title |
name |
website |
email |
twitter |
github |
telephone |
address |
latitude |
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clients |
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technologies |
Digital Liberties |
Digital Liberties |
https://digital-liberties.coop |
07908 592 835 |
44 Arkwright Road,London,NW3 6BH |
community-building |
game-design |
research |
strategy |
Cybernetic Games and Participatory Democracy
Digital Liberties is a co-operative applying systems thinking to individual freedom and collective decision-making in the information age.
The co-operative uses modelling to ensure that complex situations can be tackled in a realistic way that is understandable to the general public.
This modelling allows us to generate flexible simulations which can be tested through games, allowing participants to fully understand the issues and also for flaws in the model to be detected.
Our approach to democratic decision-making is rooted in developing a pragmatic approach to complex decisions using digital tools. This leads to better informed policies and practices in a wide variety of circumstances.