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# stack-ssh-deploy
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Deploy swarm stacks against a SSH based remote docker daemon context.
This is meant to be used as a [Drone plugin](
## Settings
### Required (no default)
- **deploy_key**: SSH private key part for ssh public key authentication
- **stack**: Name of the stack to be deployed
### Optional (with defaults)
- **compose** (default: `compose.yml`): compose file to use for deploying
- **host** (default: ``): Host to deploy to (don't include `ssh://`)
- **port** (default: `222`): SSH port to connect to
- **user** (default: `drone`): System user to connect via SSH with
### Dangerous options, unwise outside CI
- **secrets**: (default: `{}`): names of secrets to generate and store in the
swarm. This field is used in conjuction with `generate_secrets` (see below).
- **generate_secrets** (default: `false`): randomly set all `secrets:` found in the
compose file -- you won't be able to retrieve them afterwards, so you almost
certainly don't want this for real deployments.
- **purge** (default: `false`): runs aggresive cleaning up measure to wipe
deployment afterwards
## Example
kind: pipeline
name: deploy to swarm
- name: stack deploy
image: decentral1se/stack-ssh-deploy:latest
stack: mystack
from_secret: drone_deploy_key
## Publishing
The version can be bumped in the [.drone.yml](./.drone.yml) file. We're sticking with `latest` as we iterate on the code right now.
If you push a commit to master, the [Drone config](./.drone.yml) will publish to [Docker Hub](