Some code to help kick off things
Go to file
2021-07-05 14:59:08 -04:00
media some readme updates 2021-06-18 10:01:38 -04:00
server Update README, remove __pycache__, 2021-06-02 14:26:56 +02:00
.gitignore Git ignore database 2021-06-02 14:45:10 +02:00
example-settings.yml Add missing MIDDLEWARE to example settings 2021-06-10 16:39:08 +02:00 Init hacking 2021-03-17 15:33:34 +01:00 some readme updates 2021-06-18 10:01:38 -04:00
settings.yml.old moved post-save hook for notifs 2021-07-05 14:59:08 -04:00


Quick-start: Gettin' started with Startin'blox

  1. Sign up for an account on
  2. Add your SSH key here:
  3. Create a project folder, I'll use export PROJECT_FOLDER=~/Projects/Autonomic/StartinBlox/ -- all subsequent steps are run from $PROJECT_FOLDER
  4. (Optional) Create a Python virtual environment using your preferred method, or e.g.
    $ python3 -m venv $PROJECT_FOLDER/venv
    $ source $PROJECT_FOLDER/venv/bin/activate
  5. Check out the djangoldp code:
    $ git clone
    and install it:
    $ cd $PROJECT_FOLDER/djangoldp
    $ pip install -e .
    $ pip install psycopg2 pycryptodomex  # is this still needed?

HERE, we probs want to checkout right? And then pip install -e it?

  1. Check out this very repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd startinblox-startinoff

    and copy example settings to settings.yml:

    $ cp example-settings.yml settings.yml
  2. Install dependencies:

    $ djangoldp install
  3. Run database migrations:

    $ python migrate
  4. Create an RSA key for OAuth:

    $ python creatersakey
  5. Create super user

    $ python createsuperuser
  6. Launch the development server:

    $ python runserver
    $ # Or, alternatively:
    $ djangoldp runserver

Quick start 2: this time, it's Hubl!

(in another terminal, don't need to load virtualenv)

git clone
cd hubl
npm install

OR use our repo of it

Then, add the following as config.json in your hubl folder.

  "client": {
    "name": "Sample of a functional Hubl",
    "logo": ""
  "components": [{
      "type": "registering",
      "parameters": {
        "authority": "http://localhost:8000/",
        "authorityName": "dataserver"
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/open-communities/"
      "route": false
      "type": "notification",
      "route": false
      "type": "admin",
      "route": false
      "type": "about"
      "type": "communities",
      "route": false
      "type": "dashboard",
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/dashboards/"
      "type": "profileDirectory",
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/users/",
        "skills": "http://localhost:8000/skills/",
        "uploads": "http://localhost:8000/upload/"
      "route": "members"
      "type": "jobBoard",
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/job-offers/",
        "post": "http://localhost:8000/job-offers/",
        "skills": "http://localhost:8000/skills/"
      "route": "job-offers"
      "type": "projects",
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/projects/",
        "post": "http://localhost:8000/projects/",
        "captains": "http://localhost:8000/users/",
        "users": "http://localhost:8000/users/",
        "xmpp": "wss://"
      "type": "circles",
      "endpoints": {
        "get": "http://localhost:8000/circles/",
        "post": "http://localhost:8000/circles/",
        "owners": "http://localhost:8000/users/",
        "users": "http://localhost:8000/users/",
        "xmpp": "wss://"
      "type": "chat",
      "endpoints": {
        "xmpp": "wss://"
      "route": "messages"
      "type": "analytics",
      "parameters": {
        "type": "matomo",
        "url": "",
        "id": "2"
      "route": false

Then launch the server with:

npm run watch

Architecture 🏗

djangoldp is a Django app which you plug into a Django project. So, if you're hacking on djangoldp or related apps, then you need a Django project to test it.

When you follow this setup guide, you get asked to run djangoldp initserver myldpserver (where I changed myldpserver to startinblox-startinoff) and what spits out is what you also see in this repository but with a working settings.yml file.

user@machine:/path/to/startinblox$  tree -L 1
├── djangoldp
└── startinblox-startinoff (run ./ commands here which uses your djangoldp code)

2 directories, 0 files

Using Postgres instead of SQLite

In the early days, we were using PostgreSQL, and we may yet need to return to its warm embrace. To do so:

  1. Install and start Postgres
  • Mac OSX:, or brew install postgresql, then brew services start postgresql
  • Fedora: dnf install postgresql-server && sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service && sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
  1. Create a user and a database:
    $ createuser djangoldp
    $ createdb -O djangoldp djangoldp
    (you may need sudo -u postgres or -U postgres on both of these commands, depending on your local security set-up)
  2. Edit settings.yml if you need to remove the postgres user or change the password

Troubleshooting / top tips

  • Remember to activate your virtual environment, if you're using one, before running any Python / / djangoldp commands

  • django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Migration guardian.0001_initial is applied before its dependency djangoldp_account.0001_initial on database 'default'.

    • try rm db.sqlite3 in your hublserver folder.
  • ImportError: cannot import name 'base64url_decode' from 'jwt.utils'

    • try pip uninstall jwt and pip install pyjwt
  • No module named 'oidc_provider.lib.utils.dpop'

    • Make sure you're in the right virtualenv!
  • Database broken!

    • Run python reset_db to reset it