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Kickass map for the Ojuso Project

Getting Started

Check out the code

$ git clone git@gitlab.com:autonomic-cooperative/ojuso-map.git
$ cd ojuso-map

All commands from here on should be run in the ojuso-map directory.

Install System Dependencies

Debian / Ubuntu

$ xargs < system-requirements-debian.txt sudo apt-get install -y


$ xargs < system-requirements-fedora.txt sudo dnf install

If you hadn't previously installed Postgres, you will need to initialise the database and start the server:

$ sudo postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql

Bootstrap the Virtual Environment

Set up your Python virtual environment in the .venv folder:

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate

(to leave the virtual environment, the command is simply deactivate)

Configure the Environment

$ export DEBUG=1
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=ojusomap.settings

Install the Python Dependencies

$ pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
$ pip3 install -r requirements-devel.txt

If you run into issues with psycopg2 you may need to run the following:

$ pip3 uninstall psycopg2 && pip3 install --no-binary :all: psycopg2

Set up database

Method 1

You should be able to connect to Postgres:

$ psql -U postgres -h localhost

(enter "postgres" as the password)

If not, follow these instructions to change the Postgres authentication options (NB on Fedora / Centos, pg_hba.conf is located in /var/lib/pgsql/data), then run:

$ echo "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';" | psql -U postgres

Method 2

First you need to switch to the user called postgres - in Linux do

$ sudo su postgres

Then get an interactive postgres shell

$ psql

Then create a database and a user, and ensure to make the user a superuser (otherwise you will run into trouble when doing the migration and it tries to enable the postgis extension).

postgres=# create database ojuso;
postgres=# create user ojuso WITH PASSWORD 'ojuso'; 
postgres=# alter role ojuso SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'; // this is recommended for django
postgres=# alter role ojuso SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; // so is this
postgres=# grant all privileges on database ojuso to ojuso;
postgres=# alter user ojuso with superuser;  

Type \q to exist the postgres shell.

Then, in ojuso-map/ojusomap/settings.py, edit the DATABASES section to add the database name, user and password, which are all 'ojuso' unless you chose different ones in the previous step.

Run The Migrations

$ python manage.py migrate

Start the server

$ python manage.py runserver

Resuming work

For each new terminal session, you will need to run:

$ cd ojuso-map
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ export DEBUG=1
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=ojusomap.settings
$ python manage.py runserver

Running The Tests

$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
$ pytest -v