955 B
955 B
flat-tree 0.0.1a9 (UNRELEASED)
- Simplify CHANGELOG format
flat-tree 0.0.1a8 (2020-07-07)
- Use colours in the README for more happiness
- Made README clearer and added example
flat-tree 0.0.1a7 (UNRELEASED)
- Experimenting with publishing and missed this release number
flat-tree 0.0.1a6 (2020-07-07)
- Follow the Hypercore protocol renaming situation.
- Merge all tool configuration into the pyproject.toml
- Migrate CI to drone.autonomic.zone
- Migrate to git.autonomic.zone
- Reduce package boilerplate
- Removed RTD documentation
flat-tree 0.0.1a5 (2019-11-03)
- Fixed changelog entry date and version.
- Fixed documentation build errors.
flat-tree 0.0.1a4 (2019-11-03)
- Attempt to clarify sections using better navigation.
- Use the sphinx_rtd_theme.
flat-tree 0.0.1a3 (2019-07-01)
- Don't advertise Python 3.5 which is not supported.
flat-tree 0.0.1a2 (2019-07-01)
- The first alpha development release is made!