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2021-12-10 12:03:04 +00:00
* External dependencies
import { select } from '@wordpress/data-controls';
import type {
} from '@woocommerce/types';
import { ReturnOrGeneratorYieldUnion } from '@automattic/data-stores';
import { camelCase, mapKeys } from 'lodash';
import type { AddToCartEventDetail } from '@woocommerce/type-defs/events';
* Internal dependencies
import { ACTION_TYPES as types } from './action-types';
import { STORE_KEY as CART_STORE_KEY } from './constants';
import { apiFetchWithHeaders } from '../shared-controls';
import type { ResponseError } from '../types';
* Returns an action object used in updating the store with the provided items
* retrieved from a request using the given querystring.
* This is a generic response action.
* @param {CartResponse} response
export const receiveCart = (
response: CartResponse
): { type: string; response: Cart } => {
const cart = ( mapKeys( response, ( _, key ) =>
camelCase( key )
) as unknown ) as Cart;
return {
type: types.RECEIVE_CART,
response: cart,
* Returns an action object used for receiving customer facing errors from the API.
* @param {ResponseError|null} [error=null] An error object containing the error
* message and response code.
* @param {boolean} [replace=true] Should existing errors be replaced,
* or should the error be appended.
export const receiveError = (
error: ResponseError | null = null,
replace = true
) =>
( {
type: replace ? types.REPLACE_ERRORS : types.RECEIVE_ERROR,
} as const );
* Returns an action object used to track when a coupon is applying.
* @param {string} [couponCode] Coupon being added.
export const receiveApplyingCoupon = ( couponCode: string ) =>
( {
type: types.APPLYING_COUPON,
} as const );
* Returns an action object used to track when a coupon is removing.
* @param {string} [couponCode] Coupon being removed..
export const receiveRemovingCoupon = ( couponCode: string ) =>
( {
type: types.REMOVING_COUPON,
} as const );
* Returns an action object for updating a single cart item in the store.
* @param {CartResponseItem} [response=null] A cart item API response.
export const receiveCartItem = ( response: CartResponseItem | null = null ) =>
( {
type: types.RECEIVE_CART_ITEM,
cartItem: response,
} as const );
* Returns an action object to indicate if the specified cart item quantity is
* being updated.
* @param {string} cartItemKey Cart item being updated.
* @param {boolean} [isPendingQuantity=true] Flag for update state; true if API
* request is pending.
export const itemIsPendingQuantity = (
cartItemKey: string,
isPendingQuantity = true
) =>
( {
} as const );
* Returns an action object to remove a cart item from the store.
* @param {string} cartItemKey Cart item to remove.
* @param {boolean} [isPendingDelete=true] Flag for update state; true if API
* request is pending.
export const itemIsPendingDelete = (
cartItemKey: string,
isPendingDelete = true
) =>
( {
} as const );
* Returns an action object to mark the cart data in the store as stale.
* @param {boolean} [isCartDataStale=true] Flag to mark cart data as stale; true if
* lastCartUpdate timestamp is newer than the
* one in wcSettings.
export const setIsCartDataStale = ( isCartDataStale = true ) =>
( {
} as const );
* Returns an action object used to track when customer data is being updated
* (billing and/or shipping).
export const updatingCustomerData = ( isResolving: boolean ) =>
( {
} as const );
* Returns an action object used to track whether the shipping rate is being
* selected or not.
* @param {boolean} isResolving True if shipping rate is being selected.
export const shippingRatesBeingSelected = ( isResolving: boolean ) =>
( {
} as const );
* Returns an action object for updating legacy cart fragments.
export const updateCartFragments = () =>
( {
} as const );
* Triggers an adding to cart event so other blocks can update accordingly.
export const triggerAddingToCartEvent = () =>
( {
} as const );
* Triggers an added to cart event so other blocks can update accordingly.
export const triggerAddedToCartEvent = ( {
}: AddToCartEventDetail ) =>
( {
} as const );
* POSTs to the /cart/extensions endpoint with the data supplied by the extension.
* @param {Object} args The data to be posted to the endpoint
export function* applyExtensionCartUpdate(
args: ExtensionCartUpdateArgs
): Generator< unknown, CartResponse, { response: CartResponse } > {
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: '/wc/store/cart/extensions',
method: 'POST',
data: { namespace: args.namespace, data: args.data },
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield updateCartFragments();
return response;
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// Re-throw the error.
throw error;
* Applies a coupon code and either invalidates caches, or receives an error if
* the coupon cannot be applied.
* @param {string} couponCode The coupon code to apply to the cart.
* @throws Will throw an error if there is an API problem.
export function* applyCoupon(
couponCode: string
): Generator< unknown, boolean, { response: CartResponse } > {
yield receiveApplyingCoupon( couponCode );
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: '/wc/store/cart/apply-coupon',
method: 'POST',
data: {
code: couponCode,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield receiveApplyingCoupon( '' );
yield updateCartFragments();
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
yield receiveApplyingCoupon( '' );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// Re-throw the error.
throw error;
return true;
* Removes a coupon code and either invalidates caches, or receives an error if
* the coupon cannot be removed.
* @param {string} couponCode The coupon code to remove from the cart.
* @throws Will throw an error if there is an API problem.
export function* removeCoupon(
couponCode: string
): Generator< unknown, boolean, { response: CartResponse } > {
yield receiveRemovingCoupon( couponCode );
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: '/wc/store/cart/remove-coupon',
method: 'POST',
data: {
code: couponCode,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield receiveRemovingCoupon( '' );
yield updateCartFragments();
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
yield receiveRemovingCoupon( '' );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// Re-throw the error.
throw error;
return true;
* Adds an item to the cart:
* - Calls API to add item.
* - If successful, yields action to add item from store.
* - If error, yields action to store error.
* @param {number} productId Product ID to add to cart.
* @param {number} [quantity=1] Number of product ID being added to cart.
* @throws Will throw an error if there is an API problem.
export function* addItemToCart(
productId: number,
quantity = 1
): Generator< unknown, void, { response: CartResponse } > {
try {
yield triggerAddingToCartEvent();
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: `/wc/store/cart/add-item`,
method: 'POST',
data: {
id: productId,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield triggerAddedToCartEvent( { preserveCartData: true } );
yield updateCartFragments();
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// Re-throw the error.
throw error;
* Removes specified item from the cart:
* - Calls API to remove item.
* - If successful, yields action to remove item from store.
* - If error, yields action to store error.
* - Sets cart item as pending while API request is in progress.
* @param {string} cartItemKey Cart item being updated.
export function* removeItemFromCart(
cartItemKey: string
): Generator< unknown, void, { response: CartResponse } > {
yield itemIsPendingDelete( cartItemKey );
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: `/wc/store/cart/remove-item`,
data: {
key: cartItemKey,
method: 'POST',
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield updateCartFragments();
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
yield itemIsPendingDelete( cartItemKey, false );
* Persists a quantity change the for specified cart item:
* - Calls API to set quantity.
* - If successful, yields action to update store.
* - If error, yields action to store error.
* @param {string} cartItemKey Cart item being updated.
* @param {number} quantity Specified (new) quantity.
export function* changeCartItemQuantity(
cartItemKey: string,
quantity: number
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- unclear how to represent multiple different yields as type
): Generator< unknown, void, any > {
const cartItem = yield select( CART_STORE_KEY, 'getCartItem', cartItemKey );
yield itemIsPendingQuantity( cartItemKey );
if ( cartItem?.quantity === quantity ) {
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: '/wc/store/cart/update-item',
method: 'POST',
data: {
key: cartItemKey,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
yield updateCartFragments();
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
yield itemIsPendingQuantity( cartItemKey, false );
* Selects a shipping rate.
* @param {string} rateId The id of the rate being selected.
* @param {number | string} [packageId] The key of the packages that we will
* select within.
export function* selectShippingRate(
rateId: string,
packageId = 0
): Generator< unknown, boolean, { response: CartResponse } > {
try {
yield shippingRatesBeingSelected( true );
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: `/wc/store/cart/select-shipping-rate`,
method: 'POST',
data: {
package_id: packageId,
rate_id: rateId,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
yield shippingRatesBeingSelected( false );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// Re-throw the error.
throw error;
yield shippingRatesBeingSelected( false );
return true;
type BillingAddressShippingAddress = {
billing_address: CartBillingAddress;
shipping_address: CartShippingAddress;
* Updates the shipping and/or billing address for the customer and returns an
* updated cart.
* @param {BillingAddressShippingAddress} customerData Address data to be updated; can contain both
* billing_address and shipping_address.
export function* updateCustomerData(
customerData: BillingAddressShippingAddress
): Generator< unknown, boolean, { response: CartResponse } > {
yield updatingCustomerData( true );
try {
const { response } = yield apiFetchWithHeaders( {
path: '/wc/store/cart/update-customer',
method: 'POST',
data: customerData,
cache: 'no-store',
} );
yield receiveCart( response );
} catch ( error ) {
yield receiveError( error );
yield updatingCustomerData( false );
// If updated cart state was returned, also update that.
if ( error.data?.cart ) {
yield receiveCart( error.data.cart );
// rethrow error.
throw error;
yield updatingCustomerData( false );
return true;
export type CartAction = ReturnOrGeneratorYieldUnion<
| typeof receiveCart
| typeof receiveError
| typeof receiveApplyingCoupon
| typeof receiveRemovingCoupon
| typeof receiveCartItem
| typeof itemIsPendingQuantity
| typeof itemIsPendingDelete
| typeof updatingCustomerData
| typeof shippingRatesBeingSelected
| typeof setIsCartDataStale
| typeof updateCustomerData
| typeof removeItemFromCart
| typeof changeCartItemQuantity
| typeof addItemToCart
| typeof updateCartFragments