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<title>Colophon 🌱 Digital Garden</title>
<meta name="description" content="A digital garden or public notebook for The Bentways Digital and/as Public Space Micro-Residency.">
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<h1 class="f-6 normal anthony">Colophon</h1>
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<p>This micro-site is part of <a href="/bentway">Bentways</a> <em>Digital and/as Public Space</em> initiative exploring the new reality of hybrid realms that blend digital and physical spaces.</p>
<p><a href="/hypha">Hypha</a> is a worker co-operative based in Toronto which helps organizations and communities redesign their relationships with digital technology.</p>
<p><a href="http://velvetyne.fr/fonts/anthony/">Anthony</a> is a typeface designed by <a href="https://www.sunyoungoh.com/">Sun Young Oh</a> and inspired from artworks by British sculptor Anthony Caro. The form of this typeface comes from his sculptures that are leaning against each other.</p>
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