Iframes being stripped from pen.lumbung.space posts #58

opened 2022-06-17 08:53:31 +00:00 by aadil · 1 comment
See this: https://lumbung.space/pen/pen.lumbung.space/cinema-banner-mural-painting-britto-arts-trust/ versus this where the iframe is visible https://pen.lumbung.space/2022/06/15/cinema-banner-mural-painting-britto-arts-trust/

By default the feed parser discards iframes etc to prevent xss attacks. I've enabled iframes in Konfluks for video embeds etc but did so based on an allow-list of sources. Adding this source to the allow-list would make it work!


By default the feed parser discards iframes etc to prevent xss attacks. I've enabled iframes in Konfluks for video embeds etc but did so based on an allow-list of sources. Adding this source to the allow-list would make it work! https://git.autonomic.zone/ruangrupa/konfluks/src/branch/main/konfluks/feed.py#L236
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Reference: ruangrupa/lumbung.space#58
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