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  • Needs working local CiviCRM from caat-crm-installer
  • Install pre-dependencies for MySQL client (on dpkg based linux: sudo apt install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential)
  • In confdump path, virtualenv confdump.venv
  • Load the virtualenv . confdump.venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  • cp example.env .env
  • Edit .env and add creds for the production, test or development server you'll retrieve the data from.
  • Execute dump to retrieve base data: env $(cat .env) python ./ dump -o mydata INSTANCEPATH where INSTANCEPATH is something like
  • IMPORTANT!! - If you sourced the data from live, you must delete the .env file or delete the creds from inside it. If you leave them in it will negate the whole purpose of having this conf dump utility, which is to provide a way of creating a local site without any sensitive data.
  • If your civicrm is in a docker container, load data into running local instance with: python mysql -i mydata/ -p 63306
  • Otherwise use mysql -i mydata/ --host=<host> --db=<db> --user=<user> --password=<password>
  • Clear the cache in CiviCRM:
    • DOCKER: make shell, and then inside the shell cd /app; ./vendor/bin/drush cc all
    • NORMAL: cd web; vendor/bin/drush cc all