2021-03-25 23:33:26 +01:00

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Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package db
import (
const dbTypePostgres string = "POSTGRES"
// ErrNoEntries is to be returned from the DB interface when no entries are found for a given query.
type ErrNoEntries struct{}
func (e ErrNoEntries) Error() string {
return "no entries"
// DB provides methods for interacting with an underlying database or other storage mechanism (for now, just postgres).
// Note that in all of the functions below, the passed interface should be a pointer or a slice, which will then be populated
// by whatever is returned from the database.
type DB interface {
// Federation returns an interface that's compatible with go-fed, for performing federation storage/retrieval functions.
// See:
Federation() pub.Database
// CreateTable creates a table for the given interface.
// For implementations that don't use tables, this can just return nil.
CreateTable(i interface{}) error
// DropTable drops the table for the given interface.
// For implementations that don't use tables, this can just return nil.
DropTable(i interface{}) error
// Stop should stop and close the database connection cleanly, returning an error if this is not possible.
// If the database implementation doesn't need to be stopped, this can just return nil.
Stop(ctx context.Context) error
// IsHealthy should return nil if the database connection is healthy, or an error if not.
IsHealthy(ctx context.Context) error
// GetByID gets one entry by its id. In a database like postgres, this might be the 'id' field of the entry,
// for other implementations (for example, in-memory) it might just be the key of a map.
// The given interface i will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is. Use a pointer or a slice.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetByID(id string, i interface{}) error
// GetWhere gets one entry where key = value. This is similar to GetByID but allows the caller to specify the
// name of the key to select from.
// The given interface i will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is. Use a pointer or a slice.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetWhere(key string, value interface{}, i interface{}) error
// GetAll will try to get all entries of type i.
// The given interface i will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is. Use a pointer or a slice.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetAll(i interface{}) error
// Put simply stores i. It is up to the implementation to figure out how to store it, and using what key.
// The given interface i will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is. Use a pointer or a slice.
Put(i interface{}) error
// UpdateByID updates i with id id.
// The given interface i will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is. Use a pointer or a slice.
UpdateByID(id string, i interface{}) error
// DeleteByID removes i with id id.
// If i didn't exist anyway, then no error should be returned.
DeleteByID(id string, i interface{}) error
// DeleteWhere deletes i where key = value
// If i didn't exist anyway, then no error should be returned.
DeleteWhere(key string, value interface{}, i interface{}) error
// GetAccountByUserID is a shortcut for the common action of fetching an account corresponding to a user ID.
// The given account pointer will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetAccountByUserID(userID string, account *model.Account) error
// GetFollowingByAccountID is a shortcut for the common action of fetching a list of accounts that accountID is following.
// The given slice 'following' will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetFollowingByAccountID(accountID string, following *[]model.Follow) error
// GetFollowersByAccountID is a shortcut for the common action of fetching a list of accounts that accountID is followed by.
// The given slice 'followers' will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetFollowersByAccountID(accountID string, followers *[]model.Follow) error
// GetStatusesByAccountID is a shortcut for the common action of fetching a list of statuses produced by accountID.
// The given slice 'statuses' will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetStatusesByAccountID(accountID string, statuses *[]model.Status) error
// GetStatusesByTimeDescending is a shortcut for getting the most recent statuses. accountID is optional, if not provided
// then all statuses will be returned. If limit is set to 0, the size of the returned slice will not be limited. This can
// be very memory intensive so you probably shouldn't do this!
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetStatusesByTimeDescending(accountID string, statuses *[]model.Status, limit int) error
// GetLastStatusForAccountID simply gets the most recent status by the given account.
// The given slice 'status' pointer will be set to the result of the query, whatever it is.
// In case of no entries, a 'no entries' error will be returned
GetLastStatusForAccountID(accountID string, status *model.Status) error
// IsUsernameAvailable checks whether a given username is available on our domain.
// Returns an error if the username is already taken, or something went wrong in the db.
IsUsernameAvailable(username string) error
// IsEmailAvailable checks whether a given email address for a user is available on our domain.
// Returns an error if the email is already associated with an account, or something went wrong in the db.
IsEmailAvailable(email string) error
// AccountToMastoSensitive takes a db model account as a param, and returns a populated mastotype account, or an error
// if something goes wrong. The returned account should be ready to serialize on an API level, and may have sensitive fields,
// so serve it only to an authorized user who should have permission to see it.
AccountToMastoSensitive(account *model.Account) (*mastotypes.Account, error)
// New returns a new database service that satisfies the DB interface and, by extension,
// the go-fed database interface described here:
func New(ctx context.Context, c *config.Config, log *logrus.Logger) (DB, error) {
switch strings.ToUpper(c.DBConfig.Type) {
case dbTypePostgres:
return newPostgresService(ctx, c, log.WithField("service", "db"))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("database type %s not supported", c.DBConfig.Type)