decentral1se decentral1se
  • Joined on 2020-03-23
decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 20:04:01 +00:00
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:45:12 +00:00
target is null: doesn't break the site but "TypeError" in the console
decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:41:26 +00:00
decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:39:04 +00:00
decentral1se commented on issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:36:43 +00:00
Make this live!


decentral1se closed issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:36:43 +00:00
Make this live!
decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:35:43 +00:00
decentral1se commented on issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:08:08 +00:00
Make this live!



decentral1se commented on issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 14:03:53 +00:00
Make this live!

I think it's just the following:

  1. Migrate @/A/AAA/whatever to point to (dig +short for the IPv4 address)
  2. Remove the CNAME entry that points to Gitlab for the Gitlab pages machinery
  3. Once we're certain the A records point to (should take some time since it's not a new A record...) then we need to do something like the following commands on dokku ps:stop, dokku domains:remove, dokku domains:add and finally rm -rf /home/dokku/ && dokku letsencrypt

The last step might be a bit messy but feel free to go for it! Otherwise, if you wanna line up the window for the DNS and I'll cover the rest, then we can get it done. We'll just need to make sure we didn't bork the mail setup.

decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:56:43 +00:00
decentral1se pushed to master at autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:50:33 +00:00
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:48:00 +00:00
Add website Privacy Policy and relevant GDPR stuff
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:47:36 +00:00
Redesign footer section
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:47:09 +00:00
Add dark theme compatible favicon
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:46:38 +00:00
Remove CreativeCommons license icon from footer
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:46:06 +00:00
Change colour scheme
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:45:03 +00:00
Add clients section
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:44:42 +00:00
Add who we are section
decentral1se opened issue autonomic-coopera.../ 2020-04-06 12:44:17 +00:00
Add page describing goals of co-operative cloud