initEvent( 'et_fb_layout_import_finished', true, true );
// save the data into global variable for later use in FB
window.et_fb_import_layout_response = response;
// trigger event to communicate with FB (again)
window.dispatchEvent( event );
}, 1300 );
} );
ajaxAction: function( data, callback, fileSupport ) {
var $this = this;
// Reset cancelled.
this.cancelled = false;
data = $.extend( {
nonce: $this.nonce,
file: null,
content: false,
timestamp: 0,
post: $( '#post_ID' ).val(),
context: $this.instance().data( 'et-core-portability' ),
page: 1,
}, data );
var ajax = {
type: 'POST',
url: etCore.ajaxurl,
data: data,
success: function( response ) {
// The error is unknown but most of the time it would be caused by the server max size being exceeded.
if ( 'string' === typeof response && '0' === response ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<p>' + $this.text.maxSizeExceeded + '</p>', false, true, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
// Memory size set on server is exhausted.
else if ( 'string' === typeof response && response.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'memory size' ) >= 0 ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<p>' + $this.text.memoryExhausted + '</p>', false, true, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
// Paginate.
else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.page ) {
var progress = Math.ceil( ( response.page * 100 ) / response.total_pages );
if ( $this.cancelled ) {
$this.toggleCancel( true );
$this.ajaxAction( $.extend( data, {
page: parseInt( response.page ) + 1,
timestamp: response.timestamp,
file: null,
} ), callback, false );
$this.instance( '.et-core-progress-bar' )
.width( progress + '%' )
.text( progress + '%' );
$this.instance( '.et-core-progress-subtext span' ).text( Math.ceil( ( ( response.total_pages - response.page ) * 6 ) / 60 ) );
} else if ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.data && 'undefined' !== typeof response.data.message ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<p>' + $this.text[response.data.message] + '</p>', false, 3000, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
// Timestamp when AJAX response is received
var ajax_returned_timestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Animate Progresss Bar
var animateCoreProgressBar = function( DOMHighResTimeStamp ) {
// Check has been performed for 3s and progress bar DOM still can't be found, consider it fail to avoid infinite loop
var current_timestamp = new Date().getTime();
if ((current_timestamp - ajax_returned_timestamp) > 3000) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-fail"></div>', false, 3000, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
// Check if core progress DOM exists
if ($this.instance( '.et-core-progress' ).length ) {
$this.instance( '.et-core-progress' )
.removeClass( 'et-core-progress-striped' )
.find( '.et-core-progress-bar' ).width( '100%' )
.text( '100%' )
.delay( 1000 )
.queue( function() {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof response.data || ( 'undefined' !== typeof response.data && ! response.data.timestamp ) ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-fail"></div>', false, 3000, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
$( this ).dequeue();
callback( response );
} );
} else {
// Recheck on the next animation frame
if ( fileSupport ) {
var fileSize = Math.ceil( ( data.file.size / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ).toFixed( 2 ) ),
formData = new FormData();
* Max size set on server is exceeded.
* 0 indicating "unlimited" according to php specs
* https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.post-max-size
if (
( 0 > $this.postMaxSize && fileSize >= $this.postMaxSize )
|| ( 0 > $this.uploadMaxSize && fileSize >= $this.uploadMaxSize )
) {
etCore.modalContent( '<p>' + $this.text.maxSizeExceeded + '</p>', false, true, '#' + $this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
$.each( ajax.data, function( name, value ) {
formData.append( name, value);
} );
ajax = $.extend( ajax, {
data: formData,
processData: false,
contentType : false,
} );
$.ajax( ajax );
// This function should be overwritten for options portability type to make sure data are saved before exporting.
save: function( callback ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp && 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize ) {
var saveCallback = function() {
wp.customize.unbind( 'saved', saveCallback );
wp.customize.bind( 'saved', saveCallback );
} else {
// Add a slight delay for animation purposes.
setTimeout( function() {
}, 1000 )
addProgressBar: function( message ) {
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-progress et-core-progress-striped et-core-active"><div class="et-core-progress-bar" style="width: 10%;">1%</div><span class="et-core-progress-subtext">' + message + '</span></div>', false, false, '#' + this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
actionsDisabled: function() {
if ( this.instance( '.et-core-modal-action' ).hasClass( 'et-core-disabled' ) ) {
return true;
return false;
disableActions: function() {
this.instance( '.et-core-modal-action' ).addClass( 'et-core-disabled' );
enableActions: function() {
this.instance( '.et-core-modal-action' ).removeClass( 'et-core-disabled' );
toggleCancel: function( cancel ) {
var $target = this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible [data-et-core-portability-cancel]' );
if ( cancel && ! $target.is( ':visible' ) ) {
$target.show().animate( { opacity: 1 }, 600 );
} else if ( ! cancel && $target.is( ':visible' ) ) {
$target.animate( { opacity: 0 }, 600, function() {
$( this ).hide();
} );
cancel: function( cancel ) {
this.cancelled = true;
// Remove all temp files. Set a delay as temp files might still be in the process of being added.
setTimeout( function() {
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: etCore.ajaxurl,
data: {
nonce: this.nonces.cancel,
context: this.instance().data( 'et-core-portability' ),
action: 'et_core_portability_cancel',
} );
}.bind( this ), 3000 );
etCore.modalContent( '<div class="et-core-loader et-core-loader-success"></div>', false, 3000, '#' + this.instance( '.ui-tabs-panel:visible' ).attr( 'id' ) );
instance: function( element ) {
return $( '.et-core-active[data-et-core-portability]' + ( element ? ' ' + element : '' ) );
} );
$(function() {
})( jQuery );