"subTitle":"This application is developed by Startin'blox",
"paragraph1":"Startin'blox is a cooperative that develops open source tools to easily and cheaply build federated and interoperable applications based on the latest web standards pushed by the SOLID project.",
"paragraph2":"Its mission is to empower users by enabling them to regain control of their digital tools and benefit from a network effect within a chosen ecosystem in order to emancipate themselves from large platforms."
"title":"Contact us",
"paragraph-1":"You want to contribute, report a bug, suggest an improvement, work with us?",
"fold":"Fold the menu",
"fold":"Fold the menu",
"title":" Create a circle",
"labelStatus":"Statut du circle",
"labelName":"Circle name *",
"labelDescription":"Circle headline *",
"title":"Edit your circle",
"labelStatus":"Circle status",
"labelName":"Circle name *",
"labelOwner":"Admin *",
"labelDescription":"Circle headline *",
"subTitle":"Members list :",
"buttonAddMember":"Add a member"
"buttonCreate":" Create a circle",
"paragraphQuit":"You left this circle.",
"paragraphJoin":"To join it again, go to the panel",