test authenticate post inbox works

This commit is contained in:
tsmethurst 2021-04-27 13:02:52 +02:00
parent dda2c9ab1c
commit 0967574d4d
7 changed files with 232 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ func (f *Federator) PostInboxRequestBodyHook(ctx context.Context, r *http.Reques
l.Tracef("parsed username %s from %s", username, r.URL.String())
l.Tracef("signature: %s", r.Header.Get("Signature"))
ctxWithUsername := context.WithValue(ctx, util.APUsernameKey, username)
ctxWithActivity := context.WithValue(ctxWithUsername, util.APActivityKey, activity)
return ctxWithActivity, nil
@ -148,7 +150,15 @@ func (f *Federator) AuthenticatePostInbox(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWr
l.Tracef("parsed username %s from %s", username, r.URL.String())
return validateInboundFederationRequest(ctx, r, f.db, username, f.transportController)
newContext, authed, err := validateInboundFederationRequest(ctx, r, f.db, username, f.transportController)
if err != nil {
return newContext, authed, err
// Blocked should determine whether to permit a set of actors given by

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@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
package federation_test
import (
@ -33,8 +37,8 @@ import (
@ -44,9 +48,8 @@ type ProtocolTestSuite struct {
config *config.Config
db db.DB
log *logrus.Logger
federator *federation.Federator
tc transport.Controller
activities map[string]pub.Activity
accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account
activities map[string]testrig.ActivityWithSignature
// SetupSuite sets some variables on the suite that we can use as consts (more or less) throughout
@ -55,17 +58,13 @@ func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
suite.config = testrig.NewTestConfig()
suite.db = testrig.NewTestDB()
suite.log = testrig.NewTestLog()
suite.tc = testrig.NewTestTransportController(suite.db, testrig.NewMockHTTPClient(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return nil, nil
suite.activities = testrig.NewTestActivities()
// setup module being tested
suite.federator = federation.NewFederator(suite.db, suite.log, suite.config, suite.tc).(*federation.Federator)
suite.accounts = testrig.NewTestAccounts()
suite.activities = testrig.NewTestActivities(suite.accounts)
func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) SetupTest() {
// TearDownTest drops tables to make sure there's no data in the db
@ -76,16 +75,27 @@ func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) TearDownTest() {
// make sure PostInboxRequestBodyHook properly sets the inbox username and activity on the context
func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) TestPostInboxRequestBodyHook() {
// the activity we're gonna use
activity := suite.activities["dm_for_zork"]
// setup
// setup transport controller with a no-op client so we don't make external calls
tc := testrig.NewTestTransportController(testrig.NewMockHTTPClient(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return nil, nil
// setup module being tested
federator := federation.NewFederator(suite.db, suite.log, suite.config, tc).(*federation.Federator)
// setup request
ctx := context.Background()
request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox", nil) // the endpoint we're hitting
request.Header.Set("Signature", activity.SignatureHeader)
newContext, err := suite.federator.PostInboxRequestBodyHook(ctx, request, activity)
// trigger the function being tested, and return the new context it creates
newContext, err := federator.PostInboxRequestBodyHook(ctx, request, activity.Activity)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), newContext)
// username should be set on context now
usernameI := newContext.Value(util.APUsernameKey)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), usernameI)
username, ok := usernameI.(string)
@ -93,21 +103,87 @@ func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) TestPostInboxRequestBodyHook() {
assert.NotEmpty(suite.T(), username)
assert.Equal(suite.T(), "the_mighty_zork", username)
// activity should be set on context now
activityI := newContext.Value(util.APActivityKey)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), activityI)
returnedActivity, ok := activityI.(pub.Activity)
assert.True(suite.T(), ok)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), returnedActivity)
assert.EqualValues(suite.T(), activity, returnedActivity)
assert.EqualValues(suite.T(), activity.Activity, returnedActivity)
r, err := returnedActivity.Serialize()
func (suite *ProtocolTestSuite) TestAuthenticatePostInbox() {
// the activity we're gonna use
activity := suite.activities["dm_for_zork"]
sendingAccount := suite.accounts["remote_account_1"]
encodedPublicKey, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(sendingAccount.PublicKey)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
publicKeyBytes := pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{
Bytes: encodedPublicKey,
publicKeyString := strings.ReplaceAll(string(publicKeyBytes), "\n", "\\n")
b, err := json.Marshal(r)
// for this test we need the client to return the public key of the activity creator on the 'remote' instance
responseBodyString := fmt.Sprintf(`
"@context": [
"id": "%s",
"type": "Person",
"preferredUsername": "%s",
"inbox": "%s",
"publicKey": {
"id": "%s",
"owner": "%s",
"publicKeyPem": "%s"
}`, sendingAccount.URI, sendingAccount.Username, sendingAccount.InboxURL, sendingAccount.PublicKeyURI, sendingAccount.URI, publicKeyString)
// create a transport controller whose client will just return the response body string we specified above
tc := testrig.NewTestTransportController(testrig.NewMockHTTPClient(func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
r := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte(responseBodyString)))
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: r,
}, nil
// now setup module being tested, with the mock transport controller
federator := federation.NewFederator(suite.db, suite.log, suite.config, tc)
// setup request
ctx := context.Background()
request := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/inbox", nil) // the endpoint we're hitting
// we need these headers for the request to be validated
request.Header.Set("Signature", activity.SignatureHeader)
request.Header.Set("Date", activity.DateHeader)
request.Header.Set("Digest", activity.DigestHeader)
// trigger the function being tested, and return the new context it creates
newContext, authed, err := federator.AuthenticatePostInbox(ctx, nil, request)
assert.NoError(suite.T(), err)
assert.True(suite.T(), authed)
// since we know this account already it should be set on the context
requestingAccountI := newContext.Value(util.APRequestingAccountKey)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), requestingAccountI)
requestingAccount, ok := requestingAccountI.(*gtsmodel.Account)
assert.True(suite.T(), ok)
assert.Equal(suite.T(), sendingAccount.Username, requestingAccount.Username)
// the host making the request should also be set on the context
requestingHostI := newContext.Value(util.APRequestingHostKey)
assert.NotNil(suite.T(), requestingHostI)
requestingHost, ok := requestingHostI.(string)
assert.True(suite.T(), ok)
assert.Equal(suite.T(), sendingAccount.Domain, requestingHost)
func TestProtocolTestSuite(t *testing.T) {

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import (
@ -110,41 +111,62 @@ func getPublicKeyFromResponse(c context.Context, b []byte, keyID *url.URL) (p cr
// validateInboundFederationRequest validates an incoming federation request (!!) by deriving the public key
// of the requester from the request, checking the owner of the inbox that's being requested, and doing
// some fiddling around with http signatures.
func validateInboundFederationRequest(ctx context.Context, request *http.Request, db db.DB, inboxUsername string, transportController transport.Controller) (context.Context, bool, error) {
// A *side effect* of calling this function is that the name of the host making the request will be set
// onto the returned context, using APRequestingHostKey. If known to us already, the remote account making
// the request will also be set on the context, using APRequestingAccountKey. If not known to us already,
// the value of this key will be set to nil and the account will have to be fetched further down the line.
func validateInboundFederationRequest(ctx context.Context, request *http.Request, dbConn db.DB, inboxUsername string, transportController transport.Controller) (context.Context, bool, error) {
v, err := httpsig.NewVerifier(request)
if err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("could not create http sig verifier: %s", err)
requesterPublicKeyID, err := url.Parse(v.KeyId())
requestingPublicKeyID, err := url.Parse(v.KeyId())
if err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("could not create parse key id into a url: %s", err)
acct := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := db.GetWhere("username", inboxUsername, acct); err != nil {
requestedAccount := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := dbConn.GetWhere("username", inboxUsername, requestedAccount); err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("could not fetch username %s from the database: %s", inboxUsername, err)
transport, err := transportController.NewTransport(acct.PublicKeyURI, acct.PrivateKey)
transport, err := transportController.NewTransport(requestedAccount.PublicKeyURI, requestedAccount.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error creating new transport: %s", err)
b, err := transport.Dereference(ctx, requesterPublicKeyID)
b, err := transport.Dereference(ctx, requestingPublicKeyID)
if err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error deferencing key %s: %s", requesterPublicKeyID.String(), err)
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error deferencing key %s: %s", requestingPublicKeyID.String(), err)
requesterPublicKey, err := getPublicKeyFromResponse(ctx, b, requesterPublicKeyID)
requestingPublicKey, err := getPublicKeyFromResponse(ctx, b, requestingPublicKeyID)
if err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error getting key %s from response %s: %s", requesterPublicKeyID.String(), string(b), err)
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error getting key %s from response %s: %s", requestingPublicKeyID.String(), string(b), err)
algo := httpsig.RSA_SHA256
if err := v.Verify(requesterPublicKey, algo); err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error verifying key %s: %s", requesterPublicKeyID.String(), err)
if err := v.Verify(requestingPublicKey, algo); err != nil {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("error verifying key %s: %s", requestingPublicKeyID.String(), err)
return ctx, true, nil
var requestingAccount *gtsmodel.Account
a := &gtsmodel.Account{}
if err := dbConn.GetWhere("public_key_uri", requestingPublicKeyID.String(), a); err == nil {
// we know about this account already so we can set it on the context
requestingAccount = a
} else {
if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok {
return ctx, false, fmt.Errorf("database error finding account with public key uri %s: %s", requestingPublicKeyID.String(), err)
// do nothing here, requestingAccount will stay nil and we'll have to figure it out further down the line
// all good at this point, so just set some stuff on the context
contextWithHost := context.WithValue(ctx, util.APRequestingHostKey, requestingPublicKeyID.Host)
contextWithRequestingAccount := context.WithValue(contextWithHost, util.APRequestingAccountKey, requestingAccount)
return contextWithRequestingAccount, true, nil

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@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import (
// Controller generates transports for use in making federation requests to other servers.
@ -36,17 +35,15 @@ type Controller interface {
type controller struct {
config *config.Config
db db.DB
clock pub.Clock
client pub.HttpClient
appAgent string
// NewController returns an implementation of the Controller interface for creating new transports
func NewController(config *config.Config, db db.DB, clock pub.Clock, client pub.HttpClient, log *logrus.Logger) Controller {
func NewController(config *config.Config,clock pub.Clock, client pub.HttpClient, log *logrus.Logger) Controller {
return &controller{
config: config,
db: db,
clock: clock,
client: client,
appAgent: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", config.ApplicationName, config.Host),
@ -54,10 +51,10 @@ func NewController(config *config.Config, db db.DB, clock pub.Clock, client pub.
func (c *controller) NewTransport(pubKeyID string, privkey crypto.PrivateKey) (pub.Transport, error) {
prefs := []httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.Algorithm("rsa-sha256"), httpsig.Algorithm("rsa-sha512")}
digestAlgo := httpsig.DigestAlgorithm("SHA-256")
getHeaders := []string{"(request-target)", "Date"}
postHeaders := []string{"(request-target)", "Date", "Digest"}
prefs := []httpsig.Algorithm{httpsig.RSA_SHA256, httpsig.RSA_SHA512}
digestAlgo := httpsig.DigestSha256
getHeaders := []string{"(request-target)", "date"}
postHeaders := []string{"(request-target)", "date", "digest"}
getSigner, _, err := httpsig.NewSigner(prefs, digestAlgo, getHeaders, httpsig.Signature)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -56,7 +56,11 @@ const (
// APActivityKey can be used to set and retrieve the actual go-fed pub.Activity within a context.
APActivityKey APContextKey = "activity"
// APUsernameKey can be used to set and retrieve the username of the user being interacted with.
APUsernameKey APContextKey = "username"
APUsernameKey APContextKey = "username"
// APRequestingHostKey can be used to set and retrieve the host of an incoming federation request.
APRequestingHostKey APContextKey = "requestingHost"
// APRequestingAccountKey can be used to set and retrieve the account of an incoming federation request.
APRequestingAccountKey APContextKey = "requestingAccount"
// UserURIs contains a bunch of UserURIs and URLs for a user, host, account, etc.

View File

@ -19,9 +19,15 @@
package testrig
import (
@ -287,6 +293,7 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
AlsoKnownAs: "",
PrivateKey: &rsa.PrivateKey{},
PublicKey: &rsa.PublicKey{},
PublicKeyURI: "http://localhost:8080/users/weed_lord420/publickey",
SensitizedAt: time.Time{},
SilencedAt: time.Time{},
SuspendedAt: time.Time{},
@ -314,6 +321,7 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
Language: "en",
URI: "http://localhost:8080/users/admin",
URL: "http://localhost:8080/@admin",
PublicKeyURI: "http://localhost:8080/users/admin/publickey",
LastWebfingeredAt: time.Time{},
InboxURL: "http://localhost:8080/users/admin/inbox",
OutboxURL: "http://localhost:8080/users/admin/outbox",
@ -361,6 +369,7 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
AlsoKnownAs: "",
PrivateKey: &rsa.PrivateKey{},
PublicKey: &rsa.PublicKey{},
PublicKeyURI: "http://localhost:8080/users/the_mighty_zork/publickey",
SensitizedAt: time.Time{},
SilencedAt: time.Time{},
SuspendedAt: time.Time{},
@ -398,6 +407,7 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
AlsoKnownAs: "",
PrivateKey: &rsa.PrivateKey{},
PublicKey: &rsa.PublicKey{},
PublicKeyURI: "http://localhost:8080/users/1happyturtle/publickey",
SensitizedAt: time.Time{},
SilencedAt: time.Time{},
SuspendedAt: time.Time{},
@ -440,8 +450,9 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
FeaturedCollectionURL: "https://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan/collections/featured",
ActorType: gtsmodel.ActivityStreamsPerson,
AlsoKnownAs: "",
PrivateKey: &rsa.PrivateKey{},
PublicKey: nil,
PrivateKey: nil,
PublicKey: &rsa.PublicKey{},
PublicKeyURI: "http://fossbros-anonymous.io/users/foss_satan#publickey",
SensitizedAt: time.Time{},
SilencedAt: time.Time{},
SuspendedAt: time.Time{},
@ -472,10 +483,10 @@ func NewTestAccounts() map[string]*gtsmodel.Account {
pub := &priv.PublicKey
// only local accounts get a private key
if v.Domain == "" {
v.PrivateKey = priv
// normally only local accounts get a private key (obviously)
// but for testing purposes and signing requests, we'll give
// remote accounts a private key as well
v.PrivateKey = priv
v.PublicKey = pub
return accounts
@ -998,8 +1009,17 @@ func NewTestFaves() map[string]*gtsmodel.StatusFave {
type ActivityWithSignature struct {
Activity pub.Activity
SignatureHeader string
DigestHeader string
DateHeader string
// NewTestActivities returns a bunch of pub.Activity types for use in testing the federation protocols.
func NewTestActivities() map[string]pub.Activity {
// A struct of accounts needs to be passed in because the activities will also be bundled along with
// their requesting signatures.
func NewTestActivities(accounts map[string]*gtsmodel.Account) map[string]ActivityWithSignature {
dmForZork := newNote(
@ -1014,12 +1034,63 @@ func NewTestActivities() map[string]pub.Activity {
sig, digest, date := getSignatureForActivity(createDmForZork, accounts["remote_account_1"].PublicKeyURI, accounts["remote_account_1"].PrivateKey, URLMustParse(accounts["local_account_1"].InboxURL))
return map[string]pub.Activity{
"dm_for_zork": createDmForZork,
return map[string]ActivityWithSignature{
"dm_for_zork": {
Activity: createDmForZork,
SignatureHeader: sig,
DigestHeader: digest,
DateHeader: date,
// getSignatureForActivity does some sneaky sneaky work with a mock http client and a test transport controller, in order to derive
// the HTTP Signature for the given activity, public key ID, private key, and destination.
func getSignatureForActivity(activity pub.Activity, pubKeyID string, privkey crypto.PrivateKey, destination *url.URL) (signatureHeader string, digestHeader string, dateHeader string) {
// create a client that basically just pulls the signature out of the request and sets it
client := &mockHTTPClient{
do: func(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
signatureHeader = req.Header.Get("Signature")
digestHeader = req.Header.Get("Digest")
dateHeader = req.Header.Get("Date")
r := ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})) // we only need this so the 'close' func doesn't nil out
return &http.Response{
StatusCode: 200,
Body: r,
}, nil
// use the client to create a new transport
c := NewTestTransportController(client)
tp, err := c.NewTransport(pubKeyID, privkey)
if err != nil {
// convert the activity into json bytes
m, err := activity.Serialize()
if err != nil {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
// trigger the delivery function, which will trigger the 'do' function of the recorder above
if err := tp.Deliver(context.Background(), bytes, destination); err != nil {
// headers should now be populated
// newNote returns a new activity streams note for the given parameters
func newNote(
noteID *url.URL,
noteURL *url.URL,
@ -1071,6 +1142,7 @@ func newNote(
return note
// wrapNoteInCreate wraps the given activity streams note in a Create activity streams action
func wrapNoteInCreate(createID *url.URL, createActor *url.URL, createPublished time.Time, createNote vocab.ActivityStreamsNote) vocab.ActivityStreamsCreate {
// create the.... create
create := streams.NewActivityStreamsCreate()

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@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
@ -36,8 +35,8 @@ import (
// Unlike the other test interfaces provided in this package, you'll probably want to call this function
// PER TEST rather than per suite, so that the do function can be set on a test by test (or even more granular)
// basis.
func NewTestTransportController(db db.DB, client pub.HttpClient) transport.Controller {
return transport.NewController(NewTestConfig(), db, &federation.Clock{}, client, NewTestLog())
func NewTestTransportController(client pub.HttpClient) transport.Controller {
return transport.NewController(NewTestConfig(), &federation.Clock{}, client, NewTestLog())
// NewMockHTTPClient returns a client that conforms to the pub.HttpClient interface,