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namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes;
* ProductCategories class.
class ProductCategories extends AbstractDynamicBlock {
* Block name.
* @var string
protected $block_name = 'product-categories';
* Default attribute values, should match what's set in JS `registerBlockType`.
* @var array
protected $defaults = array(
'hasCount' => true,
'hasImage' => false,
'hasEmpty' => false,
'isDropdown' => false,
'isHierarchical' => true,
* Get block attributes.
* @return array
protected function get_block_type_attributes() {
return array_merge(
'align' => $this->get_schema_align(),
'className' => $this->get_schema_string(),
'hasCount' => $this->get_schema_boolean( true ),
'hasImage' => $this->get_schema_boolean( false ),
'hasEmpty' => $this->get_schema_boolean( false ),
'isDropdown' => $this->get_schema_boolean( false ),
'isHierarchical' => $this->get_schema_boolean( true ),
* Render the Product Categories List block.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes.
* @param string $content Block content.
* @return string Rendered block type output.
protected function render( $attributes, $content ) {
$uid = uniqid( 'product-categories-' );
$categories = $this->get_categories( $attributes );
if ( empty( $categories ) ) {
return '';
if ( ! empty( $content ) ) {
// Deal with legacy attributes (before this was an SSR block) that differ from defaults.
if ( strstr( $content, 'data-has-count="false"' ) ) {
$attributes['hasCount'] = false;
if ( strstr( $content, 'data-is-dropdown="true"' ) ) {
$attributes['isDropdown'] = true;
if ( strstr( $content, 'data-is-hierarchical="false"' ) ) {
$attributes['isHierarchical'] = false;
if ( strstr( $content, 'data-has-empty="true"' ) ) {
$attributes['hasEmpty'] = true;
$classes = $this->get_container_classes( $attributes );
$output = '<div class="' . esc_attr( $classes ) . '">';
$output .= ! empty( $attributes['isDropdown'] ) ? $this->renderDropdown( $categories, $attributes, $uid ) : $this->renderList( $categories, $attributes, $uid );
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* Get the list of classes to apply to this block.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @return string space-separated list of classes.
protected function get_container_classes( $attributes = array() ) {
$classes = array( 'wc-block-product-categories' );
if ( isset( $attributes['align'] ) ) {
$classes[] = "align{$attributes['align']}";
if ( ! empty( $attributes['className'] ) ) {
$classes[] = $attributes['className'];
if ( $attributes['isDropdown'] ) {
$classes[] = 'is-dropdown';
} else {
$classes[] = 'is-list';
return implode( ' ', $classes );
* Get categories (terms) from the db.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @return array
protected function get_categories( $attributes ) {
$hierarchical = wc_string_to_bool( $attributes['isHierarchical'] );
$categories = get_terms(
'hide_empty' => ! $attributes['hasEmpty'],
'pad_counts' => true,
'hierarchical' => true,
if ( ! is_array( $categories ) || empty( $categories ) ) {
return [];
// This ensures that no categories with a product count of 0 is rendered.
if ( ! $attributes['hasEmpty'] ) {
$categories = array_filter(
function( $category ) {
return 0 !== $category->count;
return $hierarchical ? $this->build_category_tree( $categories ) : $categories;
* Build hierarchical tree of categories.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @return array
protected function build_category_tree( $categories ) {
$categories_by_parent = [];
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( ! isset( $categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->parent ] ) ) {
$categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->parent ] = [];
$categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->parent ][] = $category;
$tree = $categories_by_parent['cat-0'];
unset( $categories_by_parent['cat-0'] );
foreach ( $tree as $category ) {
if ( ! empty( $categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->term_id ] ) ) {
$category->children = $this->fill_category_children( $categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->term_id ], $categories_by_parent );
return $tree;
* Build hierarchical tree of categories by appending children in the tree.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @param array $categories_by_parent List of terms grouped by parent.
* @return array
protected function fill_category_children( $categories, $categories_by_parent ) {
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
if ( ! empty( $categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->term_id ] ) ) {
$category->children = $this->fill_category_children( $categories_by_parent[ 'cat-' . $category->term_id ], $categories_by_parent );
return $categories;
* Render the category list as a dropdown.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param int $uid Unique ID for the rendered block, used for HTML IDs.
* @return string Rendered output.
protected function renderDropdown( $categories, $attributes, $uid ) {
$aria_label = empty( $attributes['hasCount'] ) ?
__( 'List of categories', 'woocommerce' ) :
__( 'List of categories with their product counts', 'woocommerce' );
$output = '
<div class="wc-block-product-categories__dropdown">
for="' . esc_attr( $uid ) . '-select"
' . esc_html__( 'Select a category', 'woocommerce' ) . '
<select aria-label="' . esc_attr( $aria_label ) . '" id="' . esc_attr( $uid ) . '-select">
<option value="false" hidden>
' . esc_html__( 'Select a category', 'woocommerce' ) . '
' . $this->renderDropdownOptions( $categories, $attributes, $uid ) . '
aria-label="' . esc_html__( 'Go to category', 'woocommerce' ) . '"
onclick="const url = document.getElementById( \'' . esc_attr( $uid ) . '-select\' ).value; if ( \'false\' !== url ) document.location.href = url;"
class="dashicon dashicons-arrow-right-alt2"
viewBox="0 0 20 20"
<path d="M6 15l5-5-5-5 1-2 7 7-7 7z" />
return $output;
* Render dropdown options list.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param int $uid Unique ID for the rendered block, used for HTML IDs.
* @param int $depth Current depth.
* @return string Rendered output.
protected function renderDropdownOptions( $categories, $attributes, $uid, $depth = 0 ) {
$output = '';
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$output .= '
<option value="' . esc_attr( get_term_link( $category->term_id, 'product_cat' ) ) . '">
' . str_repeat( '&minus;', $depth ) . '
' . esc_html( $category->name ) . '
' . $this->getCount( $category, $attributes ) . '
' . ( ! empty( $category->children ) ? $this->renderDropdownOptions( $category->children, $attributes, $uid, $depth + 1 ) : '' ) . '
return $output;
* Render the category list as a list.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param int $uid Unique ID for the rendered block, used for HTML IDs.
* @param int $depth Current depth.
* @return string Rendered output.
protected function renderList( $categories, $attributes, $uid, $depth = 0 ) {
$classes = [
'wc-block-product-categories-list--depth-' . absint( $depth ),
if ( ! empty( $attributes['hasImage'] ) ) {
$classes[] = 'wc-block-product-categories-list--has-images';
$output = '<ul class="' . esc_attr( implode( ' ', $classes ) ) . '">' . $this->renderListItems( $categories, $attributes, $uid, $depth ) . '</ul>';
return $output;
* Render a list of terms.
* @param array $categories List of terms.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param int $uid Unique ID for the rendered block, used for HTML IDs.
* @param int $depth Current depth.
* @return string Rendered output.
protected function renderListItems( $categories, $attributes, $uid, $depth = 0 ) {
$output = '';
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$output .= '
<li class="wc-block-product-categories-list-item">
<a href="' . esc_attr( get_term_link( $category->term_id, 'product_cat' ) ) . '">' . $this->get_image_html( $category, $attributes ) . esc_html( $category->name ) . '</a>
' . $this->getCount( $category, $attributes ) . '
' . ( ! empty( $category->children ) ? $this->renderList( $category->children, $attributes, $uid, $depth + 1 ) : '' ) . '
return preg_replace( '/\r|\n/', '', $output );
* Returns the category image html
* @param \WP_Term $category Term object.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @param string $size Image size, defaults to 'woocommerce_thumbnail'.
* @return string
public function get_image_html( $category, $attributes, $size = 'woocommerce_thumbnail' ) {
if ( empty( $attributes['hasImage'] ) ) {
return '';
$image_id = get_term_meta( $category->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true );
if ( ! $image_id ) {
return '<span class="wc-block-product-categories-list-item__image wc-block-product-categories-list-item__image--placeholder">' . wc_placeholder_img( 'woocommerce_thumbnail' ) . '</span>';
return '<span class="wc-block-product-categories-list-item__image">' . wp_get_attachment_image( $image_id, 'woocommerce_thumbnail' ) . '</span>';
* Get the count, if displaying.
* @param object $category Term object.
* @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array.
* @return string
protected function getCount( $category, $attributes ) {
if ( empty( $attributes['hasCount'] ) ) {
return '';
if ( $attributes['isDropdown'] ) {
return '(' . absint( $category->count ) . ')';
$screen_reader_text = sprintf(
/* translators: %s number of products in cart. */
_n( '%d product', '%d products', absint( $category->count ), 'woocommerce' ),
absint( $category->count )
return '<span class="wc-block-product-categories-list-item-count">'
. '<span aria-hidden="true">' . absint( $category->count ) . '</span>'
. '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html( $screen_reader_text ) . '</span>'
. '</span>';