Mirror of l'Hubl
Go to file
2019-11-14 17:59:57 +01:00
.gitlab issue and merge request templates 2019-05-03 11:27:32 +02:00
src feature: imported webpack template 2019-11-03 17:22:37 +01:00
.babelrc fix: ES6 modules dependencies 2019-01-07 16:39:06 +01:00
.gitignore feat: cleaned old building methods 2019-11-14 17:59:57 +01:00
LICENSE Add LICENSE 2018-11-01 20:29:31 +00:00
package-lock.json feat: cleaned old building methods 2019-11-14 17:59:57 +01:00
package.json feat: cleaned old building methods 2019-11-14 17:59:57 +01:00
README.md feature: added docker image for LDP server 2019-10-27 14:57:27 +01:00

SiB App

SiB App is the magic tool that allows the Happy Dev network to thrive in a decentralized way.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To install SiB App, you'll need to have:

  • Python3 & Pip
  • NodeJS & NPM
  • A Prosody Server
  • (Optional) A SMTP Server


Install a server and a client application

Or build the docker images and run it:

$ docker build -t sibapp docker/
$ docker run --rm -p -it sibapp


Create a Client ID for Prosody & Client

  • Go to localhost:8000/admin/
  • Login with previously created account.
    • If needed you can create another admin account with ./manage.py createsuperadmin
  • Add a Clients on OpenID Connect Provider section
    • Name it as you wish
    • Client type: Public
    • Response types: id_token token (Implicit Flow)
    • Redirect URIs:
  • Keep the 6-digits newly create Client ID somewhere

Configure config.json:

On the newly created ./src/config.json change the dev configuration like this:

  "dev": {
    "sdn": "http://api.myserver.com", # Or localhost:8000
    "cdn": "https://cdn.happy-dev.fr",
    "xmpp": "https://prosody.myserver.com/http-bind/",
    "client_id": "000000" # <- Here goes your previously created Client ID

Built With


Some general schema of the existing StartinBlox applications architecture can be found here.