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garrying 2021-04-18 20:26:12 +00:00
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<title>Bentway 🌱 Digital Garden</title>
<meta name="description" content="The Bentway re-imagines how we build, experience, activate, and value public space
public space together. With From Later, they are hosting an initiative from March 1 to May 31 called Digital...">
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<time datetime="2021-04-18T19:47:17+00:00">
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Hypertext Gardens: Delightful Vistas
Mark Bernstein, Eastgate Systems, Inc.
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<title>Garry Ing 🌱 Digital Garden</title>
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We are exploring the protocols, languages, and material of the internet as a place for experimentation and practice. The e...">
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Last updated <br> April 18, 2021
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<li><a href=""></a>: Printed Matters Virtual Art Book Fair. We think their shift to virtual this year was really neat to experience. They had a lot of support from folks and created an experience that feels unique and “of-the-net” instead of directly replicating the in-person event. We were also are thinking about <a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href=""></a>: A workshop Mindy Seu hosted as part of A-B-Z-TXT. Pulling together concrete poetry and typewriter art, to create imaginary internet dwellings</li>
<li><a href=""></a>: Essay from Olia Lialina expanding on the concept of <em>General Purpose Users</em></li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li>Community Memory</li>
<li>World in 24 Hours</li>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
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Created <br> April 18, 2021
<time datetime="2021-04-18T19:47:17+00:00">
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