2019-11-16 16:09:55 +01:00

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SiB App

SiB App is the magic tool that allows the Happy Dev network to thrive in a decentralized way.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To install SiB App, you'll need:

  • A SIB server with the appropriate modules
  • A Prosody Server (with appropriate modules
  • A SMTP Server (optional)
  • NodeJS on your machine

Before diving in you have to check your SIB server supports the following LDP packages:

  • djangoldp_project: 0.1.12
  • djangoldp_uploader: 0.0.5
  • djangoldp_circle: 0.1.9
  • djangoldp_notification: 0.1.4
  • djangoldp_account: 0.2.12
  • djangoldp_skill: 0.1.1
  • djangoldp_joboffer: 0.1.1
  • djangoldp_conversation: 0.2.1
  • djangoldp_profile: 0.1.4
  • djangoldp_invoice: 0.1.0
  • oidc_provider: 'git+'

Those packages are given with the last stable version tested.

Refer to the documentation to install a SIB server with this configuration.

Configure your SIB server

Create a Client ID for Prosody & Client

  • Login on localhost:8000/admin/ with the admin account you configured
  • Add a Clients on OpenID Connect Provider section
    • Name it as you wish
    • Client type: Public
    • Response types: id_token token (Implicit Flow)
    • Redirect URIs:
  • Keep the 6-digits newly create Client ID somewhere

Build the application

In order to find your server(s) the client application needs to be assembled with the proper configuration.

Get the code of the SIB app on your machine:

$ git clone ...

Then create a config.json with all the the capabilities the SIB App requires. Which are:

  • businessproviders
  • circles
  • groups
  • joboffers
  • projects
  • skills
  • users

The documentation explains the details of this file but for convienence a config.sample.json exists in the source.

Then build your new SIB App:

$ npm run build

The application bundle is in the dist folder, ready to be deployed everywhere as a static file.

Built With